Video Content by Date

Date: 2020
Title Speaker Date
An invitation to "Entropy in Dimension One" Kathryn Lindsey Oct 26, 2020
Measure rigidity of Cartan actions Kurt Vinhage Oct 19, 2020
Packings of Partial Difference Sets Shuxing Li Oct 14, 2020
A recurrence lemma and its applications and extensions Barak Weiss Oct 12, 2020
Equidistribution of geodesic flow pushes via exponential mixing. Jon Chaika Oct 5, 2020
The Life and Numbers of Richard Guy (1916 – 2020) Hugh Williams Oct 2, 2020 to Oct 3, 2020
Richard Guy and the Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences: A Fifty-Year Friendship Neil J. Sloane Oct 2, 2020
Crossing Numbers of Large Complete Graphs Noam Elkies Oct 2, 2020
The Unity of Combinatorics: Connections and Wonders Bud Brown Oct 2, 2020
Aliquot sequences Carl Pomerance Oct 2, 2020
Unsolved Combinatorial Games Richard K. Guy liked and others he would have liked Richard Nowakowski Oct 2, 2020
The favorite elliptic curve of Richard Jaap Top Oct 2, 2020
The Notorious Collatz conjecture Terence Tao Oct 2, 2020
Conformal field theories and quantum phase transitions: an entanglement perspective William Witczak-Krempa Sep 30, 2020
Weak factorization and transfer systems Kyle Ormsby Sep 27, 2020
Representation stability and configurations of disks in a strip Hannah Alpert Sep 27, 2020
Characterizing handle-ribbon knots Maggie Miller Sep 27, 2020
Symmetric knots and the equivariant 4-ball genus Ahmad Issa Sep 26, 2020
Enumerative geometry via the A^1-degree Sabrina Pauli Sep 26, 2020
Random discrete surfaces Thomas Budzinski Sep 23, 2020
PIMS Summer Public Lecture: John Mighton John Mighton Aug 6, 2020
Mathematical modelling of the emergence and spread of antimalarial drug resistance Jennifer Flegg Jul 29, 2020
Micro-Pharmacology: Recognizing and Overcoming the Tissue Barriers to Drug Delivery Kasia Rejniak Jul 22, 2020
Stationary measure and orbit closure classification for random walks on surfaces Ping Ngai (Brian) Chung Jul 16, 2020
Something's wrong in the (cellular) neighborhood: Mechanisms of epithelial wound detection Shane Hutson Jul 15, 2020
From 1918 to 2020: Analyzing the past and forecasting the Future David Earn, Jonathan Dushoff Jul 8, 2020
Quantitative weak mixing for random substitution tilings Rodrigo Treviño Jul 2, 2020
Unique ergodicity of horocycle flows on compact quotients of SL(2,R) following Coudène Jon Chaika Jun 30, 2020
Geometric Langlands for hypergeometric sheaves Masoud Kamgarpour Jun 26, 2020
On generalized hyperpolygons Laura Schaposnik Jun 26, 2020
Finding mirrors for Fano quiver flag zero loci Elana Kalashnikov Jun 25, 2020 to Jun 26, 2020
Exact Lagrangians in conical symplectic resolutions Filip Zivanovic Jun 25, 2020
Birational geometry of quiver varieties Gwyn Bellamy Jun 25, 2020
Euler numbers of Hilbert schemes of points on simple surface singularities Hiraku Nakajima Jun 25, 2020
Mathematical model, analysis and simulations of the COVID-19 pandemic with variable infection rate: Application to South Korea Meir Shillor Jun 24, 2020
Scenario tree and adaptive decision making on optimal type and timing for intervention and social-economic activity changes MIchael Chen, Kyeongah Nah Jun 24, 2020
Law of mass action and saturation in SIR model with applications to coronavirus Theodore Kolokolnikov Jun 24, 2020
CAIMS - PIMS Coronavirus Modelling Conference - Panel Penelope Morel, Adrianne Jenner, Jane Heffernan, Wei Dai, Rohit Rao Jun 24, 2020
A Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Model of the Immune Response to SARS-COV-2 Wei Dai, Rohit Rao Jun 24, 2020
Models for immune system interaction and evolution Jane Heffernan Jun 24, 2020
Modelling the systemic and tissue-level immune response to SARS-CoV-2 Adrianne Jenner Jun 24, 2020
The immune response to SARS-CoV-2: Friend or Foe? Penelope Morel Jun 24, 2020
Calibration of time varying contact compartmental models of SARS-COVID-19 Mark Lowerison Jun 23, 2020
Modelling future biomedical interventions in the COVID-19 epidemic Simon de Montigny Jun 23, 2020
A branching process with contact tracing Martin Barlow Jun 23, 2020
Specification and the measure of maximal entropy Vaughn Climenhaga Jun 23, 2020
Modelling the impact of asymptomatic individuals Cedric Chauve Jun 23, 2020
A SEIR-like model with a time-dependent contagion factor describes the dynamics of the Covid-19 pandemic Ronald Dickman Jun 23, 2020
Localized outbreaks in S-I-R model with diffusion Chunyi Gai Jun 23, 2020
Modelling evolutionary epidemiology of COVID-19 Sally Otto Jun 23, 2020
In-host Modelling of COVID-19 in Humans Esteban Abelardo Hernandez Vargas Jun 23, 2020
Mechanistic modeling of the SARS-CoV-2 and immune system interplay unravels design principles for diverse clinicopathological outcomes Mohit Kumar Jolly Jun 23, 2020
Flattening the curve and the effect of atypical events on mitigation measures Mario Santana-Cibrian Jun 22, 2020
Implementation of quarantine measures accounting for Covid-19 hospital saturation Mayra Núñez López Jun 22, 2020
Epidemiology CovidSimABM: An Agent-Based Model of Contagion Ernie Chang Jun 22, 2020
The timing and nature of behavioral responses affect the course of an epidemic Rebecca Tyson Jun 22, 2020
Modeling intervention strategies for containing Covid-19 in Nursing homes with digital contact tracing Ilyssa Summer Jun 22, 2020
Not all interventions are equal for the height of the second peak Joost Jorritsma Jun 22, 2020
A simple criterion to design optimal nonpharmaceutical interventions for epidemic outbreaks Marco Tulio Angulo Jun 22, 2020
Impacts on community transmission and disease burden of a clinical prediction tool to prioritize limited COVID testing Jody Reimer Jun 22, 2020
Spatiotemporal Transmission Dynamics of COVID-19 in Spain Ashok Krishnamurthy Jun 22, 2020
Fast spread of SARS-CoV-2 in China, Europe and the US Ruian Ke Jun 22, 2020
Characterizing the spread of COVID-19 in Canada and the USA Dean Karlen Jun 22, 2020
Counting social interactions for discrete subsets of the plane Samantha Fairchild Jun 18, 2020
There exists a weakly mixing billiard in a polygon Jon Chaika Jun 11, 2020
The Mathematics of Life: Making Diffusion Your Friend Jim Keener Jun 10, 2020
The counting formula of Eskin and McMullen Paul Apisa Jun 9, 2020
Arithmetic and geometric properties of planar self-similar sets Pablo Shmerkin Jun 4, 2020
Bohr and Measure Recurrent Sets Nishant Chandgotia Jun 2, 2020
Almost-Prime Times in Horospherical Flows Taylor McAdam May 28, 2020
Multiscale multicellular modeling of tissue function and disease using CompuCell3D James Glazier May 27, 2020
A Bratteli-Vershik model for $\mathbb{Z^2}$ actions, or how cohomology can help us make dynamical systems Ian Putnam May 21, 2020
Binocular Rivalry; Modeling by Network Structure Marty Golubitsky May 20, 2020
Bratteli-Vershik models for Cantor and Borel dynamical systems Shrey Sanadhya May 19, 2020
Gaps of saddle connection directions for some branched covers of tori Anthony Sanchez May 14, 2020
Real-time modelling of the COVID-19 epidemic: perspectives from British Columbia Caroline Colijn, Daniel Coombs May 14, 2020
Veech's Criterion for a process to be prime Jon Chaika May 14, 2020
Factors of Gibbs measures on subshifts (2 of 2) Sophie MacDonald May 7, 2020
Factors of Gibbs measures on subshifts (1 of 2) Sophie MacDonald May 7, 2020
What is epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity and why is it important for metastasis? Herbert Levine May 6, 2020
Rigidity of Geodesic Planes in Hyberbolic Manifolds Osama Khalil May 5, 2020
Quantum Unique Ergodicity Lior Silberman Apr 30, 2020
An introduction to naive entropy Dominik Kwietniak Apr 28, 2020
Effective Equidistribution of Horospherical Flows in Infinite Volume Nattalie Tamam Apr 23, 2020
Modeling strict age-targeted mitigation strategies for COVID-19 Wesley Pegden Apr 22, 2020
Caroline Series' The modular surface and continued fractions Claire Merriman Apr 21, 2020
Boshernitzan's criterion for unique ergodicity Jon Chiaka Apr 14, 2020
Multiple fission cycles in Chlamydomonas John Tyson Apr 8, 2020
In Progress COVID-19 modelling Alastair Jamieson-Lane Mar 25, 2020
Computational properties of network dynamical systems Peter Ashwin Mar 11, 2020 to Mar 12, 2020
From portfolio theory to optimal transport and Schrodinger bridge in-between Soumik Pal Feb 7, 2020 to Feb 8, 2020
Explicit results about primes in Chebotarev's density theorem Habiba Kadiri Jan 27, 2020 to Jan 28, 2020
Regular Representations of Groups Joy Morris Jan 20, 2020 to Jan 21, 2020
Date: 2019
Title Speaker Date
Variation in the descent of genome: modeling and inference Elizabeth Thompson Nov 21, 2019
Scalable approximation of integrals using non-reversible methods: from Riemann to Lebesgue, and why you should care Alexandre Bouchard Côté Nov 15, 2019 to Nov 16, 2019
Surjectivity of random integral matrices on integral vectors Melanie Matchett Wood Nov 8, 2019 to Nov 9, 2019
If Space Turned out to be Time: Resonances and Patterns in the Visual Cortex Bard Ermentrout Oct 9, 2019 to Oct 10, 2019
An Application of Homotopy Theory to Condensed Matter Physics Daniel Freed Sep 16, 2019 to Sep 17, 2019
DINOSAUR WARS: Extinction by Asteroid or Volcanism? Are we the Dinosaurs of the 6th Mass Extinction? Gerta Keller Jul 25, 2019
Mathematical ecology: A century of progress, and challenges for the next century Simon Levin Jun 15, 2019
