Video Content by Date

Date: 2014
Title Speaker Date
Math Modeling in Indudustry Team 4 Dimitar Trenev Aug 5, 2014
Math Modeling in Indudustry Team 6 Albert Gilg Aug 5, 2014
Math Modeling in Indudustry Team 7 Tom Hogan Aug 5, 2014
Channels of Contagion in Financial Systems 3 Rama Cont Jul 25, 2014
Risk Sharing in Over the Counter Markets 3 Darrel Duffie Jul 25, 2014
Economies with Financial Frictions: A Continuous Time Approach 3 Yuliy Sannikov Jul 25, 2014
Channels of Contagion in Financial Systems Rama Cont Jul 24, 2014
Channels of Contagion in Financial Systems 2 Rama Cont Jul 24, 2014
Economies with Financial Frictions: A Continuous Time Approach 2 Yuliy Sannikov Jul 24, 2014
Risk Sharing in Over-the-Counter Markets 1 Darrel Duffie Jul 23, 2014
Risk Sharing in Over the Counter Markets 2 Darrel Duffie Jul 23, 2014
Financial Stability 3 Jean-Charles Rochet Jul 23, 2014
Contingent Capital and FInancial Networks 2 Paul Glasserman Jul 23, 2014
Economies with Financial Frictions: A Continuous Time Approach Yuliy Sannikov Jul 23, 2014
Diffusion Models for Systemic Risk 2 Jean-Pierre Fouque Jul 22, 2014
Diffusion Models for Systemic Risk 3 Jean-Pierre Fouque Jul 22, 2014
Contingent Capital and FInancial Networks 2 Paul Glasserman Jul 22, 2014 to Jul 23, 2014
Financial Stability 2 Jean-Charles Rochet Jul 22, 2014
Diffusion Models for Systemic Risk 1 Jean-Pierre Fouque Jul 21, 2014
Contingent Capital and Financial Networks 1 Paul Glasserman Jul 21, 2014
Financial Stability 1 Jean-Charles Rochet Jul 21, 2014
From the Adinkras of Supersymmetry to the Music of Arnold Schoenberg Jim Gates May 29, 2014
Undecidability in Number Theory Bjorn Poonen May 26, 2014
The Lasso: A Brief Review and a New Significance Test Rob Tibshirani Apr 10, 2014
General Relativity, Differential Geometry and Differential Equations; Stories From a Successful Menage-a-trois Niky Kamran Apr 7, 2014
The Emerging Roles and Computational Challenges of Stochasticity in Biological Systems Linda Petzold Mar 28, 2014
Oceans and Multiplicative Ergodic Theorems Anthony Quas Mar 25, 2014
Finite Simple Groups and Applications Robert Guralnick Mar 14, 2014
Sparse - Dense Phenomena Jaroslav Nesetril Feb 28, 2014
Test HTML5 Ian Allison Jan 31, 2014
Date: 2013
Title Speaker Date
Sparse Linear Models Trevor Hastie Sep 17, 2013
Search games and Optimal Kakeya Sets Yuval Peres Sep 6, 2013
Mathematics and the Planet Earth: a Long Life Together II Ivar Ekeland Jul 17, 2013
Mathematics and the Planet Earth: a Long Life Together I Ivar Ekeland Jul 15, 2013
Non Classical Flag Domains and Spencer Resolutions Phillip Griffiths Jun 19, 2013
Fluids and optimal transport: from Euler to Kantorovich Yann Brenier May 27, 2013
Strong Oracle Optimality of Folded Concave Penalized Estimation Jianqing Fan May 23, 2013
Emerging Aboriginal Scholars Debra Martel May 22, 2013
Visualising data with ggplot2 Hadley Wickham May 10, 2013
The Work of Misha Gromov, a Truly Original Thinker Jean-Pierre Bourguignon Apr 5, 2013
A short elementary survey of Symplectic Topology François Lalonde Apr 4, 2013
The power and weakness of randomness (when you are short on time) Avi Wigderson Mar 8, 2013
Indigenous Knowledge in STEM Education Ron Eglash Mar 8, 2013
Cryptography: Secrets and Lies, Knowledge and Trust Avi Wigderson Mar 7, 2013
Epidemiologic methods are useless. They can only give you answers Miguel Hernán Mar 1, 2013
Recent Results on Bootstrap Percolation Béla Bollobás Feb 15, 2013 to Feb 16, 2013
Using epidemiological data to understand within-host parasite dynamics of malaria infection Miles Davenport Jan 19, 2013
Combatting Neglected Disease Leishmaniasis in India: Identifying True Burden & Designing Efficient Control Policy Anuj Mubayi Jan 19, 2013
Public Health Decision-Making in Global HIV/STIs David Wilson Jan 18, 2013 to Jan 19, 2013
Stochastic modeling insights into early HIV infection Jessica Conway Jan 18, 2013
CD8+ T cell-mediated killing of infected cells Libin Rong Jan 18, 2013
Modeling mass vaccination and other interventions: An individual-based approach Dennis Chao Jan 18, 2013
A cross-scale approach to determining measures of vaccine efficacy Rustum Antia Jan 18, 2013
A Computational Mathematician Combusts Margot Gerritsen Jan 18, 2013
Vaccination Against Genital Herpes Jane Heffernan Jan 18, 2013
Rapid Localized Spread and Immunologic Containment Defines Herpes Simplex Virus-2 Reactivation in the Human Genital Trac Joshua Schiffer Jan 18, 2013
Multiscale Modeling of Hepatitis C Virus Infection Alan Perelson Jan 17, 2013
The effect of vaccination on influenza’s rate of antigenic drift Katia Koelle Jan 17, 2013
Optimizing Influenza Vaccine Allocation Jan Medlock Jan 17, 2013
Mathematical Modeling: The View from Public Health Practice David Patrick Jan 17, 2013
How Does Google Google? The Math Behind the Internet Margot Gerritsen Jan 17, 2013
How Does Google Google? Margot Gerritsen Jan 17, 2013
Pumps, Maps and Pea Soup: Spatio-temporal methods in environmental epidemiology Gavin Shaddick Jan 4, 2013
Date: 2012
Title Speaker Date
Math Mania at the Middle School St Michaels University School Dec 7, 2012
Turing and Intelligent Machines Nicole Wyatt Dec 4, 2012
Alan Turing, the Politics of Sexual Science, and the Making of a Gay Icon Chris Waters Nov 6, 2012
Point Process Methods for Crime Hotspots George Mohler Nov 2, 2012
Numbers and Shapes Henri Darmon Nov 1, 2012
Iwahori-Hecke algebras are Gorenstein (part II) Peter Schneider Oct 23, 2012 to Oct 24, 2012
Iwahori-Hecke algebras are Gorenstein (part I) Peter Schneider Oct 17, 2012 to Oct 18, 2012
Alan Turing and the Patterns of Life Przemysław Prusinkiewicz Oct 9, 2012 to Oct 10, 2012
Mathematics of Doodling Ravi Vakil Oct 2, 2012 to Oct 3, 2012
Quadratic forms and finite groups Eva Bayer Sep 28, 2012
On the Sylvester-Gallai Theorem Ben Green Sep 26, 2012
Multisector matching with cognitive and social skills: a stylized model for education, work and marriage Robert McCann Sep 25, 2012
Crime hot-spots with or without Levi Flights Theodore Kolokolnikov Sep 21, 2012
Security and Game Theory: Key Algorithmic Principles, Deployed Applications, Lessons Learned Milind Tambe Sep 20, 2012
Predicting Criminal Incidents Using Geographic, Demographic, and Twitter-derived Information Donald E. Brown Sep 20, 2012
Population dynamics and cellular automata for the description of criminality M. Primicerio Sep 20, 2012
Quasilinear systems and residential burglary Raul Manasevich Sep 20, 2012
The Shape of Data Gunnar Carlsson Sep 19, 2012
The Causes of Crime and the Practical Limits of Crime Control Jeff Brantingham Sep 19, 2012
Mathematics of Crime Andrea L. Bertozzi Sep 19, 2012
The Stability of Steady-State Hot-Spot Patterns for Reaction-Diffusion Models of Urban Crime Michael Ward Sep 19, 2012
Quasilinear systems and residential burglary Raul Manasevich Sep 19, 2012
Optimal transportation with capacity constraints Robert McCann Aug 22, 2012 to Aug 23, 2012
A glimpse into the differential geometry and topology of optimal transportation Robert McCann Aug 20, 2012 to Aug 21, 2012
An Octahedral Gem Hidden in Newton's Three Body Problem (2012 Marsden Memorial Lecture) Richard Montgomery Jul 25, 2012
The critical points of lattice trees and lattice animals in high dimensions Yuri Mejia Jun 29, 2012
Interacting Particle Systems 16 Omer Angel Jun 29, 2012
Random Maps 16 Gregory Miermont Jun 29, 2012
Correlation functions in the 2D Ising model via signed loops and paths Marcin Lis Jun 28, 2012
Random Maps 15 Gregory Miermont Jun 28, 2012
Interacting Particle Systems 15 Omer Angel Jun 28, 2012
Random Maps 14 Gregory Miermont Jun 26, 2012
Interacting Particle Systems 14 Omer Angel Jun 26, 2012
Sharp Benefit-to-Cost Rules for the Evolution of Cooperation on Regular Graphs Yu-ting Chen Jun 25, 2012
Laplacians and connections Rick Kenyon Jun 25, 2012
Interacting Particle Systems 13 Omer Angel Jun 25, 2012
Random Maps 13 Gregory Miermont Jun 25, 2012
