Video Content by Date

Date: 2021
Title Speaker Date
Single-molecule insights for DNA/RNA/protein interactions and drug discovery and development: the next level of resolution, for the next era of genetic medicines Sabrina Leslie Nov 3, 2021
Differential Equations and Algebraic Geometry - 3 Adrian Clingher Nov 3, 2021
Differential Equations and Algebraic Geometry - 2 Hossein Movasati Oct 30, 2021
Mitigating Epidemics: Perspectives from Stackelberg Mean Field Games and Graphon Games Mathieu Lauriere Oct 29, 2021
On nonlocal interactions in mean field games - Part 1 Levon Nurbekyan Oct 29, 2021
On nonlocal interactions in mean field games - Part 2 Levon Nurbekyan Oct 29, 2021
A case study on stochastic games on large graphs in mean field and sparse regimes Agathe Soret Oct 29, 2021
Graphon spectral decompositions for LQG control and games Shuang Gao Oct 29, 2021
Featured Graphons with Applications to SIR Models Alex Dunyak Oct 29, 2021
Mean-Field Game for Collective Decision-Making in Honeybees via Switched Systems Dario Bauso Oct 29, 2021
On Critical nodes for Linear Quadratic Gaussian Graphon Mean Field Games Rinel Foguen Tchuendom Oct 28, 2021
Gradient estimate of HJB and its applications in Graphon Mean Field Game Qingshuo Song Oct 28, 2021
Graphon Mean Field Games and the GMFG Equations Peter Caines Oct 28, 2021
Graphon games within the framework of Fubini extensions René Carmona Oct 28, 2021
Learning to control networked-coupled subsystems with unknown dynamics Aditya Mahajan Oct 28, 2021
Weak solutions to the master equation of a potential mean field game François Delarue Oct 28, 2021
Understanding data and agents' interaction patterns in large networks using GNNs Joao Saude Oct 27, 2021
Two-stage enrichment clinical trial design with adjustment for misclassification in predictive biomarkers Yong Lin Oct 27, 2021
Linear quadratic evacuation mean-field game models with negative definite state cost matrices Roland Malhamé Oct 27, 2021
Solving dynamic user equilibrium by mean field routing game with explicit congestion dynamics Theophile Cabannes Oct 27, 2021
Differential Equations and Algebraic Geometry - 1 Hossein Movasati Oct 27, 2021
Quantum Operations as Resources Thomas Theurer Oct 27, 2021
Networked Mean Field Games with Elements of Robustness and Learning Tamer Başar Oct 27, 2021
Local dynamics for large sparse networks of interacting diffusions Daniel Lacker Oct 26, 2021
Long time limits and concentration bounds for graphon mean field systems Ruoyu Wu Oct 26, 2021
Describing interacting particle systems via partial differential equations and graphons Fabio Coppini Oct 26, 2021
Graphon mean field systems: large population and long time limits Erhan Bayraktar Oct 26, 2021
Epidemic Model-Based Benchmark for Optimal Control on Networks Yaroslav V. Salii Oct 26, 2021
Controlling Human Microbiota Yang-Yu Liu Oct 26, 2021
2021 PIMS-UBC Math Job Forum for Postdoctoral Fellows & Graduate Students Moderator: Stephanie van Willigenburg Oct 22, 2021
Conditional Sampling with Block-Triangular Transport Maps Bamdad Hosseini Oct 21, 2021
The Connection Between RDEs and PDEs Louigi Addario-Berry Oct 14, 2021
Programmable Human Organoids via Genetic Design and Engineering Mo Ebrahimkhani Oct 13, 2021
Variational Autoencoders: an introduction to new applications and a new regularization approach Cedric Beaulac Oct 13, 2021
High-Order Accuracy Computation of Coupling Functions for Strongly Coupled Oscillators Youngmin Park Oct 13, 2021
Footnotes to Turing (1952): Some Modern Challenges in Pattern Formation Andrew Krause Oct 6, 2021
Optimal Study Design for Reducing Variances of Coefficient Estimators in Change-Point Models Li Xing Oct 6, 2021
Finite sample rates for optimal transport estimation problems Jan-Christian Hütter Sep 30, 2021
Topological Data Analysis of Collective Behavior Dhananjay Bhaskar Sep 29, 2021
Unsolved Problems in Number Theory Ben Green Sep 29, 2021
Using Observations to Accurately and Efficiently Model Turbulent Flows: Parameter Recovery, Sensitivity Analysis, Nonlinear Data Assimilation Algorithms, and a Real-World Implementation. Elizabeth Carlson Sep 29, 2021
Isomorphic reverse isoperimetry and Lipschitz extension Assaf Naor Sep 23, 2021
A reproducing kernel Hilbert space framework for functional classification Peijun Sang Sep 22, 2021
Large Systems of Interacting Particles and their Applications in Optimization Hui Huang Sep 15, 2021
Branes, Quivers, and BPS Algebras 4 of 4 Miroslav Rapčák Aug 26, 2021
Geometry of N=2 Supersymmetry 4 of 4 Andy Neitzke Aug 26, 2021
Derived Geometry in Twists of Gauge Theories 4 of 4 Tudor Dimofte Aug 26, 2021
Elliptic Fibrations and Singularities to Anomalies and Spectra 4 of 4 Monica Jinwoo Kang Aug 26, 2021
Branes, Quivers, and BPS Algebras 3 of 4 Miroslav Rapčák Aug 25, 2021
Geometry of N=2 Supersymmetry 3 of 4 Andy Neitzke Aug 25, 2021
Derived Geometry in Twists of Gauge Theories 3 of 4 Tudor Dimofte Aug 25, 2021
Elliptic Fibrations and Singularities to Anomalies and Spectra 3 of 4 Monica Jinwoo Kang Aug 25, 2021
Branes, Quivers, and BPS Algebras 2 of 4 Miroslav Rapčák Aug 24, 2021
Geometry of N=2 Supersymmetry 2 of 4 Andy Neitzke Aug 24, 2021
Derived Geometry in Twists of Gauge Theories 2 of 4 Tudor Dimofte Aug 24, 2021
Elliptic Fibrations and Singularities to Anomalies and Spectra 2 of 4 Monica Jinwoo Kang Aug 24, 2021
Branes, Quivers, and BPS Algebras 1 of 4 Miroslav Rapčák Aug 23, 2021
Geometry of N=2 Supersymmetry 1 of 4 Andy Neitzke Aug 23, 2021
Derived Geometry in Twists of Gauge Theories 1 of 4 Tudor Dimofte Aug 23, 2021
Elliptic Fibrations and Singularities to Anomalies and Spectra 1 of 4 Monica Jinwoo Kang Aug 23, 2021
Theory of rational curves and its arithmetic applications: Lecture 3 Brian Lehmann Aug 4, 2021
Nutations in Growing Plant Shoots: Endogenous and Exogenous Factors in the Presence of Elastic Deformations Daniele Agostinelli Aug 4, 2021
Brauer classes in moduli problems and arithmetic: Lecture 3 Nicolas Addington Aug 4, 2021
Theory of rational curves and its arithmetic applications: Lecture 2 Brian Lehmann Aug 3, 2021
Brauer classes in moduli problems and arithmetic: Lecture 2 Sara Frei Aug 3, 2021
Theory of rational curves and its arithmetic applications: Lecture 1 Brian Lehmann Aug 2, 2021
Brauer classes in moduli problems and arithmetic: Lecture 1 Nicholas Addington, Sara Frei Aug 2, 2021
Environmental Escape from the Prisoner's Dilemma Jaye Sudweeks Jul 28, 2021
Random walks on Gromov hyperbolic spaes and Teichmüller spaces. Pacific Dynamics Seminar Inhyeok Choi Jul 22, 2021
Dynamic Self Organization and Microscale Fluid Properties of Nucleoplasm Jay Newby Jul 21, 2021
Epidemic arrivals and Antibiotic Calenders Alastair Jamieson-Lane Jul 7, 2021
Dynamical inference for biological processes through the lens of optimal transport Stephen Zhang Jun 30, 2021
Sialic Acids in Membrane Organization and Receptor Function: Integrins and CD22 Christopher Cairo Jun 28, 2021 to Jun 29, 2021
Nutations in Growing Plant Shoots: Endogenous and Exogenous Factors in the Presence of Elastic Deformations Daniele Agostinelli Jun 28, 2021 to Jun 29, 2021
Misfolding-Associated Exposure of Natively Buried Residues in Mutant SOD1 Facilitates Binding to TRAF6 Pranav garg Jun 28, 2021 to Jun 29, 2021
Cytoplasmic Streaming and the Swirling Instability of the Microtubule Cytoskeleton Raymond Goldstein Jun 28, 2021 to Jun 29, 2021
Epitope Scaffolding using Alpha-synuclein Cyclic Peptides to Generate Oligomer-selective Antibodies for Parkinson's Disease Shaen Hsueh Jun 28, 2021 to Jun 29, 2021
Effect of External Flows on Sperm Flagellar Dynamics Manish Kumar Jun 28, 2021 to Jun 29, 2021
Scaling Laws and Performance Trade-offs for Collective Transport Matthew Leighton Jun 28, 2021 to Jun 29, 2021
Information Thermodynamics of the Transition-Path Ensemble Miranda Louwerse Jun 28, 2021 to Jun 29, 2021
Fractional T1 Relaxation from Magnetization Transfer in Wood: Applications to Brain MRI? Luke Reynolds Jun 28, 2021 to Jun 29, 2021
Systematic Differences between Current Molecular Dynamics Force Fields to Represent Local Properties of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Lei Yu Jun 28, 2021 to Jun 29, 2021
PIMS EDI Panel: Effective Allyship in STEM Sophie MacDonald,, Shirou Wang, Bobby Wilson, Douglas Farenick, Greg Martin Jun 16, 2021
Connes fusion of the free fermions on the circle Peter Kristel Jun 11, 2021
SU(2) hadrons on a quantum computer Jinglei Zhang Jun 11, 2021
Quantum applications of harmonic analysis on the group of positive rationals Artur Sowa Jun 11, 2021
Secure Software Leasing Without Assumptions Sébastien Lord Jun 11, 2021
A hidden variable model for universal quantum computation with magic states on qubits Cihan Okay Jun 11, 2021
Entanglement of Free Fermions on Graphs Luc Vinet Jun 11, 2021
Topological superconductivity in quasicrystals Kaori Tanaka Jun 11, 2021
Anomalies in (2+1)D fermionic topological phases and (3+1)D state sums for fermionic SPTs Maissam Barkeshli Jun 9, 2021
Fractionalization and anomaly in symmetry-enriched topological phases Meng Cheng Jun 9, 2021
Classification of topological orders Theo Johnson-Freyd Jun 9, 2021
Hyperbolic band theory Joseph Maciejko Jun 9, 2021
The impact of social, economic, environmental factors and public health measures on the dynamics of COVID-19 Jude Kong Jun 2, 2021
The extremal length systole of the Bolza surface Didac Martinez Granado May 27, 2021
The Manhattan Curve and Rough Similarity Rigidity Ryokichi Tanaka May 20, 2021
Stochastic Organization in the Mitotic Spindle Christopher Miles May 19, 2021
Data accuracy for risk management in changing climate Chandra Rujalapati May 19, 2021
Changing the Culture Panel Discussion: How has Coronavirus changed the teaching of Mathematics? Kseniya Garaschuk, Dan Laitsch, Cameron Morland, Rob Lovell May 14, 2021
