Video Content by Date

Date: 2012
Title Speaker Date
Invariant Matching Alexander Holroyd Jun 22, 2012
Interacting Particle Systems 12 Omer Angel Jun 22, 2012
Random Maps 12 Gregory Miermont Jun 22, 2012
Cover times for sequences of random walks on random graphs Yoshihiro Abe Jun 21, 2012
Lebesgue approximation of $(2,\beta)$-superprocesses Xin He Jun 21, 2012
Monotonic IDLA forest and First Passage Percolation Jacob Kagan Jun 21, 2012
Interacting Particle Systems 11 Omer Angel Jun 21, 2012
Random Maps 11 Gregory Miermont Jun 21, 2012
Density of states for alpha-stable processes Dorota Kowalska Jun 20, 2012
Fluctuations study for type-dependent stochastic spin models Manuel González Navarrete Jun 19, 2012
Cesaro limit and ergodicity of locally eventually periodic measures Felipe Garcia-ramos Jun 19, 2012
Interacting Particle Systems 7 Omer Angel Jun 19, 2012
Interacting Particle Systems 10 Omer Angel Jun 19, 2012
Random Maps 10 Gregory Miermont Jun 19, 2012
A model of migration under constraint Raoul Normand Jun 18, 2012
Multi-dimensional Brownian Motion with Darning Shuwen Lou Jun 18, 2012
Stochastic Equations of Super-L\'{e}vy Process with General Branching Mechanism Xu Yang Jun 18, 2012
Interacting Particle Systems 9 Omer Angel Jun 18, 2012
Random Maps 9 Gregory Miermont Jun 18, 2012
Random Maps 8 Gregory Miermont Jun 15, 2012
Interacting Particle Systems 8 Omer Angel Jun 15, 2012
Limit theorems for conditioned non-generic Galton-Watson trees Igor Kortchemski Jun 14, 2012
Random Maps 7 Gregory Miermont Jun 14, 2012
Finite range decomposition of Gaussian fields Roland Bauerschmidt Jun 12, 2012
Local relaxation for FA-1f out of equilibrium Oriane Blondel Jun 12, 2012
Random Maps 6 Gregory Miermont Jun 12, 2012
Interacting Particle Systems 6 Omer Angel Jun 12, 2012
Random Maps 4 Gregory Miermont Jun 12, 2012
On Pólya Urn Schemes with Infinitely Many Colors. Debleena Thacker Jun 11, 2012
Longest convex chains Gergely Ambrus Jun 11, 2012
Distributional fixed points and attractors in queueing theory. Sergio Ivan Lopez Ortega Jun 11, 2012
Interacting Particle Systems 5 Omer Angel Jun 11, 2012
Random Maps 5 Gregory Miermont Jun 11, 2012
Integral representations for the self-avoiding walk Gordon Slade Jun 8, 2012
Interacting Particle Systems 4 Omer Angel Jun 8, 2012
Seed bank models with long range dependence Adrian Gonzalez-Casanova Jun 7, 2012
Hydrodynamic limits for a reaction diffusion system Wai Fan Jun 7, 2012
Interacting Particle Systems 3 Omer Angel Jun 7, 2012
Random Maps 3 Gregory Miermont Jun 7, 2012
Volume growth and random walks on graphs Matthew Folz Jun 5, 2012
Algebraic recurrence of random walks on groups Hilary Finucane Jun 5, 2012
Cut points for simple random walks Daisuke Shiraishi Jun 5, 2012
Interacting Particle Systems 2 Omer Angel Jun 5, 2012
Random Maps 2 Gregory Miermont Jun 5, 2012
Balanced self-interacting random walks Yuval Peres Jun 4, 2012
Interacting Particle Systems 1 Omer Angel Jun 4, 2012
Random Maps 1 Gregory Miermont Jun 4, 2012 to Jun 5, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Student Lecture 4 Laura Liao May 30, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Student Lecture 3 Meghan Dutot May 30, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Student Lecture 6 Tenghu Wu May 30, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Student Lecture 7 Jia Guo May 30, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Student Lecture 9 Brendan Thrasher May 30, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Student Lecture 10 Amanda Swan May 30, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Student Lecture 2 Rebecca Hiller May 30, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Student Lecture 5 May Ann Mata May 30, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Student Lecture 8 Naghmeh Rezal May 30, 2012
From Computer Graphics to Computational Biology Francois Faure May 29, 2012
Second Bounded Cohomology Mladen Bestvina May 28, 2012
Asymptotic dimension Mladen Bestvina May 28, 2012
Mechanical Simulations of Cell Motility Leah Edelstein-Keshet May 25, 2012
On growth and form: geometry, physics and biology Lakshminarayanan Mahadevan May 24, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 36 Dimitrios Vavylonis May 24, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 35 Dimitrios Vavylonis May 24, 2012
Cell Polarity Models & Simulating Cell Motility Using the Cellular Potts Model (CPM) Leah Edelstein-Keshet May 23, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 33 Dimitrios Vavylonis May 23, 2012
Models for Cell Shape and Actin Filament Distributions Leah Edelstein-Keshet May 22, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 31 Dimitrios Vavylonis May 22, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 29 William Holmes May 18, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Student Lecture 11 Hildur Knutsdottir May 18, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 28 Raibatak (Dodo) Das May 18, 2012
Self Organization in Cells - How to Use Proteins to Solve a Geometry Problem Eric Cytrynbaum May 17, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 27 William Holmes May 17, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 26 William Holmes May 16, 2012
Diffusion, Reaction, and Biological pattern formation (continued 3 of 3) Leah Edelstein-Keshet May 16, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 24 Raibatak (Dodo) Das May 16, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 23 William Holmes May 15, 2012
Diffusion, Reaction, and Biological pattern formation (continued 2 of 3) Leah Edelstein-Keshet May 15, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 21 Raibatak (Dodo) Das May 15, 2012
Diffusion, Reaction, and Biological pattern formation Leah Edelstein-Keshet May 14, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 19 Raibatak (Dodo) Das May 14, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 16 Leah Edelstein-Keshet May 11, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 18 Leah Edelstein-Keshet May 11, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 17 Jun Allard May 11, 2012
Models of T cell activation based on TCR-pMHC bond kinetics Daniel Coombs May 10, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 15 Jun Allard May 10, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 13 Jun Allard May 9, 2012
Microtubules, - polymer size distribution - and other balance equation models Leah Edelstein-Keshet May 9, 2012
Polymer Size Distributions (continued) Leah Edelstein-Keshet May 9, 2012
Introduction to polymerization kinetics Leah Edelstein-Keshet May 8, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 12 Jun Allard May 8, 2012
An Excitable Contractile Cell Leah Edelstein-Keshet May 7, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 9 Jun Allard May 7, 2012
Small GTPases and cell polarization Leah Edelstein-Keshet May 4, 2012
Pattern Formation of Proteins on the Surface of a Biological Cell Cory Simon May 4, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 7 Raibatak (Dodo) Das May 4, 2012
A Particle Based Model for Healthy and Malaria Infected Red Blood Cells James J. Feng May 3, 2012
Switches, Oscillators (and the Cell Cycle) Leah Edelstein-Keshet May 3, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 5 Raibatak (Dodo) Das May 3, 2012
Simple biochemical motifs (1, 2, & 3) Leah Edelstein-Keshet May 2, 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 3 Raibatak (Dodo) Das May 2, 2012
