Video Content by Date

Date: 2024
Title Speaker Date
Fourier optimization and the least quadratic non-residue Emily Quesada-Herrera Jan 29, 2024
Sums of proper divisors with missing digits Kübra Benli Jan 25, 2024
Projective Planes and Hadamard Matrices Hadi Kharaghani Jan 24, 2024
Introduction to agent-based evolutionary game theory Luis R. Izquierdo Jan 24, 2024
Mean values of long Dirichlet polynomials Winston Heap Jan 22, 2024
Equidistribution of some families of short exponential sums Théo Untrau Jan 18, 2024
Explicit bounds for $\zeta$ and a new zero free region Chiara Bellotti Jan 16, 2024
Phase dynamics of cyclic reptilian tooth replacement Laurent MacKay Jan 10, 2024
Date: 2023
Title Speaker Date
Examples of well-behaved Beurling number systems Frederik Broucke Dec 7, 2023
Mixing times and representation theory. Lucas Teyssier, UBC Dec 6, 2023
Möbius function, an identity factory with applications Sebastian Zuniga Alterman Dec 4, 2023
Local to global principle for higher moments of the natural density Severin Schraven Nov 30, 2023
Unbalanced Optimal Transport: Convex Relaxation and Dynamic Perspectives Giuseppe Savare Nov 30, 2023
Self-organization and pattern selection in run-and-tumble processes Arnd Scheel Nov 29, 2023
Spaces of geodesic triangulations of surfaces Yanwen Luo, SFU Nov 29, 2023
The size function for imaginary cyclic sextic fields Ha Tran Nov 28, 2023
Twisted moments of characteristic polynomials of random matrices Siegfred Baluyot Nov 27, 2023
Sofic groups are surjunctive Keivan Mallahi-Karai, Constructor University Nov 27, 2023
A simple stochastic model for cell population dynamics in colonic crypts Konstantinos Mamis Nov 22, 2023
Around Artin's primitive root conjecture Paul Péringuey, UBC Nov 22, 2023
A survey of Büthe's method for estimating prime counting functions Sreerupa Bhattacharjee Nov 21, 2023
Characteristic polynomials, the Hybrid model, and the Ratios Conjecture Andrew Pearce-Crump Nov 20, 2023
SALSA, PICANTE y VERDE: Machine Learning attacks on LWE with small sparse secrets Kristin Lauter, META Nov 16, 2023
Water Waves: Instabilities of Stokes Waves Anastassiya Semenova, UWashington Nov 8, 2023
Some Pólya Fields of Small Degrees Abbas Maarefparvar Nov 7, 2023
The eighth moment of $\Gamma_1(q)$ L-functions Vorrapan Chandee Nov 6, 2023
Statistics of the Mulitiplicative Groups Greg Martin Nov 2, 2023
Mathematical Biomedicine: Examples Avner Friedman Nov 1, 2023
Easy detection of (Di)Graphical Regular Representations Joy Morris Oct 31, 2023
On the Hardy Littlewood 3-tuple prime conjecture and convolutions of Ramanujan sums Shivani Goel Oct 30, 2023
On Arnoux's coding of the geodesic flow on the modular surface. Thomas A. Schmidt, Oregon State University Oct 25, 2023
On the eigenvalues of the graphs D(5,q) Himanshu Gupta, URegina Oct 25, 2023
Topology and Azumaya algebras Ben Williams, UBC Oct 20, 2023
On sums of coefficients of polynomials related to the Borwein conjectures Venkata Raghu Tej Pantangi Oct 19, 2023
Surface sums and Yang-Mills gauge theory Scott Sheffield, MIT Oct 19, 2023
A journey in the use of mathematical models to gain insight into ecological and sociological phenomena Nancy Rodriguez Oct 18, 2023
A Weyl-type inequality for irreducible elements in function fields, with applications Zenchao Ge Oct 17, 2023
Conditional estimates for logarithms and logarithmic derivatives in the Selberg class Neea Palojärvi Oct 16, 2023
Basic reductions of abelian varieties Wanlin Li Oct 12, 2023
Shifted divergences for sampling, privacy, and beyond Jason Altschuler Oct 12, 2023
Perceptual Learning in Olfaction: Flexibility, Stability, and Cortical Control Hermann Riecke Oct 11, 2023
Bounds on the Number of Solutions to Thue Equations Gregory Knapp, UCalgary Oct 11, 2023
Counting Permutation Groups Colva Roney-Dougal, University of St Andrews Oct 6, 2023
On some explicit results for the sum of unitary divisor function Elchin Hasanalizade Oct 5, 2023
An explicit estimate on the mean value of the error in the prime number theorem in intervals Michaela Cully-Hugill Oct 3, 2023
Understanding adversarial robustness via optimal transport. Jakwang Kim Sep 28, 2023
What conifer trees can show us about how organs are positioned in developing organisms David Holloway Sep 27, 2023
Understanding adversarial robustness via optimal transport perspective. Jakwang Kim, UBC Sep 27, 2023
Quantitative estimates for the size of an intersection of sparse automatic sets Sedanur Albayrak Sep 26, 2023
Sign changes of the error term in the Piltz divisor problem Cruz Castillo Sep 25, 2023
Transcendence of period integrals over function fields Jacob Tsimerman, UToronto Sep 22, 2023
Understanding arithmetic and geometry through cutting and pasting Ravi Vakil Sep 21, 2023
Turing Patterns on Growing Domains Irving Epstein Sep 20, 2023
Vertex-transitive graphs with large automorphism groups Gabriel Verret Sep 19, 2023
Machine Learning for Functional Data Jiguo Cao, SFU Sep 15, 2023
Existence, Stability and Slow Dynamics of Spikes in a 1D Minimal Keller–Segel Model with Logistic Growth Fanze Kong Sep 13, 2023
Free boundary problems in optimal transportation Jiakun Liu Aug 8, 2023
A Nonsmooth Approach to Einstein's Theory of Gravity Robert McCann Aug 1, 2023
The Canadian regional climate model Carsten Abraham Jul 28, 2023
Operational Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) of Hub-height Winds for Mountainous British Columbia Roland Stull Jul 28, 2023
Simulating Long-Distance Wind Farm Wake Propagation Using Numerical Weather Prediction Models Mike Optis Jul 28, 2023
Turbulence, wakes and wind farm control Dennice Gayme Jul 28, 2023
PIMS/FACTS Panel: Tackling Climate Change and the Just Transition to Renewable Energy Réne Aïd, Gaël Giraud, Seth Klein, Judith Sayers, Andrew Weaver Jul 27, 2023
Privilege, agency, and the climate scientist’s role in the global warming debate Andrew Weaver Jul 27, 2023
First Nation Leadership in Clean Energy and Climate Action Judith Sayers Jul 27, 2023
Macroeconomics and Climate Gaël Giraud Jul 27, 2023
Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency Seth Klein Jul 27, 2023
More electricity demand response for less carbon emissions René Aïd Jul 27, 2023
Equilibrium price in intraday electricity markets Huyên Pham Jul 27, 2023
A Principal-Agent model for optimal Incentives in renewable investments René Aïd Jul 27, 2023
Renewable Energy Supply, Electricity Storage, and the Economics of Forecasting Werner Antweiler Jul 26, 2023
Short-term wind forecasting using spatio-temporal covariance models Tianxia (Tylar) Jia Jul 26, 2023
Offshore wind forecasting and operations for the offshore wind energy areas in the U.S. Mid Atlantic Aziz Ezzat Ahmed Jul 26, 2023
A Tribute to Bill Aiello Brian Marcus Jul 26, 2023
The role of wind speed variability in very long-term wind power forecasts Nina Effenberger Jul 26, 2023
Multivariate forecasting in energy systems with a large share of renewables Jethro Browell Jul 26, 2023
A Concise Overview on State-of-the-Art Solar Resources and Forecasting Jan Kleissl Jul 26, 2023 to Jul 27, 2023
Closure of bulk spectral gap for topological insulators with general edges Xiaowen Zhu Jun 7, 2023
Quantum symmetries of finite dimensional algebras Amrei Oswald May 31, 2023
Convergence of resistances on generalized Sierpinski carpets Shiping Cao May 24, 2023
Paths and Pathways Jayadev Athreya May 19, 2023
Essential normality of Bergman modules on egg domains Mohammad Jabbari May 17, 2023
Twelve on the twelfth Kristine Bauer May 12, 2023
Discussion on the history of the Prime Number Theorem and bounds of $\psi(x)$ Sreerupa Bhattacharjee May 12, 2023
On the quality of the ABC-solutions Solaleh Bolvardizadeh May 12, 2023
Mathematics for Humanity Laleh Behjat May 12, 2023
On illumination number of bodies of constant width Andrii Arman May 10, 2023
Linearised Optimal Transport Distances Matthew Thorpe May 4, 2023
Isotropy of quadratic forms in characteristic 2 Kristýna Zemková May 3, 2023
The impact of accelerating and fluctuating speeds of climate change on a population Jane Shaw MacDonald Apr 26, 2023
Quaternion algebras for surgeries on knots Nicholas Rouse Apr 19, 2023
Multivariate Symmetry: Distribution-Free Testing via Optimal Transport Bodhisattva Sen Apr 13, 2023
Regularity of the cohomological equation for circle rotations Carlos Ospina (Utah) Apr 13, 2023
Equivalences of Categories of Modules Over Quantum Groups and Vertex Algebras Matthew Rupert Apr 12, 2023
Equivalences of Categories of Modules Over Quantum Groups and Vertex Algebras Matthew Rupert, University of Saskatchewan Apr 12, 2023
Using data-driven stochastic lattice models to improve the representation of convection and clouds in Climate Models Kumar Roy Apr 5, 2023
The second moment of symmetric square L-functions over Gaussian integers Olga Balkanova Apr 5, 2023
Expansion, divisibility and parity Harald Andrés Helfgott Apr 3, 2023
Opinion Dynamics and Spreading Processes on Networks Mason Porter Mar 29, 2023
p-torsion of Jacobians for unramified Z/pZ-covers of curves Douglas Ulmer Mar 27, 2023
