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1,212 SALSA, PICANTE y VERDE: Machine Learning attacks on LWE with small...
1,208 Information Thermodynamics of the Transition-Path Ensemble
Miranda Louwerse
1,208 A case study on stochastic games on large graphs in mean field and...
Agathe Soret
1,208 Optimal Transport for Machine Learning: Lecture 3
Gabriel Peyré
1,207 Sialic Acids in Membrane Organization and Receptor Function: Integrins...
Christopher Cairo
1,200 Nutations in Growing Plant Shoots: Endogenous and Exogenous Factors in...
Daniele Agostinelli
1,195 Scaling Laws and Performance Trade-offs for Collective Transport
Matthew Leighton
1,194 How round is a Jordan curve?
Yilin Wang
1,193 The effect of free boundary conditions on the Ising model in high...
Jianping Jian
1,190 Effect of External Flows on Sperm Flagellar Dynamics
Manish Kumar
1,190 Elliptic Fibrations and Singularities to Anomalies and Spectra 2 of 4
Monica Jinwoo Kang
1,189 Systematic Differences between Current Molecular Dynamics Force Fields...
Lei Yu
1,189 Epitope Scaffolding using Alpha-synuclein Cyclic Peptides to Generate...
Shaen Hsueh
1,189 Conformal welding in Liouville quantum gravity: recent results and...
Nina Holden
1,175 Recent advances in dynamical optimal transport: Lecture 1
Jan Maas
1,164 Exact results in quantum field theory from differential systems
Raphaël Belliard
1,164 Bounds on the Number of Solutions to Thue Equations
Greg Knapp
1,159 Floer Homology Fundamentals 2
Nate Bottman
1,154 Misfolding-Associated Exposure of Natively Buried Residues in Mutant...
Pranav garg
1,152 Networked Mean Field Games with Elements of Robustness and Learning
Tamer Başar
1,145 Asymptotic analysis of the concentration difference due to diffusive...
Frédéric Paquin-Lefebvre
1,144 Describing interacting particle systems via partial differential...
Fabio Coppini
1,143 Epidemic Model-Based Benchmark for Optimal Control on Networks
Yaroslav V. Salii
1,142 Graphon games within the framework of Fubini extensions
René Carmona
1,140 Floer Homology Fundamentals 4
Nate Bottman
