Most Viewed Content

1,281 Shifted divergences for sampling, privacy, and beyond
Jason Altschuler
1,280 Least quadratic non-residue and related problems
Enrique Treviño
1,277 Negative moments of the Riemann zeta function
Alexandra Florea
1,271 String Topology 3
Katherine Poirier
1,271 A new explicit bound for the Riemann zeta function
Ghaith Hiary
1,269 Directional sensing and signal integration by immune cells
Sean Collins
1,267 An extension of Venkatesh's converse theorem to the Selberg class
Min Lee
1,266 No IET is Mixing
Gianluca Faraco
1,261 Fubini foiled: pathological foliations from symbolic codings
Aaron Calderon
1,259 Meta-Analytic Inference for the COVID-19 Infection Fatality Rate
Paul Gustafson
1,259 Moments and periods for $GL(3)$
Chung-Hang Kwan
1,258 Gaps in the sequence square root n mod 1
Keivan Mallahi-Karai
1,255 Recent results in interface motions in the framework of optimal...
Inwon Kim
1,255 Quantum symmetries of finite dimensional algebras
Amrei Oswald
1,250 Floer Homology Applications 1
Jeff Hicks
1,247 Agent-based modelling and topological data analysis of zebrafish...
Bjorn Sandstede
1,245 Double square moments and bounds for resonance sums for cusp forms
Praneel Samanta
1,242 Trading linearity for ellipticity: a nonsmooth approach to Einstein...
Rober McCann
1,241 One-level density of zeros of Dirichlet L-functions over function fields
Hua Lin
1,235 Spectra and Smash Products 4
Cary Malkiewich
1,226 Distributions of sums of the divisor function over function fields
Matilde Lalín
1,223 The third moment of quadratic $L$-Functions
Ian Whitehead
1,218 Floer Homology Fundamentals 5
Catherine Cannizzo
1,216 An explicit error term in the prime number theorem for large x
Daniel Johnston
1,215 Geodesic restrictions of Maass forms and moments of Hecke $L$-functions
Peter Humphries
