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1,005 Double square moments and bounds for resonance sums for cusp forms
Praneel Samanta
1,005 Least quadratic non-residue and related problems
Enrique Treviño
1,004 A new explicit bound for the Riemann zeta function
Ghaith Hiary
1,001 The principal Chebotarev density theorem
Kelly O'Connor
1,000 Fubini foiled: pathological foliations from symbolic codings
Aaron Calderon
999 Selberg's central limit theorem for quadratic Dirichlet $L$-...
Allysa Lumley
998 Floer Homotopy 4
Mohammed Abouzaid
998 Agent-based modelling and topological data analysis of zebrafish...
Bjorn Sandstede
996 Statistical Estimation with Differential Privacy
Gautam Kamath
990 A walk on Legendre paths
Youness Lamzouri
987 An extension of Venkatesh's converse theorem to the Selberg class
Min Lee
985 The third moment of quadratic $L$-Functions
Ian Whitehead
985 Floer Homology Fundamentals 5
Catherine Cannizzo
982 Moments and periods for $GL(3)$
Chung-Hang Kwan
981 One-level density of zeros of Dirichlet L-functions over function fields
Hua Lin
978 Multivariate Symmetry: Distribution-Free Testing via Optimal Transport
Bodhisattva Sen
970 Recent results in interface motions in the framework of optimal...
Inwon Kim
969 Floer Homology Applications 1
Jeff Hicks
968 Floer Homology Applications 3
Jeff Hicks
968 An explicit error term in the prime number theorem for large x
Daniel Johnston
957 Distributions of sums of the divisor function over function fields
Matilde Lalín
956 Gaps in the sequence square root n mod 1
Keivan Mallahi-Karai
951 Geodesic restrictions of Maass forms and moments of Hecke $L$-functions
Peter Humphries
943 Floer Homology Fundamentals 6
Nate Bottman
937 Floer Homology Fundamentals 8
Nate Bottman
