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1,263 A variational approach to the regularity theory for optimal...
Felix Otto
1,259 Cutoff for Random Walks on Random Graphs at the Entropic Time
Allan Sly
1,250 Solving dynamic user equilibrium by mean field routing game with...
Theophile Cabannes
1,250 Subgraphs in Semi-random Graphs
Natalie Behague
1,246 Elliptic Fibrations and Singularities to Anomalies and Spectra 3 of 4
Monica Jinwoo Kang
1,244 Shift operators and their adjoints in several contexts
Meredith Sargent
1,243 Gradient estimate of HJB and its applications in Graphon Mean Field Game
Qingshuo Song
1,238 Lambert series of logarithm and a mean value theorem for $\zeta(\frac{1...
Atul Dixit
1,237 Optimal Transport for Machine Learning: Lecture 2
Gabriel Peyré
1,236 Grothendeick Lp Problem for Gaussian Matrices
Dmitry Panchenko
1,231 Graphon spectral decompositions for LQG control and games
Shuang Gao
1,230 Negative moments of the Riemann zeta-function
Alexandra Florea
1,228 Weak solutions to the master equation of a potential mean field game
François Delarue
1,227 Recent advances in dynamical optimal transport: Lecture 3
Jan Maas
1,222 Cytoplasmic Streaming and the Swirling Instability of the Microtubule...
Raymond Goldstein
1,222 Mean-Field Game for Collective Decision-Making in Honeybees via...
Dario Bauso
1,220 Elliptic Fibrations and Singularities to Anomalies and Spectra 4 of 4
Monica Jinwoo Kang
1,219 The eighth moment of the Riemann zeta function
Quanli Shen
1,218 A reproducing kernel Hilbert space framework for functional...
Peijun Sang
1,218 Two-stage enrichment clinical trial design with adjustment for...
Yong Lin
1,218 Graphon Mean Field Games and the GMFG Equations
Peter Caines
1,216 On nonlocal interactions in mean field games - Part 2
Levon Nurbekyan
1,214 Positivity preservers forbidden to operate on diagonal blocks
Prateek Vishwakarma
1,214 Multiple mixing for SL(2,R)
Jon Chaika
1,212 SALSA, PICANTE y VERDE: Machine Learning attacks on LWE with small...
Kristin Lauter
