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1,769 Ergodic theorems along trees
Anush Tserunyan
1,764 Spatiotemporal Transmission Dynamics of COVID-19 in Spain
Ashok Krishnamurthy
1,759 Asymmetric Ramsey properties of random graphs for cliques and cycles
Leticia Mattos, IMPA
1,758 Unsolved Combinatorial Games Richard K. Guy liked and others he would...
Richard Nowakowski
1,756 PIMS Education Prize 2021: Bruce Dunham
Bruce Dunham
1,750 Elliptic Fibrations and Singularities to Anomalies and Spectra 1 of 4
Monica Jinwoo Kang
1,742 The favorite elliptic curve of Richard
Jaap Top
1,740 A Probabilistic View of the Box-ball System and other Discrete...
David Croydon
1,738 Measure rigidity of Cartan actions
Kurt Vinhage
1,737 What is epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity and why is it important for...
Herbert Levine
1,737 The extremal length systole of the Bolza surface
Didac Martinez Granado
1,732 Data accuracy for risk management in changing climate
Chandra Rujalapati
1,727 The immune response to SARS-CoV-2: Friend or Foe?
Penelope Morel
1,727 Smooth Realization and Conjugation By Approximation
Alistair Windsor
1,720 The Manhattan Curve and Rough Similarity Rigidity
Ryokichi Tanaka
1,719 Khovanov homology and 4-manifolds
Ciprian Manolescu
1,714 A hidden variable model for universal quantum computation with magic...
Cihan Okay
1,710 A variational approach to the regularity theory for optimal...
Felix Otto
1,709 Rigidity of Geodesic Planes in Hyberbolic Manifolds
Osama Khalil
1,708 Patterns, waves and bufurcations in cell migration
Leah Edelstein-Keshet
1,708 Patterns, waves and bufurcations in cell migration
Andreas Buttenschoen
1,707 SU(2) hadrons on a quantum computer
Jinglei Zhang
1,699 The Phase-Field-Crystal Model at Large and Small Scales
Rustum Choksi
1,694 Size-Ramsey numbers of powers of hypergraph trees and long subdivisions
Liana Yepremyan
1,692 Searching for the most likely evolution
Giovanni Conforti
