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2,217 Large orbit closures of translation surfaces are strata or loci of...
Paul Apisa
2,217 Large orbit closures of translation surfaces are strata or loci of...
Alex Wright
2,216 Mathematics of diffusive signaling and the role of receptor clustering...
Alan Lindsay
2,206 Multiscale multicellular modeling of tissue function and disease using...
James Glazier
2,202 Mathematical ecology: A century of progress, and challenges for the...
Simon Levin
2,195 A Bratteli-Vershik model for $\mathbb{Z^2}$ actions, or how cohomology...
Ian Putnam
2,183 Stable spikes for a reaction-diffusion system with two activators and...
Matthias Winter
2,174 Unsolved Problems in Number Theory
Ben Green
2,173 Surjectivity of random integral matrices on integral vectors
Melanie Matchett Wood
2,171 Random discrete surfaces
Thomas Budzinski
2,169 Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 30
2,152 $E_2$ algebras and homology - 1 of 2
Soren Galatius
2,152 Arithmetic and geometric properties of planar self-similar sets
Pablo Shmerkin
2,151 Bratteli-Vershik models for Cantor and Borel dynamical systems
Shrey Sanadhya
2,150 Statistical and Data Science
Nancy Reid
2,139 Aliquot sequences
Carl Pomerance
2,131 Micro-Pharmacology: Recognizing and Overcoming the Tissue Barriers to...
Kasia Rejniak
2,126 Geometric aspects of arithmetic statistics - 1 of 2
Jordan Ellenberg
2,123 Stationary measure and orbit closure classification for random walks on...
Ping Ngai (Brian) Chung
2,121 Inversions for reduced words
Sami Assaf
2,116 Factors of Gibbs measures on subshifts (2 of 2)
Sophie MacDonald
2,111 Coincidences between homological densities, predicted by arithmetic - 2...
Benson Farb
2,110 Shape Recognition of Convex Bodies
Sergii Myroshnychenko
2,100 Variation in the descent of genome: modeling and inference
Elizabeth Thompson
2,099 Representation stability and asymptotic stability of factorization...
Rita Jimenez-Rolland
