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2,079 Growth Control in the Drosophila Wing Imaginal Disc.
Jia Gou
2,078 Spectra and Smash Products 1
Cary Malkiewich
2,068 The immune response to SARS-CoV-2: Friend or Foe?
Penelope Morel
2,063 Asymmetric Ramsey properties of random graphs for cliques and cycles
Leticia Mattos, IMPA
2,062 The Grothendieck ring of varieties, and stabilization in the algebro-...
Ravi Vakil
2,058 Measure rigidity of Cartan actions
Kurt Vinhage
2,053 Changing the Culture Panel Discussion: How has Coronavirus changed the...
Kseniya Garaschuk
2,053 Changing the Culture Panel Discussion: How has Coronavirus changed the...
Dan Laitsch
2,053 Changing the Culture Panel Discussion: How has Coronavirus changed the...
Cameron Morland
2,053 Changing the Culture Panel Discussion: How has Coronavirus changed the...
Rob Lovell
2,051 SU(2) hadrons on a quantum computer
Jinglei Zhang
2,045 The Mathematics of Game Design
Dave Fracchia
2,044 Knot Floer homology of satellite knots
Wenzhao Chen
2,038 Size-Ramsey numbers of powers of hypergraph trees and long subdivisions
Liana Yepremyan
2,033 Smooth Realization and Conjugation By Approximation
Alistair Windsor
2,029 The Connection Between RDEs and PDEs
Louigi Addario-Berry
2,029 Hurwitz Numbers via Topological Recursion
Reinier Kramer
2,028 Conjugating flows on the moduli of hyperboic and flat surfaces
James Farre
2,020 Rigidity of Geodesic Planes in Hyberbolic Manifolds
Osama Khalil
2,018 A Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Model of the Immune Response to...
Wei Dai
2,018 A Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Model of the Immune Response to...
Rohit Rao
2,016 Modelling the systemic and tissue-level immune response to SARS-CoV-2
Adrianne Jenner
2,014 Footnotes to Turing (1952): Some Modern Challenges in Pattern Formation
Andrew Krause
2,010 Initial value problems viewed as generalized optimal transport problems...
Yann Brenier
2,008 UBC/ PIMS Mathematical Sciences Young Faculty Award Colloquium: Liam...
Liam Watson
