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1,710 Resource-mediated competition between two plant species with different...
Chunyi Gai
1,709 Knotted Objects Confined to Tubes in the Simple Cubic Lattice
Puttipong Pongtanapaisan
1,706 Calibration of time varying contact compartmental models of SARS-COVID-...
Mark Lowerison
1,706 Kac goes to work: Stochastic processes as probes of the architecture of...
David Schneider
1,705 The timing and nature of behavioral responses affect the course of an...
Rebecca Tyson
1,705 Reconsidering the History of Mathematics in India
Clemency Montelle
1,701 The Cost of 2-Distinguishing Hypercubes
Debra Boutin
1,700 Conformal Walk Dimension: Its Universal Value and the Non-attainment...
Naotaka Kajino
1,700 Modular forms and their role in counting combinatorial and topological...
Josh Males
1,700 AI for Science; and the Implication for Mathematics
Weinan E
1,699 Stochastic Organization in the Mitotic Spindle
Christopher Miles
1,699 Finite sample rates for optimal transport estimation problems
Jan-Christian Hütter
1,699 How Round is a Jordan Curve?
Steffen Rohde
1,695 Flattening the curve and the effect of atypical events on mitigation...
Mario Santana-Cibrian
1,688 Not all interventions are equal for the height of the second peak
Joost Jorritsma
1,686 $A^1$ enumerative geometry: counts of rational curves in $P^2$ - 1 of 2
Kirsten Wikelgren
1,682 Statistical Network Models for Integrating Functional Connectivity with...
James D. Wilson
1,672 Brauer classes in moduli problems and arithmetic: Lecture 3
Nicolas Addington
1,670 $A^1$ enumerative geometry: counts of rational curves in $P^2$ - 2 of 2
Kirsten Wikelgren
1,670 The Effect of Free Boundary Conditions on the Ising Model in High...
Chuck Newman
1,669 Adjusted Visibility Metric for Scientific Articles
Tian Zheng
1,658 Large orbit closures of translation surfaces are strata or loci of...
Paul Apisa
1,658 Large orbit closures of translation surfaces are strata or loci of...
Alex Wright
1,655 Modeling intervention strategies for containing Covid-19 in Nursing...
Ilyssa Summer
1,654 An Algebraic Approach on Fusions of Synchronization Models
Hansol Park
