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1,962 PIMS-UNBC Distinguished Colloquium: Benford's Law: Why the IRS...
Steven J. Miller
1,962 Theory of rational curves and its arithmetic applications: Lecture 3
Brian Lehmann
1,961 How Round is a Jordan Curve?
Steffen Rohde
1,960 Large orbit closures of translation surfaces are strata or loci of...
Paul Apisa
1,960 Large orbit closures of translation surfaces are strata or loci of...
Alex Wright
1,959 Knotted Objects Confined to Tubes in the Simple Cubic Lattice
Puttipong Pongtanapaisan
1,955 EKR-Module Property
Venkata Pantangi
1,952 A SEIR-like model with a time-dependent contagion factor describes the...
Ronald Dickman
1,951 Statistical Network Models for Integrating Functional Connectivity with...
James D. Wilson
1,950 Not all interventions are equal for the height of the second peak
Joost Jorritsma
1,946 A moment with L-functions
Matilde Lalín
1,943 Models for immune system interaction and evolution
Jane Heffernan
1,941 Optimal Transport for Machine Learning: Lecture 1
Gabriel Peyré
1,937 Calibration of time varying contact compartmental models of SARS-COVID-...
Mark Lowerison
1,934 The timing and nature of behavioral responses affect the course of an...
Rebecca Tyson
1,933 Modelling future biomedical interventions in the COVID-19 epidemic
Simon de Montigny
1,933 Mathematician Helping Art Historians and Art Conservators
Ingrid Daubechies
1,931 Reconsidering the History of Mathematics in India
Clemency Montelle
1,931 Finite sample rates for optimal transport estimation problems
Jan-Christian Hütter
1,930 Flattening the curve and the effect of atypical events on mitigation...
Mario Santana-Cibrian
1,926 Skeleta for Monomial Quiver Relations
Jesse Huang
1,917 Derived Geometry in Twists of Gauge Theories 1 of 4
Tudor Dimofte
1,915 Noise and Spike Dynamics for the Gierer-Meinhardt Equations
David Iron
1,913 Adjusted Visibility Metric for Scientific Articles
Tian Zheng
1,911 $A^1$ enumerative geometry: counts of rational curves in $P^2$ - 1 of 2
Kirsten Wikelgren
