Most Viewed Content

1,953 Almost-Prime Times in Horospherical Flows
Taylor McAdam
1,953 Mathematical modelling of the emergence and spread of antimalarial drug...
Jennifer Flegg
1,949 Large orbit closures of translation surfaces are strata or loci of...
Paul Apisa
1,949 Large orbit closures of translation surfaces are strata or loci of...
Alex Wright
1,946 Weak factorization and transfer systems
Kyle Ormsby
1,943 Combinatorial structures in perturbative quantum field theory
Karen Yeats
1,939 Birational geometry of quiver varieties
Gwyn Bellamy
1,937 Characterizing handle-ribbon knots
Maggie Miller
1,936 Specification and the measure of maximal entropy
Vaughn Climenhaga
1,931 Equidistribution of geodesic flow pushes via exponential mixing.
Jon Chaika
1,927 Mathematical model, analysis and simulations of the COVID-19 pandemic...
Meir Shillor
1,916 Quantitative weak mixing for random substitution tilings
Rodrigo Treviño
1,908 Counting social interactions for discrete subsets of the plane
Samantha Fairchild
1,907 Random walks and graphs in materials, biology, and quantum information...
Maria Emelianenko
1,903 Remarks on multi-marginals entropic optimal transport and Sinkhorn...
Guillaume Carlier
1,901 Representation stability and configurations of disks in a strip
Hannah Alpert
1,894 Veech's Criterion for a process to be prime
Jon Chaika
1,892 Euler numbers of Hilbert schemes of points on simple surface...
Hiraku Nakajima
1,871 The Erdos-Hajnal conjecture for the five-cycle
Sophie Spirkl
1,865 Resource-mediated competition between two plant species with different...
Chunyi Gai
1,857 Quantum applications of harmonic analysis on the group of positive...
Artur Sowa
1,856 Crossing Numbers of Large Complete Graphs
Noam Elkies
1,855 Topological superconductivity in quasicrystals
Kaori Tanaka
1,852 Public Goods, from Biofilms to Societies.
Simon Levin
1,852 Connes fusion of the free fermions on the circle
Peter Kristel
