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396 On the average least negative Hecke eigenvalue
Jackie Voros
389 Computational Modeling for Medical Devices
Pras Pathmanathan
371 Moments of real Dirichlet L-functions and multiple Dirichlet series
Martin Čech
369 On the vertical distribution of the zeros of the Riemann zeta-function
Emily Quesada Herrera
369 Distributional Preference Alignment of Large Language Models via...
Yousef Mroueh
364 Kernel Approximation of Wasserstein and Fisher-Rao Gradient flows
Jia-Jie Zhu
360 Parametrization of rings of finite rank - a geometric approach and...
Gaurav Patil
335 Subconvexity for GL(2) L-functions and Shifted MDS
Henry Twiss
323 Mean values of Hardy's Z-function and weak Gram's laws
Hung M. Bui
320 Skeletal muscle: modeling and computation
Nilima Nigam
312 Explicit Zero Density for the Riemann zeta function
Golnoush Farzanfard
312 Refinements of Artin's primitive root conjecture
Paul Péringuey
311 Environmental feedback maintains cooperation in phage $\Phi_6$
Jaye Sudweeks
294 On some open problems about polynomials
Dang-Khoa Nguyen
293 Orienteering with One Endomorphism
Renate Scheidler
293 Gradient flows in the geometry of Sinkhorn divergences
Hugo Lavenant
280 Explicit bounds for the logarithmic derivative and the reciprocal of...
Nicol Leong
280 Relation between low-lying zeros and central values
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269 The Ostrowski Quotient for a finite extension of number fields
Abbas Maarefparvar
258 Recent advances on the directed Oberwolfach problem
Alice Lacaze-Masmonteil
258 Self-organization of movement: from single cell polarity to...
Orion D Weiner
246 Modeling evolution in dynamic populations: the decoupled Moran Process
George Berry
228 The sum of the Möbius function
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215 Biodiversity Mathematics: 100 years of modelling diversity dynamics
Ailene MacPherson
187 Transport- and Measure-Theoretic Approaches for Modeling, Identifying,...
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