Most Viewed Content

2,119 The geometry of the spinning string
Peter Kristel
2,118 If Space Turned out to be Time: Resonances and Patterns in the Visual...
Bard Ermentrout
2,116 Integers in many-body quantum physics
Sven Bachmann
2,111 Vector Copulas and Vector Sklar Theorem
Yanqin Fan
2,110 Packings of Partial Difference Sets
Shuxing Li
2,095 The stable cohomology of the moduli space of curves with level...
Andrew Putman
2,095 There exists a weakly mixing billiard in a polygon
Jon Chaika
2,093 Symmetry, bifurcation, and multi-agent decision-making
Naomi Leonard
2,078 Binocular Rivalry; Modeling by Network Structure
Marty Golubitsky
2,069 Effective Equidistribution of Horospherical Flows in Infinite Volume
Nattalie Tamam
2,067 Quantum State Transfer on Graphs
Christopher van Bommel
2,051 $E_2$ algebras and homology - 2 of 2
Soren Galatius
2,050 Something's wrong in the (cellular) neighborhood: Mechanisms of...
Shane Hutson
2,050 An Overview of Knots and Gauge Theory
Edward Witten
2,048 An Introduction to Randomized Algorithms for Matrix Computations
Ilse C.F. Ipsen
2,045 A Snapshot of Early 20th Century Women Mathematicians
Kieka Mynhardt
2,035 Multiplicative Complexity of Cryptographic Functions
Joan Boyer
2,032 The nonlinear eigenvalue problem: recent developments
Françoise Tisseur
2,025 Geometric Langlands for hypergeometric sheaves
Masoud Kamgarpour
2,023 A survey on weak optimal transport
Nathael Gozlan
2,019 Geometric Aspects of Arithmetic Statistics - 2 of 2
Jordan Ellenberg
2,000 Enumerative geometry via the A^1-degree
Sabrina Pauli
1,992 Mathematics, Colonization and Empire
Tom Archibald, SFU
1,986 Computational properties of network dynamical systems
Peter Ashwin
1,984 Mathematical modelling of the emergence and spread of antimalarial drug...
Jennifer Flegg
