Most Viewed Content

2,374 Point counting and topology - 1 of 2
Benson Farb
2,371 An Application of Homotopy Theory to Condensed Matter Physics
Daniel Freed
2,368 Optimizing Biogas Generation Using Anaerobic Digestion
Gail Wolkowicz
2,363 Geometricity and Galois actions on fundamental groups
Daniel Litt
2,360 Relations between \(\triangle+\cdots + \triangle + 3\triangle+\cdots +...
Zafer Selcuk Aygin
2,331 How to fold things into thirds, sevenths, and thirty-sevenths!
James Tanton
2,323 Regularity of interfaces in phase transitions via obstacle problems
Alessio Figalli
2,321 Traveling pulses with oscillatory tails, figure-eight stack of isolas,...
Yasumasa Nishiura
2,319 Large orbit closures of translation surfaces are strata or loci of...
Paul Apisa
2,319 Large orbit closures of translation surfaces are strata or loci of...
Alex Wright
2,316 The Unity of Combinatorics: Connections and Wonders
Bud Brown
2,301 The Infinite HaPPY Code
Monica Jinwoo Kang
2,296 Spike patterns as a window into non-injective transient diffusive...
Yana Nec
2,289 Regular Representations of Groups
Joy Morris
2,287 Geometry, Logic, and Philosophy: The Case of the Parallels Postulate
Patricia Blanchette
2,287 Interactions between topology and algebra: advances in algebraic K-...
Teena Gerhardt
2,285 Localised patterns and semi-strong interaction, a unifying framework...
Alan Champneys
2,283 Birational geometry and algebraic cycles
Burt Totaro
2,283 Quantum Unique Ergodicity
Lior Silberman
2,279 Explicit results about primes in Chebotarev's density theorem
Habiba Kadiri
2,275 The Mathematics of Life: Making Diffusion Your Friend
Jim Keener
2,271 A1-homotopy of the general linear group and a conjecture of Suslin
Ben Williams
2,264 Gaps of saddle connection directions for some branched covers of tori
Anthony Sanchez
2,259 Optimal Investment for an Insurance Company
Alexandru Badescu
2,257 Multiple fission cycles in Chlamydomonas
John Tyson
