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3,128 The topology and geometry of the space of gapped lattice systems
Anton Kapustin
3,122 Random Maps 10
Gregory Miermont
3,112 Modularity of Calabi-Yau Varieties
Noriko Yui
3,109 The counting formula of Eskin and McMullen
Paul Apisa
3,086 Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Student Lecture 3
Meghan Dutot
3,043 Random walks on Gromov hyperbolic spaes and Teichmüller spaces. Pacific...
Inhyeok Choi
3,043 The circle method and the cohomology of moduli spaces of rational curves
Will Sawin
3,035 Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Student Lecture 7
Jia Guo
3,032 Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Student Lecture 8
Naghmeh Rezal
3,027 Stable cohomology of complements of discriminants
Orsola Tommasi
3,018 Extreme first passage times
Sean Lawley
3,017 Law of mass action and saturation in SIR model with applications to...
Theodore Kolokolnikov
2,991 Geometricity and Galois actions on fundamental groups
Daniel Litt
2,984 Rufus Bowen Conference - Lunchtime Slideshow
Brian Marcus
2,983 Quantifying Gerrymandering: A mathematician goes to court
Jonathan Christopher Mattingly
2,980 How to fold things into thirds, sevenths, and thirty-sevenths!
James Tanton
2,971 New lower bounds for van der Waerden numbers
Ben Green
2,964 What is a Foster-Lyapunov-Margulis Function?
Jayadev Athreya, University of Washington
2,940 Optimizing Biogas Generation Using Anaerobic Digestion
Gail Wolkowicz
2,932 Caroline Series' The modular surface and continued fractions
Claire Merriman
2,930 An Application of Homotopy Theory to Condensed Matter Physics
Daniel Freed
2,907 Conjectures, heuristics, and theorems in arithmetic statistics - 1 of 2
Wei Ho
2,907 Unsolved Problems in Number Theory
Ben Green
2,906 Conformal Walk Dimension: Its Universal Value and the Non-attainment...
Mathav Murugan
2,900 Interactions between topology and algebra: advances in algebraic K-...
Teena Gerhardt
