Video Content by Subject Area

Some Pólya Fields of Small Degrees
A survey of Büthe's method for estimating prime counting functions
Twisted moments of characteristic polynomials of random matrices
The eighth moment of $\Gamma_1(q)$ L-functions
Sofic groups are surjunctive
Understanding adversarial robustness via optimal transport perspective.
Bounds on the Number of Solutions to Thue Equations
On the eigenvalues of the graphs D(5,q)
Around Artin's primitive root conjecture
Spaces of geodesic triangulations of surfaces
A simple stochastic model for cell population dynamics in colonic crypts
Self-organization and pattern selection in run-and-tumble processes
Unbalanced Optimal Transport: Convex Relaxation and Dynamic Perspectives
Möbius function, an identity factory with applications
Mixing times and representation theory.
The size function for imaginary cyclic sextic fields
Local to global principle for higher moments of the natural density
Examples of well-behaved Beurling number systems
Explicit bounds for $\zeta$ and a new zero free region
Equidistribution of some families of short exponential sums
Mean values of long Dirichlet polynomials
Sums of proper divisors with missing digits
Fourier optimization and the least quadratic non-residue
Projective Planes and Hadamard Matrices
A discrete mean value of the Riemann zeta function and its derivatives
Gromov-Wasserstein Alignment: Statistical and Computational Advancements via Duality
Collision of orbits under the action of a Drinfeld module
A Conjecture of Mazur predicting the growth of Mordell--Weil ranks in Z_p-extensions
Consecutive sums of two squares in arithmetic progressions
Moments of higher derivatives related to Dirichlet L-functions
Hilbert Class Fields and Embedding Problems
L-functions in Analytic Number Theory: Biitu
Primes in arithmetic progressions to smooth moduli
Interactions between topology and algebra: advances in algebraic K-theory
On extremal orthogonal arrays
Analogues of the Hilbert Irreducibility Theorem for integral points on surfaces
The fourth moment of quadratic Dirichlet L-functions
Zeros of linear combinations of Dirichlet L-functions on the critical line
Zeros of linear combinations of Dirichlet L-functions on the critical line
Pro-p Iwahori Invariants
Bounds on the Number of Solutions to Thue Equations
Density functional theory and multi-marginal optimal transport: Introduction
The Distribution of Logarithmic Derivatives of Quadratic L-functions in Positive Characteristic
Hypergeometric functions through the arithmetic kaleidoscope
Generic Representations and ABV packets for p-adic Groups
Introduction to unbalanced optimal transport and its efficient computational solutions
Fake mu's: Make Abstracts Great Again!
The Shanks–Rényi prime number race problem
Prime Number Error Terms
Joint distribution of central values and orders of Sha groups of quadratic twists of an elliptic curve
