Spectra and Smash Products 3 |
Floer Homology Applications 2 |
The equivalence of the Ekeland-Hofer and equivariant symplectic homology capacities |
Floer Homology Fundamentals 3 |
String Topology 1 |
Floer Homology Fundamentals 5 |
Spectra and Smash Products 4 |
Floer Homology Applications 3 |
Furstenberg's topological x2 x3 result |
Statistical Estimation with Differential Privacy |
No IET is Mixing |
Agent-based modelling and topological data analysis of zebrafish patterns |
Fubini foiled: pathological foliations from symbolic codings |
Gaps in the sequence square root n mod 1 |
Rotary Molecular Motors Driven By Transmembrane Ionic Currents |
Joint value distribution of L-functions |
Multiplicative functions in short intervals |
Resource-mediated competition between two plant species with different rates of water intake |
Height gaps for coefficients of D-finite power series |
Primes, postdocs and pretentiousness |
Random plane geometry -- a gentle introduction |
On vertex-transitive graphs with a unique hamiltonian circle |
Agent-based models: from bacterial aggregation to wealth hot-spots |
Pointwise ergodic theorem along a subsequence of integers |
Siegel-Veech transform |
Influence of the endothelial surface layer on the motion of red blood cells |
Effect of Dependence on the Convergence of Empirical Wasserstein Distance |
Learning Tasks in the Wasserstein Space |
Extreme Values of the Riemann Zeta Function and Dirichlet L-functions at the Critical Points of the Zeta Function |
Moments and Periods for GL(3) |
AI for Science; and the Implication for Mathematics |
Quadratic Twists of Modular L-functions |
Sums of Fibonacci numbers close to a power of 2 |
The question of q, a look at the interplay of number theory and ergodic theory in continued fractions |
Torsion points and concurrent lines on Del Pezzo surfaces of degree one |
Theta-finite pro-Hermitian vector bundles from loop groups elements |
On the Quality of the ABC-Solutions |
The value distribution of the Hurwitz zeta function with an irrational shift |
A construction of Bowen-Margulis measure (Pre-Talk) |
A construction of Bowen-Margulis measure (Main talk) |
Negative moments of the Riemann zeta-function |
Applications of optimal transportation in causal inference |
A walk on Legendre paths |
The Emergence of Spatial Patterns for Diffusion-Coupled Compartments with Activator-Inhibitor Kinetics in 1-D and 2-D |
Zeros of linear combinations of L-functions near the critical line |
Least quadratic non-residue and related problems |
Kummer Theory for Number Fields |
Bregman divergence regularization of optimal transport problems on a finite set |
Infinite Systems of Linear Equations |
Dynamics and Wakes of a Fixed and Freely Moving Angular Particle in an Inertial Flow |