Video Content by Subject Area

New geometric and functional analytic ideas arising from problems in symplectic geometry
Small Number Counts to 100
Small Number Counts to 100 (Blackfoot)
What I am Doing in Australia
Cloaking and Transformation Optics
Conformal Invariance and Universality in the 2D Ising Model
Lagrangian Floer Homology and Mirror Symmetry
Linearity in the Tropics
Categorical Crepant Resolutions of Higher Dimensional Simple Singularities
Geometry and analysis of low dimensional manifolds
On Fourth Order PDEs Modelling Electrostatic Micro-Electronical Systems
Law of Large Number and Central Limit Theorem under Uncertainty, the related New Itô's Calculus and Applications to Risk Measures
Regular Permutation Groups and Cayley Graphs
Perfect Crystals for Quantum Affine Algebras and Combinatorics of Young Walls
Emerging Aboriginal Scholars Summer Camp
Expanders, Group Theory, Arithmetic Geometry, Cryptography and Much More
Quantum Magic in Secret Communication
Approximating Functions in High Dimensions
Virtual Lung Project at UNC: What's Math Got To Do With It?
Sparse Optimization Algorithms and Applications
As Geometry is Lost - What Connections are Lost? What Reasoning is Lost? What Students are Lost? Does it Matter?
Changing the Culture of Homework
Raising the Floor and Lifting the Ceiling: Math For All
Multi Variable Operator Theory with Relations
Min Protein Patter Formation
Memory Induced Animal Movement Patterns
The Mathematics of Doodling
Life History Variations and the Dynamics of Structured Populations
Modeling Spotting in Wildland Fire
The Broughton Archipeligo Monitoring Program
Patterns of Social Foraging
Brains and Frogs: Structured Population Models
A New Approach to the Bar-Cobar Duality
The Hypoelliptic Laplacian
On Hilbert's 10th Problem - Part 1 of 4
On Hilbert's 10th Problem - Part 2 of 4
On Hilbert's 10th Problem - Part 3 of 4
On Hilbert's 10th Problem - Part 4 of 4
Embedding questions in symplectic geometry
Hugh C. Morris Lecture: George Papanicolaou
Small Number Counts to 100 (Cree)
Small Number and the Old Canoe
Small Number and the Old Canoe (Squamish)
Introduction to Artin L-series (1 of 3)
Artin’s holomorphy conjecture and recent progress (2 of 3)
Special values of Artin L-series (3 of 3)
Distribution of Values of zeta and L-functions (1 of 3)
Moments of zeta and L-functions on the critical Line I (2 of 3)
Moments of zeta and L-functions on the critical Line II (3 of 3)
Optimal Investment for an Insurance Company
