The reaction coordinate describing a transition between reactant and product is a fundamental concept in the theory of chemical reactions. Within transition-path theory, a quantitative definition of the reaction coordinate is found in the committor, which is the probability that a trajectory initiated from a given microstate first reaches the product before the reactant. Here we demonstrate an information-theoretic origin for the committor, show how it naturally arises from selecting out the transition-path ensemble from the equilibrium ensemble, and prove that the resulting entropy production is fully determined by committor dynamics. Our results provide parallel stochastic-thermodynamic and information-theoretic measures of the relevance of any system coordinate to the reaction, each of which are maximized by the committor, providing further support for its status as the ‘true’ reaction coordinate.
Spin-lattice (T1) relaxation is widely used in NMR to characterize chemical structure, molecular dynamics, and to provide a contrast mechanism for in-vivo imaging. When tissue is heterogeneous and multicompartment like brain tissue, however, it becomes difficult to model and assign physiological meaning to T1 relaxation due to the transfer of magnetization between pools during relaxation. Using wood as a model system, we explore the deviation from a standard exponential in the relaxation component stemming from this transfer. Fractional calculus offers a generalized exponential function to fit relaxation data from which a potentially unique parameter associated with the sample’s inhomogeneity results. We show the improved fit to the data of the fractional model compared to standard exponentials in wood as well as a lipid bilayer system and posit a white matter mapping technique based on the added fractional fit parameter.
The prevalence of intrinsically disordered polypeptides (IDPs) and protein regions in structural biology has prompted the recent development of molecular dynamics (MD) force fields for the more realistic representations of such systems. Using experimental NMR backbone scalar 3J-coupling constants of the intrinsically disordered proteins alpha-synuclein and amyloid-beta in their native aqueous environment as a metric, we compare the performance of four recent MD force fields, namely AMBER ff14SB, CHARMM C36m, AMBER ff99SB-disp, and AMBER ff99SBnmr2, by partitioning the polypeptides into an overlapping series of heptapeptides for which a cumulative total of 276 us MD simulations are performed. The results show substantial differences between the different force fields at the individual residue level. Except for ff99SBnmr2, the force fields systematically underestimate the scalar 3J(HN,Ha) couplings, due to an underrepresentation of beta-conformations and an overrepresentation of either alpha- or PPII conformations. The study demonstrates that the incorporation of coil library information in modern molecular dynamics force fields, as shown here for ff99SBnmr2, provides substantially improved performance and more realistic sampling of local backbone phi,psi dihedral angles of IDPs as reflected in good accuracy of computed scalar 3J(HN,Ha)-couplings with < 0.5 Hz error. Such force fields will enable a better understanding how structural dynamics and thermodynamics influence IDP function. Although the methodology based on heptapeptides used here does not allow the assessment of potential intramolecular long-range interactions, its computational affordability permits well-converged simulations that can be easily parallelized. This should make the quantitative validation of intrinsic disorder observed in MD simulations of polypeptides with experimental scalar J-couplings widely applicable.
Growing plant shoots exhibit circumnutations, namely, oscillations that draw three-dimensional trajectories, whose projections on the horizontal plane generate pendular, elliptical, or circular orbits. A large body of literature has followed the seminal work by Charles Darwin in 1880, but the nature of this phenomena is still uncertain and a long-lasting debate produced three main theories: the endogenous oscillator, the exogenous feedback oscillator, and the two-oscillator model. After briefly reviewing the three existing hypotheses, I will discuss a possible interpretation of these spontaneous oscillations as a Hopf-like bifurcation in a growing morphoelastic rod.
PRIMA 2021 Summer School: Rational curves and moduli spaces in arithmetic geometry
We discuss deformation theory of rational curves and Mori’s famous Bend and Break techniques as well as their applications to Geometric Manin’s Conjecture. The lecture series contain introductory components as well as problem sessions and they aim for graduate students and postdocs.
PRIMA 2021 Summer School: Rational curves and moduli spaces in arithmetic geometry
We cover Brauer classes, how they arise as obstructions on moduli spaces of sheaves, and how they can be used to obstruct rational points, highlighting recent links between the two.
PRIMA 2021 Summer School: Rational curves and moduli spaces in arithmetic geometry
We discuss deformation theory of rational curves and Mori’s famous Bend and Break techniques as well as their applications to Geometric Manin’s Conjecture. The lecture series contain introductory components as well as problem sessions and they aim for graduate students and postdocs.
PRIMA 2021 Summer School: Rational curves and moduli spaces in arithmetic geometry
The Pacific Rim Mathematical Association Congress meets in December 2022. A number of summer schools will take place prior to the main event at the end of the year. This summer school is part of the PRIMA Special Session on Arithmetic geometry: theory and computation. In this summer school, we cover two topics:(1) Brauer classes in moduli problems and arithmetic and (2) theory of rational curves and its arithmetic applications.
PRIMA 2021 Summer School: Rational curves and moduli spaces in arithmetic geometry
We discuss deformation theory of rational curves and Mori’s famous Bend and Break techniques as well as their applications to Geometric Manin’s Conjecture. The lecture series contain introductory components as well as problem sessions and they aim for graduate students and postdocs.
PRIMA 2021 Summer School: Rational curves and moduli spaces in arithmetic geometry
We cover Brauer classes, how they arise as obstructions on moduli spaces of sheaves, and how they can be used to obstruct rational points, highlighting recent links between the two.