I will discuss recent work with Chantal David, Alexander Dunn, and Joshua Stucky, in which we prove that a positive proportion of Hecke L-functions associated to the cubic residue symbol modulo square-free Eisenstein integers do not vanish at the central point. Our principal new contribution is the asymptotic evaluation of the mollified second moment. No such asymptotic formula was previously known for a cubic family (even over function fields).
Our new approach makes crucial use of Patterson's evaluation of the Fourier coefficients of the cubic metaplectic theta function, Heath-Brown's cubic large sieve, and a Lindelöf-on-average upper bound for the second moment of cubic Dirichlet series that we establish. The significance of our result is that the family considered does not satisfy a perfectly orthogonal large sieve bound. This is quite unlike other families of Dirichlet L-functions for which unconditional results are known (namely the family of quadratic characters and the family of all Dirichlet characters modulo q). Consequently, our proof has fundamentally different features from the corresponding works of Soundararajan and of Iwaniec and Sarnak.
In practice, L-functions appear as generating functions encapsulating information about various objects, such as Galois representations, elliptic curves, arithmetic functions, modular forms, Maass forms, etc. Studying L-functions is therefore of utmost importance in number theory at large. Two of their attached data carry critical information: their zeros, which govern the distributional behavior of underlying objects; and their central values, which are related to invariants such as the class number of a field extension. We discuss a connection between low-lying zeros and central values of L-functions, in particular showing that results about the distribution of low-lying zeros (towards the density conjecture of Katz-Sarnak) implies results about the distribution of the central values (towards the normal distribution conjecture of Keating-Snaith). Even though we discuss this principle in general, we instanciate it in the case of modular forms in the level aspect to give a statement and explain the arguments of the proof.
Let ord𝑝(𝑎)be the order of 𝑎in (ℤ/𝑝ℤ)∗. In 1927, Artin conjectured that the set of primes 𝑝for which an integer 𝑎≠−1,◻is a primitive root (i.e. ord𝑝(𝑎)=𝑝−1) has a positive asymptotic density among all primes. In 1967 Hooley proved this conjecture assuming the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis (GRH). In this talk, we will study the behaviour of ord𝑝(𝑎)as 𝑝varies over primes. In particular, we will show, under GRH, that the set of primes 𝑝for which ord𝑝(𝑎)is “𝑘prime factors away” from 𝑝−1− 1 has a positive asymptotic density among all primes, except for particular values of 𝑎and 𝑘. We will interpret being “𝑘prime factors away” in three different ways:
We will present conditional results analogous to Hooley’s in all three cases and for all integer 𝑘. From this, we will derive conditionally the expectation for these quantities.
Furthermore, we will provide partial unconditional answers to some of these questions.
This is joint work with Leo Goldmakher and Greg Martin.
Over the years, there have been several open problems involving polynomials that I would love to tell others about. This opportunity to speak at my “home ground” seems the perfect time to do so. More specifically, I will discuss the following:
- A conjecture of Ruzsa for integers and a related problem in a joint work with Bell for polynomials over finite fields.
- A conjectural lower bound for the degree of irreducible factors of certain polynomials from a joint work with DeMarco, Ghioca, Krieger, Tucker, and Ye.
- The irreducibility of certain Gleason polynomials.
Bounds on the logarithmic derivative and the reciprocal of the Riemann zeta function are studied as they have a wide range of applications, such as computing bounds for Mertens function. In this talk, we are mainly concerned with explicit bounds. Obtaining decent bounds are tricky, as they are only valid in a zero-free region, and the constants involved tend to blow up as one approaches the edge of the region, and a potential zero. We will discuss such bounds, their uses, and the computational and analytic techniques involved. Finally, we also show how to obtain a power savings in the case of the reciprocal of zeta.
Lethbridge Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar
A directed variant of the famous Oberwolfach problem, the directed Oberwolfach problem considers the following scenario. Given $n$ people seated at $t$ round tables of size $m_1,m_2,\ldots,m_t$, respectively, such that $m_1+m_2+\cdots +m_t=n$, does there exist a set of $n−1$ seating arrangements such that each person is seated to the right of every other person precisely once? I will first demonstrate how this problem can be formulated as a type of graph-theoretic problem known as a cycle decomposition problem. Then, I will discuss a particular style of construction that was first introduced by R. HÄggkvist in 1985 to solve several cases of the original Oberwolfach problem. Lastly, I will show how this approach can be adapted to the directed Oberwolfach problem, thereby allowing us to obtain solutions for previously open cases. Results discussed in this talk arose from collaborations with Andrea Burgess, Peter Danziger, and Daniel Horsley.
Lethbridge Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar
The Riemann zeta function is a fundamental function in number theory. The study of zeros of the zeta function has important applications in studying the distribution of the prime numbers. Riemann hypothesis conjectures that all non-trivial zeros lie on the critical line, while the trivial zeros occur at negative even integers. A less ambitious goal than proving there are no zeros is to determine an upper bound for the number of non-trivial zeros, denoted as $N(\sigma,T)$, within a specific rectangular region defined by $\sigma < \Re{s} < 1$ and $0< \Im{s} < T $. Previous works by various authors like Ingham and Ramare have provided bounds for $N(\sigma,T)$. In 2018, Habiba Kadiri, Allysa Lumley, and Nathan Ng presented a result that provides a better estimate for $N(\sigma,T)$. In this talk, I will give an overview of the method they provide to deduce an upper bound for $N(\sigma,T)$. My thesis will improve their upper bound and also update the result to use better bounds on $\zeta$ on the half line among other improvements.
For a number field $K$, the P\'olya group of $K$, denoted by $Po(K)$, is the subgroup of the ideal class group of $K$ generated by the classes of the products of maximal ideals of $K$ with the same norm. In this talk, after reviewing some results concerning $Po(K)$, I will generalize this notion to the relative P\'olya group $Po(K/F)$, for $K/F$ a finite extension of number fields. Accordingly, I will generalize some results in the literature about P\'olya groups to the relative case. Then, due to some essential observations, I will explain why we need to modify the notion of the relative P\'olya group to the Ostrowski quotient $Ost(K/F)$ to get a more 'accurate' generalization of $Po(K)$. The talk is based on a joint work with Ali Rajaei (Tarbiat Modares University) and Ehsan Shahoseini (Institute For Research In Fundamental Sciences).
We establish the fourth moments of the real and imaginary parts of the Riemann zeta-function, as well as the fourth power mean value of Hardy's Z-function at the Gram points. We also study two weak versions of Gram's law. We show that those weak Gram's laws hold a positive proportion of time. This is joint work with Richard Hall.