
The impact of social, economic, environmental factors and public health measures on the dynamics of COVID-19

Jude Kong
Wed, Jun 2, 2021
PIMS, University of British Columbia
Mathematical Biology Seminar

The COVID-19 pandemic has passed its initial peak in most countries in the world, making it ripe to assess whether the basic reproduction number (R0) is different across countries and what demographic, social, and environmental factors other than interventions characterize vulnerability to the virus. In this talk, I will show the association (linear and non-linear) between COVID-19 R0 across countries and 17 demographic, social and environmental variables obtained using a generalized additive model. Moreover, I will present a mathematical model of COVID-19 that we designed and used to explore the effects of adopting various vaccination and relaxation strategies on the COVID-19 epidemiological long-term projections in Ontario. Our findings are able to provide public health bodies with important insights on the effect of adopting various mitigation strategies, thereby guiding them in the decision-making process.


Picture A Scientist Panel Discussion: Lilian Eva (Quan) Dyck

Lilian Eva (Quan) Dyck
Wed, May 12, 2021
Women in Mathematics Day 2021

This video shows the speaker's response to a question asked as part of the PIMS Women in Mathematics Day: Panel discussion for Picture as Scientist.

Speaker Biography

Born in N. Battleford, Saskatchewan (1945), member of the Gordon First Nation in Saskatchewan and a first generation Chinese Canadian, the Honorable Dr. Lillian Eva Quan Dyck is well-known for her extensive work in the senate on Missing & Murdered Aboriginal Women. She was the first female First Nations senator and first Canadian born Chinese senator. Prior to being summoned to the senate by the Rt. Hon. Paul Martin in 2005, she was a Full Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Associate Dean, College of Graduate Studies & Research at the University of Saskatchewan.

She earned a BA, MSc in Biochemistry and Ph.D. in Biological Psychiatry, all from the University of Saskatchewan. She was conferred a Doctor of Letters, Honoris Causa by Cape Breton University in 2007. She has also been recognized in a number of ways, such as: A National Aboriginal Achievement Award for Science & Technology in 1999 and most recently the YWCA Saskatoon Women of Distinction Lifetime Achievement Award in 2019. She has been presented three eagle feathers by the Indigenous community.


The extremal length systole of the Bolza surface

Didac Martinez Granado
Thu, May 27, 2021
Pacific Dynamics Seminar

Extremal length is a conformal invariant that plays an important
role in Teichmueller theory. For each essential closed curve on a Riemann
surface, it furnishes a function on the Teichmueller space. The extremal
length systole of a Riemann surface is defined as the infimum of extremal
lengths of all essential closed curves. Its hyperbolic analogue is the
hyperbolic systole: the infimum of hyperbolic lengths of all essential
closed curves. While the latter has been studied profusely, the extremal
length systole remains widely unexplored. For example, it is known that in
genus 2, the hyperbolic systole has a unique global maximum: the Bolza
surface. In this talk we introduce the extremal length systole and show
that in genus two it attains a strict local maximum at the Bolza surface,
where it takes the value square root of 2. This is joint work with Maxime
Fortier Bourque and Franco Vargas Pallete.


Narrow Escape and Narrow Capture Problems in Three Dimensions: Solutions and the Optimization of Trap Configurations

Alexei Cheviakov
Thu, May 13, 2021
PIMS Workshop on New Trends in Localized Patterns in PDES

Narrow escape (NE) problems are concerned with the calculation of the mean first passage time (MFPT) for a Brownian particle to escape a domain whose boundary contains N small windows (traps). NE problems arise in escape kinetics modeling in chemistry and cell biology, including receptor trafficking in synaptic membranes and RNA transport through nuclear pores. The related Narrow capture (NC) problems are characterized by the presence of small traps within the domain volume; such traps may be fully absorbing, or have absorbing and reflecting boundary parts. The MFPT of Brownian particles traveling in domains with traps is commonly modeled using a linear Poisson problem with Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions. We provide an overview of recent analytical and numerical work pertaining to the understanding and solution of different variants of NE and NC problems in three dimensions. The discussion includes asymptotic MFPT expressions in in the limit of small trap sizes, the cases of spherical and non-spherical domains, same and different trap sizes, the dilute trap fraction limit and MFPT scaling laws for N 1 traps, and the global optimization of trap positions to seek globally and locally optimal MFPT-minimizing trap arrangements. We also present recent comparisons of asymptotic and numerical solutions of NE problems to results of full numerical Brownian motion simulations, in the usual case of constant diffusivity, as well as considering more realistic anisotropic diffusion near the domain boundary.


Resource-mediated competition between two plant species with different rates of water intake

Chunyi Gai
Tue, May 11, 2021
PIMS Workshop on New Trends in Localized Patterns in PDES

We propose an extension of the well-known Klausmeier model of vegetation to two plant species that consume water at different rates. Rather than competing directly, the plants compete through their intake of water, which is a shared resource between them. In semi-arid regions, the Klausmeier model produces vegetation spot patterns. We are interested in how the competition for water affects co-existence and stability of patches of different plant species. We consider two plant types: a thirsty species and a frugal species, that only differ by the amount of water they consume, while being identical in all other aspects. We find that there is a finite range of precipitation rate for which two species can co-exist. Outside of that range, (when the rate is either sufficiently low or high), the frugal species outcompetes the thirsty species. As the precipitation rate is decreased, there is sequence of stability thresholds such that thirsty plant patches are the first to die off, while the frugal spots remain resilient for longer. The pattern consisting of only frugal spots is the most resilient. The next-most-resilient pattern consists of all-thirsty patches, with the mixed pattern being less resilient than either of the homogeneous patterns. We also examine numerically what happens for very large precipitation rate. We find that for sufficiently high rate, the frugal plant takes over the entire range, outcompeting the thirsty plant.


Boundary Layer Solutions in the Gierer-Meinhardt System

Daniel Gomez
Tue, May 11, 2021
PIMS Workshop on New Trends in Localized Patterns in PDES

The singularly perturbed Gierer-Meinhardt system has been a prototypical reaction diffusion system for the analysis of localized multi spike solutions. Motivated by recent interest in bulk-surface coupled systems, in this talk we address the structure and linear stability of multi spike solutions in the presence of inhomogeneous boundary conditions. Such inhomogeneities are shown to lead to the formation of both stable symmetric and asymmetric boundary bound spike solutions in one-dimensional domains and analogous solutions in higher dimensions.


Noise and Spike Dynamics for the Gierer-Meinhardt Equations

David Iron
Mon, May 10, 2021
PIMS Workshop on New Trends in Localized Patterns in PDES

The stability and dynamic properties of spike-type solutions to the Gierer- Meinhart equations are well understood. We examine the effect of adding noise to the equations on the spike-dynamics. We derive a stochastic ordinary differential equation for the motion of a single spike as well as the distribution of spike location from the associated Fokker-Plank equation. With sufficiently large amplitude noise, it is possible for the spike to reach the boundary of the domain and become effectively trapped for some time. In this case, we calculate the expected time to capture.


A ring of spikes for the Schnakenberg model

Theodore Kolokolnikov
Mon, May 10, 2021
PIMS Workshop on New Trends in Localized Patterns in PDES

Consider N spikes on located along a ring inside a unit disk. This highly symmetric configuration corresponds to an equilibrium of a two-dimensional Schnakenberg model; the ring radius can be characterized in terms of the modified Green’s function. We study the stability of such a ring with respect to both small and large eigenvalues (corresponding to spike position and spike height perturbations, respectively), and characterize the instability thresholds. For sufficiently large feed rate, we find that a ring of 8 or less spikes is stable with respect to both small and large eigenvalues, whereas a ring of 9 spikes is unstable with respect to small eigenvalues. For 8 spikes or less, as the feed rate is decreased, a small eigen-value instability is triggered first, followed by large eigenvalue instability. For 8 spikes, this instability appears to be supercritical, and deforms a ring into a square-type configuration. The main tool we use is circulant matrices and an analogue of the floquet theory.


The Phase-Field-Crystal Model at Large and Small Scales

Rustum Choksi
Mon, May 10, 2021
PIMS Workshop on New Trends in Localized Patterns in PDES

The Phase-Field-Crystal (PFC) model is a simple yet surprisingly useful model for successfully capturing the phenomenology of grain growth in polycrystalline materials. PFC models are variational with a free energy functional which is very similar (in some cases, identical) to the well-known Swift-Hohenberg free energy. In this talk, we will discuss the simplest PFC functional and its gradient flow.

The first part of the talk will focus on large scales and address the model’s uncanny ability to o capture certain features of grain growth. We introduce a novel atom-based grain extraction and measurement method, and then use it to provide a comparison of multiple statistical grain metrics between (i) PFC simulations, (ii) experimental thin film data for aluminum, and (iii) simulations from the Mullins model.

In the second part of the talk, we investigate the PFC energy landscape at small scales (the local arrangement of atoms). We address patterns which are numerically observed as steady states via the framework of the modern theory of rigorous computations. In doing so, we make rigorous conclusions on the existence of similar states. In particular, we show that localized patterns and grain boundaries are critical and not simply metastable states. Finally, we present preliminary work on connections and parameter continuation in the PFC system. This talk consists of work from the PhD thesis of Gabriel Martine La Boissoniere at McGill. Parts of the talk also involve joint work with S. Esedoglu (Michigan), K. Barmak (Columbia) and J.-P. Lessard (McGill).


Recent Progress and Open Frontiers in Turing-Type Morphogenesis

Andrew Krause
Mon, May 10, 2021
PIMS Workshop on New Trends in Localized Patterns in PDES

Motivated by recent work with biologists, I will showcase some mathematical results on Turing instabilities in complex domains. This is scientifically related to understanding developmental tuning in a variety of settings such as mouse whiskers, human fingerprints, bat teeth, and more generally pattern formation on multiple scales and evolving domains. Such phenomena are typically modelled using reaction-diffusion systems of morphogens, and one is often interested in emergent spatial and spatiotemporal patterns resulting from instabilities of a homogeneous equilibrium, which have been well-studied. In comparison to the well-known effects of how advection or manifold structure impacts unstable modes in such systems, I will present results on instabilities in heterogeneous systems, as well as those arising in the set-ting of evolving manifolds. These contexts require novel formulations of classical dispersion relations, and may have applications beyond developmental biology, such as in population dynamics (e.g. understanding colony or niche formation of populations in heterogeneous environments). These approaches also help close the vast gap between the simple theory of diffusion-driven pattern formation, and the messy reality of biological development, though there is still much work to be done in validating even complex theories against the rich dynamics observed in nature. I will close by discussing a range of open questions, many of which fall well beyond the extensions I will discuss.

