Lethbridge Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar
Let $\rm{ord}_p(a)$ be the order of $a$ in $( \mathbb{Z} / p \mathbb{Z} )^*$. In 1927, Artin conjectured that the set of primes $p$ for which an integer $a\neq -1,\square$ is a primitive root (i.e. $\rm{ord}_p(a)=p-1$) has a positive asymptotic density among all primes. In 1967 Hooley proved this conjecture assuming the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis (GRH). In this talk we will study the behaviour of $\rm{ord}_p(a)$ as $p$ varies over primes, in particular we will show, under GRH, that the set of primes $p$ for which $\rm{ord}_p(a)$ is “$k$ prime factors away” from $p-1$ has a positive asymptotic density among all primes except for particular values of $a$ and $k$. We will interpret being “$k$ prime factors away” in three different ways, namely $k=\omega(\frac{p-1}{\rm{ord}_p(a)})$, $k=\Omega(\frac{p-1} {\rm{ord}_p(a)})$ and $k=\omega(p-1)-\omega(\rm{ord}_p(a))$, and present conditional results analogous to Hooley's in all three cases and for all integer $k$. From this, we will derive conditionally the expectation for these quantities. Furthermore we will provide partial unconditional answers to some of these questions. This is joint work with Leo Goldmakher and Greg Martin.
Even though Euler products of L-functions are generally valid only to the right of the critical strip, there is a strong sense in which they should persist even inside the critical strip. Indeed, the behaviour of Euler products inside the critical strip is very closely related to several major problems in number theory including the Riemann Hypothesis and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture. In this talk, we will give an introduction to this topic and then discuss recent work on establishing asymptotics for partial Euler products of L-functions in the critical strip. We will end by giving applications of these results to questions related to Chebyshev's bias.
Lethbridge Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar
In 1770 Euler observed that $3^3 + 4^3 + 5^3 = 6^3$ and asked if there was another perfect power that equals the sum of consecutive cubes. This captivated the attention of many important mathematicians, such as Cunningham, Catalan, Genocchi and Lucas. In the last decade, the more general equation $x^k + (x+1)^k + \cdots + (x+d)^k = y^n$ began to be studied. In this talk we will focus on this equation. We will see some known results and one of the most used tools to attack this kind of problems. At the end we will show some new results that appear in arXiv:2404.03457.
In this talk, we will discuss the question of establishing CLTs for empirical entropic optimal transport when choosing the regularisation parameter as a decreasing function of the sample size. Importantly, decreasing the regularisation parameter enables estimating the population unregularized quantities of interest. Furthermore, we will show an application to score function estimation, a central quantity in diffusion models, and will discuss parallels with recent work on the estimation of transport maps based on the linearization of the Monge—Ampère equation.
Due to their nonlocal properties, fractional derivatives, such as the Riemann-Liouville or Caputo type, are sometimes used to model memory effects. While their physical interpretation is still not clear, fractional models seem to better describe experimental data, as compared to classical ones. During this talk we will discuss advantages and disadvantages of modelling with fractional derivatives.
As an example, we will consider a SIS epidemiological model and some of its possible fractional generalisations, discussing how the introduction of fractional derivatives might alter the epidemic dynamics.
We show that the reduction of a projective endomorphism modulo a discrete valuation naturally takes the form of a set-theoretic correspondence. This raises the possibility of classifying "reduction types" of such dynamical systems, reminiscent of the additive/multiplicative dichotomy for elliptic curves. These correspondences facilitate the exact evaluation of certain integrals of dynamical Green's functions, which arise as local factors in the context of counting rational points ordered by the Call-Silverman canonical height. No prior knowledge of arithmetic dynamics will be assumed.
In 1966, Tate proposed the Artin–Tate conjectures, which expresses special values of zeta function associated to surfaces over finite fields. Conditional on the Tate conjecture, Milne–Ramachandran formulated and proved similar conjectures for smooth proper schemes over finite fields. The formulation of these conjectures already relied on other unproven conjectures. In this talk, I will discuss an unconditional formulation and proof of these conjectures.
The Polya group of a number field K is a specific subgroup of the ideal class group Cl(K) of K, generated by all classes of Ostrowski ideals of K. In this talk, I will discuss the equality Po(K)=Cl(K) in two directions. First, we will see this equality happens for infinitely many "non-Galois fields'' K. Accordingly, I prove two conjectures presented by Chabert and Halberstadt concerning the Polya groups of some families of non-Galois fields. Then, I present some "finiteness theorems" for the equality Po(K)=Cl(K) for some families of "Galois" fields K obtained in joint work with Amir Akbary (University of Lethbridge).
I am going to discuss various results on moments of symmetric square L-functions and some of their applications. I will mainly focus on a recent result of R. Khan and M. Young and our improvement of it. Khan and Young proved a mean Lindelöf estimate for the second moment of Maass form symmetric-square L-functions $L(\mathop{sym}^2 u_j, 1/2 + it)$ on the short interval of length $G >> |t_j|^{(1 + \epsilon)/t^{(2/3)}}$, where $t_j$ is a spectral parameter of the corresponding Maass form. Their estimate yields a subconvexity estimate for $L(\mathop{sym}^2 u_j, 1/2 + it)$ as long as $|t_j|^{(6/7 + \delta)} << t < (2 - \delta)|t_j|$. We obtain a mean Lindelöf estimate for the same moment in shorter intervals, namely for $G >> |t_j|^{(1 + \epsilon)/t}$. As a corollary, we prove a subconvexity estimate for $L(\mathop{sym}^2 u_j, 1/2 + it)$ on the interval $|t_j|^{(2/3 + \delta)} << t << |t_j|^{(6/7 - \delta)}$. This is joint work with Olga Balkanova.
I will discuss a result with Bonatti and Crovisier from 2009 showing that the C^1 generic diffeomorphism f of a closed manifold has trivial centralizer; i.e. fg = gf implies that g is a power of f. I’ll discuss features of the C^1 topology that enable our proof (the analogous statement is open in general in the C^r topology, for r>1). I’ll also discuss some features of the proof and some recent work, joint with Danijela Damjanovic and Disheng Xu that attempts to tackle the non-generic case.