Algebraic Geometry

Bad reduction of rational maps

Matt Olechnowicz
Thu, Feb 13, 2025
PIMS, University of Calgary
UCalgary Algebra and Number Theory Seminar

We show that the reduction of a projective endomorphism modulo a discrete valuation naturally takes the form of a set-theoretic correspondence. This raises the possibility of classifying "reduction types" of such dynamical systems, reminiscent of the additive/multiplicative dichotomy for elliptic curves. These correspondences facilitate the exact evaluation of certain integrals of dynamical Green's functions, which arise as local factors in the context of counting rational points ordered by the Call-Silverman canonical height. No prior knowledge of arithmetic dynamics will be assumed.


Zeta functon of F-gauges and special values

Shubhodip Mondal
Thu, Feb 6, 2025
PIMS, University of Calgary
UCalgary Algebra and Number Theory Seminar

In 1966, Tate proposed the Artin–Tate conjectures, which expresses special values of zeta function associated to surfaces over finite fields. Conditional on the Tate conjecture, Milne–Ramachandran formulated and proved similar conjectures for smooth proper schemes over finite fields. The formulation of these conjectures already relied on other unproven conjectures. In this talk, I will discuss an unconditional formulation and proof of these conjectures.


Classification of some Galois fields with a fixed Polya index

Abbas Maarefparvar
Thu, Jan 30, 2025
PIMS, University of Calgary
UCalgary Algebra and Number Theory Seminar

The Polya group P o ( K ) of a Galois number field K coincides with the subgroup of the ideal class group C l ( K ) of K consisting of all strongly ambiguous ideal classes. We prove that there are only finitely many imaginary abelian number fields K whose "Polya index" [ C l ( K ) : P o ( K ) ] is a fixed integer. Accordingly, under GRH, we completely classify all imaginary quadratic fields with the Polya indices 1 and 2. Also, we unconditionally classify all imaginary biquadratic and imaginary tri-quadratic fields with the Polya index 1. In another direction, we classify all real quadratic fields K of extended R-D type (with possibly only one more field K ) for which P o ( K ) = C l ( K ) . Our result generalizes Kazuhiro's classification of all real quadratic fields of narrow R-D type whose narrow genus numbers are equal to their narrow class numbers.

This is a joint work with Amir Akbary (University of Lethbridge).


Refinements of Artin's primitive root conjecture

Paul Péringuey
Thu, Dec 5, 2024
PIMS, University of Calgary
UCalgary Algebra and Number Theory Seminar

Let ord𝑝(𝑎)be the order of 𝑎in (ℤ/𝑝ℤ)∗. In 1927, Artin conjectured that the set of primes 𝑝for which an integer 𝑎≠−1,◻is a primitive root (i.e. ord𝑝(𝑎)=𝑝−1) has a positive asymptotic density among all primes. In 1967 Hooley proved this conjecture assuming the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis (GRH). In this talk, we will study the behaviour of ord𝑝(𝑎)as 𝑝varies over primes. In particular, we will show, under GRH, that the set of primes 𝑝for which ord𝑝(𝑎)is “𝑘prime factors away” from 𝑝−1− 1 has a positive asymptotic density among all primes, except for particular values of 𝑎and 𝑘. We will interpret being “𝑘prime factors away” in three different ways:

We will present conditional results analogous to Hooley’s in all three cases and for all integer 𝑘. From this, we will derive conditionally the expectation for these quantities.

Furthermore, we will provide partial unconditional answers to some of these questions.

This is joint work with Leo Goldmakher and Greg Martin.


On some open problems about polynomials

Dang-Khoa Nguyen
Thu, Nov 28, 2024
PIMS, University of Calgary
UCalgary Algebra and Number Theory Seminar

Over the years, there have been several open problems involving polynomials that I would love to tell others about. This opportunity to speak at my “home ground” seems the perfect time to do so. More specifically, I will discuss the following:

- A conjecture of Ruzsa for integers and a related problem in a joint work with Bell for polynomials over finite fields.
- A conjectural lower bound for the degree of irreducible factors of certain polynomials from a joint work with DeMarco, Ghioca, Krieger, Tucker, and Ye.
- The irreducibility of certain Gleason polynomials.


Torsion of Rational Elliptic Curves over the Cyclotomic Extensions of ℚ

Omer Avci
Thu, Oct 31, 2024
PIMS, University of Calgary
UCalgary Algebra and Number Theory Seminar

Let E be an elliptic curve defined over ℚ. Let p > 3 be a prime such that p - 1 is not divisible by 3, 4, 5, 7, 11. In this article, we classify the groups that can arise as E(ℚ(ζp))tors up to isomorphism. The method illustrates techniques for eliminating possible structures that can appear as a subgroup of E(ℚab)tors.


Orienteering with One Endomorphism

Renate Scheidler
Thu, Oct 24, 2024
PIMS, University of Calgary
UCalgary Algebra and Number Theory Seminar

Given two elliptic curves, the path finding problem asks to find an isogeny (i.e. a group homomorphism) between them, subject to certain degree restrictions. Path finding has uses in number theory as well as applications to cryptography. For supersingular curves, this problem is known to be easy when one small endomorphism or the entire endomorphism ring are known. Unfortunately, computing the endomorphism ring, or even just finding one small endomorphism, is hard. How difficult is path finding in the presence of one (not necessarily small) endomorphism? We use the volcano structure of the oriented supersingular isogeny graph to answer this question. We give a classical algorithm for path finding that is subexponential in the degree of the endomorphism and linear in a certain class number, and a quantum algorithm for finding a smooth isogeny (and hence also a path) that is subexponential in the discriminant of the endomorphism. A crucial tool for navigating supersingular oriented isogeny volcanoes is a certain class group action on oriented elliptic curves which generalizes the well-known class group action in the setting of ordinary elliptic curves.


Parametrization of rings of finite rank - a geometric approach and their use in counting number fields

Gaurav Patil
Thu, Oct 17, 2024
PIMS, University of Calgary
UCalgary Algebra and Number Theory Seminar

We describe parametrizations of rings that generalize the notions of monogenic rings and binary rings. We use these parametrizations to give better lower bounds on the number of number fields of degree n and bounded discriminant.


Understanding arithmetic and geometry through cutting and pasting

Ravi Vakil
Thu, Sep 21, 2023
PIMS Network Wide Colloquium

Euler’s famous formula tells us that (with appropriate caveats), a map on the sphere with f countries (faces), e borders (edges), and v border-ends (vertices) will satisfy v-e+f=2. And more generally, for a map on a surface with g holes, v-e+f=2-2g. Thus we can figure out the genus of a surface by cutting it into pieces (faces, edges, vertices), and just counting the pieces appropriately. This is an example of the topological maxim “think globally, act locally”. A starting point for modern algebraic geometry can be understood as the realization that when geometric objects are actually algebraic, then cutting and pasting tells you far more than it does in “usual” geometry. I will describe some easy-to-understand statements (with hard-to-understand proofs), as well as easy-to-understand conjectures (some with very clever counterexamples, by M. Larsen, V. Lunts, L. Borisov, and others). I may also discuss some joint work with Melanie Matchett Wood.

Speaker biography:

Ravi Vakil is a Professor of Mathematics and the Robert K. Packard University Fellow at Stanford University, and was the David Huntington Faculty Scholar. He received the Dean's Award for Distinguished Teaching, an American Mathematical Society Centennial Fellowship, a Frederick E. Terman fellowship, an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, a National Science Foundation CAREER grant, the presidential award PECASE, and the Brown Faculty Fellowship. Vakil also received the Coxeter-James Prize from the Canadian Mathematical Society, and the André-Aisenstadt Prize from the CRM in Montréal. He was the 2009 Earle Raymond Hedrick Lecturer at Mathfest, and a Mathematical Association of America's Pólya Lecturer 2012-2014. The article based on this lecture has won the Lester R. Ford Award in 2012 and the Chauvenet Prize in 2014. In 2013, he was a Simons Fellow in Mathematics.


Non-realizability of polytopes via linear programming

Amy Wiebe
Wed, Apr 20, 2022
Emergent Research: The PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow Seminar

A classical question in polytope theory is whether an abstract polytope can be realized as a concrete convex object. Beyond dimension 3, there seems to be no concise answer to this question in general. In specific instances, answering the question in the negative is often done via “final polynomials” introduced by Bokowski and Sturmfels. This method involves finding a polynomial which, based on the structure of a polytope if realizable, must be simultaneously zero and positive, a clear contradiction. The search space for these polynomials is ideal of Grassmann-Plücker relations, which quickly becomes too large to efficiently search, and in most instances where this technique is used, additional assumptions on the structure of the desired polynomial are necessary.

In this talk, I will describe how by changing the search space, we are able to use linear programming to exhaustively search for similar polynomial certificates of non-realizability without any assumed structure. We will see that, perhaps surprisingly, this elementary strategy yields results that are competitive with more elaborate alternatives and allows us to prove non-realizability of several interesting polytopes.

