Small Number and the Old Canoe
Date: Sun, Nov 22, 2009 to Mon, Nov 23, 2009
Location: Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Conference: BIRS First Nations Math Education Workshop
Subject: Mathematics
Class: Educational
In Small Number and the Old Canoe mathematics is present throughout the story with the hope that this experience will make at least some members of our young audience, with the moderator’s help, recognize more mathematics around them in their everyday lives. We use terms like smooth, shape, oval, and surface, the mathematical phraseology like, It must be at least a hundred years old, the artist skillfully presents reflection (symmetry) of trees in water, and so on. The idea behind this approach is to give the moderator a few openings to introduce or emphasize various mathematical objects, concepts, and terminology. The short film is a little math suspense story and our question is related only to one part of it. The aim of the question is to lead to an introduction at an intuitive level of the concept of a function and the essence of the principle of inclusion-exclusion as a counting technique. The authors would also like to give their audience an opportunity to appreciate that in order to understand a math question, one often needs to read (or in this case, watch) a problem more than once.
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