Lethbridge Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar
The distribution of values of Dirichlet L-functions \(L(s, \chi)\) for variable \(χ\) has been studied extensively and has a vast literature. Moments of higher derivatives has been studied as well, by Soundarajan, Sono, Heath-Brown etc. However, the study of the same for the logarithmic derivative \(L'(s, \chi)/ L(s, \chi)\) is much more recent and was initiated by Ihara, Murty etc. In this talk we will discuss higher derivatives of the logarithmic derivative and present some new results related to their distribution and moments at s=1.
Analytic Aspects of L-functions and Applications to Number Theory
In 2000, Shiu proved that there are infinitely many primes whose last digit is 1 such that the next prime also ends in a 1. However, it is an open problem to show that there are infinitely many primes ending in 1 such that the next prime ends in 3. In this talk, we'll instead consider the sequence of sums of two squares in increasing order. In particular, we'll show that there are infinitely many sums of two squares ending in 1 such that the next sum of two squares ends in 3. We'll show further that all patterns of length 3 occur infinitely often: for any modulus q, every sequence (a mod q, b mod q, c mod q) appears infinitely often among consecutive sums of two squares. We'll discuss some of the proof techniques, and explain why they fail for primes. Joint work with Noam Kimmel.
Let \(p\) be an odd prime. We study Mazur's conjecture on the growth of the Mordell--Weil ranks of an elliptic curve \(E/\mathbb{Q}\) over an imaginary quadratic field in which \(p\) splits and \(E\) has good reduction at \(p\). In particular, we obtain criteria that may be checked through explicit calculation, thus allowing for the verification of Mazur's conjecture in specific examples. This is joint work with Rylan Gajek-Leonard, Jeffrey Hatley, and Antonio Lei.
We present various results and conjectures regarding unlikely intersections of orbits for families of Drinfeld modules. Our questions are motivated by the groundbreaking result of Masser and Zannier (from 15 years ago) regarding torsion points in algebraic families of elliptic curves.
Lethbridge Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar
In this talk, we will discuss an estimate for a discrete mean value of the Riemann zeta function and its derivatives multiplied by Dirichlet polynomials. Assuming the Riemann Hypothesis, we obtain a lower bound for the 2kth moment of all the derivatives of the Riemann zeta function evaluated at its nontrivial zeros. This is based on a joint work with Kübra Benli and Nathan Ng.
Lethbridge Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar
It is conjectured that there is no projective plane of order 12. Balanced splittable Hadamard matrices were introduced in 2018. In 2023, it was shown that a projective plane of order 12 is equivalent to a balanced multi-splittable Hadamard matrix of order 144. There will be an attempt to show the equivalence in a way that may require little background.
Analytic Aspects of L-functions and Applications to Number Theory
We will explore how a Fourier optimization framework may be used to study two classical problems in number theory involving Dirichlet characters: The problem of estimating the least character non-residue; and the problem of estimating the least prime in an arithmetic progression. In particular, we show how this Fourier framework leads to subtle, but conceptually interesting, improvements on the best current asymptotic bounds under the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis, given by Lamzouri, Li, and Soundararajan. Based on joint work with Emanuel Carneiro, Micah Milinovich, and Antonio Ramos.
Let $s(n)$ denote the sum of proper divisors of a positive integer $n$. In 1992, Erdös, Granville, Pomerance, and Spiro conjectured that if \(\square\) is a set of integers with asymptotic density zero then the preimage set \(s^{−1}(\square)\) also has asymptotic density zero. In this talk, we will discuss the verification of this conjecture when \(\square\) is the set of integers with missing digits (also known as ellipsephic integers) by giving a quantitative estimate on the size of the set \(s^{-1}(\square)\). This talk is based on the joint work with Giulia Cesana, C\'{e}cile Dartyge, Charlotte Dombrowsky and Lola Thompson.
Analytic Aspects of L-functions and Applications to Number Theory
We discuss the role of long Dirichlet polynomials in number theory. We first survey some applications of mean values of long Dirichlet polynomials over primes in the theory of the Riemann zeta function which includes central limit theorems and pair correlation of zeros. We then give some examples showing how, on assuming the Riemann Hypothesis, one can compute asymptotics for such mean values without using the Hardy-Littlewood conjectures for additive correlations of the von-Mangoldt functions.
Exponential sums play a role in many different problems in number theory. For instance, Gauss sums are at the heart of some early proofs of the quadratic reciprocity law, while Kloosterman sums are involved in the study of modular and automorphic forms. Another example of application of exponential sums is the circle method, an analytic approach to problems involving the enumeration of integer solutions to certain equations. In many cases, obtaining upper bounds on the modulus of these sums allow us to draw conclusions, but once the modulus has been bounded, it is natural to ask the question of the distribution of exponential sums in the region of the complex plane in which they live. After a brief overview of the motivations mentioned above, I will present some results obtained with Emmanuel Kowalski on the equidistribution of exponential sums indexed by the roots modulo p of a polynomial with integer coefficients.