Number Theory

Examples of well-behaved Beurling number systems

Frederik Broucke
Thu, Dec 7, 2023
PIMS, University of British Columbia
UBC Number Theory Seminar

A Beurling number system consists a non-decreasing unbounded sequence of reals larger than 1, which are called generalized primes, and the sequence of all possible products of these generalized primes, which are called generalized integers. With both sequences one associates counting functions. Of particular interest is the case when both counting functions are close to their classical counter parts: namely when the prime-counting function is close to Li(x), and when the integer-counting function is close to ax for some positive constant a.

A Beurling number systems is well-behaved if it admits a power saving in the error terms for both these counting functions. In this talk, I will discuss some general theory of these well-behaved systems, and present some recent work about examples of such well-behaved number systems. This talk is based on joint work with Gregory Debruyne and Szilárd Révész.


Local to global principle for higher moments of the natural density

Severin Schraven
Thu, Nov 30, 2023
PIMS, University of British Columbia
UBC Number Theory Seminar

In this talk I will explain how to obtain a local to global principle for expected values over free ℤ-modules of finite rank. We use the same philosophy as Ekedhal’s Sieve for densities, later extended and improved by Poonen and Stoll in their local to global principle for densities. This strategy can also be extended to higher moments and to holomorphy rings of any global function field.

These results were obtained in collaboration with A. Hsiao, J. Ma, G. Micheli, S. Tinani, V. Weger, Y.Q. Wen.


The size function for imaginary cyclic sextic fields

Ha Tran
Tue, Nov 28, 2023
PIMS, University of Lethbridge
Lethbridge Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar

The size function $h^0$ for a number field is analogous to the dimension of the Riemann-Roch spaces of divisors on an algebraic curve. Van der Geer and Schoof conjectured that $h^0$ attains its maximum at the trivial class of Arakelov divisors if that field is Galois over $\mathbb{Q}$ or over an imaginary quadratic field. This conjecture was proved for all number fields with the unit group of rank $0$ and $1$, and also for cyclic cubic fields which have unit group of rank two. In this talk, we will discuss the main idea to prove that the conjecture also holds for totally imaginary cyclic sextic fields, another class of number fields with unit group of rank two. This is joint work with Peng Tian and Amy Feaver.


The eighth moment of $\Gamma_1(q)$ L-functions

Vorrapan Chandee
Mon, Nov 6, 2023
PIMS, University of Lethbridge
Analytic Aspects of L-functions and Applications to Number Theory

In this talk, I will discuss my on-going joint work with Xiannan Li on an unconditional asymptotic formula for the eighth moment of $\Gamma_1(q)$ L-functions, which are associated with eigenforms for the congruence subgroups $\Gamma_1(q)$. Similar to a large family of Dirichlet L-functions, the family of $\Gamma_1(q)$ L-functions has a size around $q^2$ while the conductor is of size $q$. An asymptotic large sieve of the family is available by the work of Iwaniec and Xiaoqing Li, and they observed that this family of harmonics is not perfectly orthogonal. This introduces certain subtleties in our work.


Twisted moments of characteristic polynomials of random matrices

Siegfred Baluyot
Mon, Nov 27, 2023
PIMS, University of Lethbridge
Analytic Aspects of L-functions and Applications to Number Theory

In the late 90's, Keating and Snaith used random matrix theory to predict the exact leading terms of conjectural asymptotic formulas for all integral moments of the Riemann zeta-function. Prior to their work, no number-theoretic argument or heuristic has led to such exact predictions for all integral moments. In 2015, Conrey and Keating revisited the approach of using divisor sum heuristics to predict asymptotic formulas for moments of zeta. Essentially, their method estimates moments of zeta using lower twisted moments. In this talk, I will discuss a rigorous random matrix theory analogue of the Conrey-Keating heuristic. This is ongoing joint work with Brian Conrey.


A survey of Büthe's method for estimating prime counting functions

Sreerupa Bhattacharjee
Tue, Nov 21, 2023
PIMS, University of Lethbridge
Lethbridge Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar

This talk will begin with a study on explicit bounds for $\psi(x)$ starting with the work of Rosser in 1941. It will also cover various improvements over the years including the works of Rosser and Schoenfeld, Dusart, Faber-Kadiri, Platt-Trudgian, Büthe, and Fiori-Kadiri-Swidinsky. In the second part of this talk, I will provide an overview of my master's thesis which is a survey on 'Estimating $\pi(x)$ and Related Functions under Partial RH Assumptions' by Jan Büthe. This article provides the best known bounds for $\psi(x)$ for small values of $x$ in the interval $[e^{50},e^{3000}]$. A distinctive feature of this paper is the use of Logan's function and its Fourier Transform. I will be presenting the main theorem in Büthe's paper regarding estimates for $\psi(x)$ with other necessary results required to understand the proof.


Some Pólya Fields of Small Degrees

Abbas Maarefparvar
Tue, Nov 7, 2023
PIMS, University of Lethbridge
Lethbridge Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar

Historically, the notion of Pólya fields dates back to some works of George Pólya and Alexander Ostrowski, in 1919, on entire functions with integer values at integers; a number field $K$ with ring of integers $\mathcal{O}_K$ is called a Pólya field whenever the $\mathcal{O}_K$-module $\{f \in K[X] \, : \, f(\mathcal{O}_K) \subseteq \mathcal{O}_K \}$ admits an $\mathcal{O}_K$-basis with exactly one member from each degree. Pólya fields can be thought of as a generalization of number fields with class number one, and their classification of a specific degree has become recently an active research subject in algebraic number theory. In this talk, I will present some criteria for $K$ to be a Pólya field. Then I will give some results concerning Pólya fields of degrees $2$, $3$, and $6$.


Characteristic polynomials, the Hybrid model, and the Ratios Conjecture

Andrew Pearce-Crump
Mon, Nov 20, 2023
PIMS, University of Lethbridge
Analytic Aspects of L-functions and Applications to Number Theory

In the 1960s Shanks conjectured that the $\zeta\'(\rho)$, where $\rho$ is a non-trivial zero of zeta, is both real and positive in the mean. Conjecturing and proving this result has a rich history, but efforts to generalise it to higher moments have so far failed. Building on the work of Keating and Snaith using characteristic polynomials from Random Matrix Theory, the Hybrid model of Gonek, Hughes and Keating, and the Ratios Conjecture of Conrey, Farmer, and Zirnbauer, we have been able to produce new conjectures for the full asymptotics of higher moments of the derivatives of zeta. This is joint work with Chris Hughes.


Statistics of the Mulitiplicative Groups

Greg Martin
Thu, Nov 2, 2023
PIMS, University of British Columbia
UBC Number Theory Seminar

For every positive integer n, the quotient ring Z/nZ is the natural ring whose additive group is cyclic. The "multiplicative group modulo n" is the group of invertible elements of this ring, with the multiplication operation. As it turns out, many quantities of interest to number theorists can be interpreted as "statistics" of these multiplicative groups. For example, the cardinality of the multiplicative group modulo n is simply the Euler phi function of n; also, the number of terms in the invariant factor composition of this group is closely related to the number of primes dividing n. Many of these statistics have known distributions when the integer n is chosen at random (the Euler phi function has a singular cumulative distribution, while the Erdös–Kac theorem tells us that the number of prime divisors follows an asymptotically normal distribution). Therefore this family of groups provides a convenient excuse for examining several famous number theory results and open problems. We shall describe how we know, given the factorization of n, the exact structure of the multiplicative group modulo n, and go on to outline the connections to these classical statistical problems in multiplicative number theory.


Easy detection of (Di)Graphical Regular Representations

Joy Morris
Tue, Oct 31, 2023
PIMS, University of Lethbridge
Lethbridge Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar

Graphical and Digraphical Regular Representations (GRRs and DRRs) are a concrete way to visualise the regular action of a group, using graphs. More precisely, a GRR or DRR on the group G is a (di)graph whose automorphism group is isomorphic to the regular action of G on itself by right-multiplication.

For a (di)graph to be a DRR or GRR on G, it must be a Cayley (di)graph on G. Whenever the group G admits an automorphism that fixes the connection set of the Cayley (di)graph setwise, this induces a nontrivial graph automorphism that fixes the identity vertex, which means that the (di)graph is not a DRR or GRR. Checking whether or not there is any group automorphism that fixes a particular connection set can be done very quickly and easily compared with checking whether or not any nontrivial graph automorphism fixes some vertex, so it would be nice to know if there are circumstances under which the simpler test is enough to guarantee whether or not the Cayley graph is a GRR or DRR. I will present a number of results on this question.

This is based on joint work with Dave Morris and with Gabriel Verret.

