Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Student Lecture 10 |
Polymer Size Distributions (continued) |
Mechanical Simulations of Cell Motility |
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Student Lecture 11 |
Alan Turing and the Patterns of Life |
Mathematical Modeling: The View from Public Health Practice |
Optimizing Influenza Vaccine Allocation |
The effect of vaccination on influenza’s rate of antigenic drift |
Rapid Localized Spread and Immunologic Containment Defines Herpes Simplex Virus-2 Reactivation in the Human Genital Trac |
Vaccination Against Genital Herpes |
A cross-scale approach to determining measures of vaccine efficacy |
Multiscale Modeling of Hepatitis C Virus Infection |
CD8+ T cell-mediated killing of infected cells |
Modeling mass vaccination and other interventions: An individual-based approach |
Stochastic modeling insights into early HIV infection |
Combatting Neglected Disease Leishmaniasis in India: Identifying True Burden & Designing Efficient Control Policy |
Public Health Decision-Making in Global HIV/STIs |
Using epidemiological data to understand within-host parasite dynamics of malaria infection |
The Emerging Roles and Computational Challenges of Stochasticity in Biological Systems |
The Mathematics of Social Evolution |
Optimizing Biogas Generation Using Anaerobic Digestion |
Mathematical ecology: A century of progress, and challenges for the next century |
Public Goods, from Biofilms to Societies. |
DINOSAUR WARS: Extinction by Asteroid or Volcanism? Are we the Dinosaurs of the 6th Mass Extinction? |
If Space Turned out to be Time: Resonances and Patterns in the Visual Cortex |
Variation in the descent of genome: modeling and inference |
In Progress COVID-19 modelling |
Multiple fission cycles in Chlamydomonas |
Modeling strict age-targeted mitigation strategies for COVID-19 |
What is epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity and why is it important for metastasis? |
Real-time modelling of the COVID-19 epidemic: perspectives from British Columbia |
Gaps of saddle connection directions for some branched covers of tori |
Binocular Rivalry; Modeling by Network Structure |
Multiscale multicellular modeling of tissue function and disease using CompuCell3D |
The Mathematics of Life: Making Diffusion Your Friend |
Epidemiology CovidSimABM: An Agent-Based Model of Contagion |
Implementation of quarantine measures accounting for Covid-19 hospital saturation |
Flattening the curve and the effect of atypical events on mitigation measures |
Characterizing the spread of COVID-19 in Canada and the USA |
Fast spread of SARS-CoV-2 in China, Europe and the US |
Spatiotemporal Transmission Dynamics of COVID-19 in Spain |
Impacts on community transmission and disease burden of a clinical prediction tool to prioritize limited COVID testing |
A simple criterion to design optimal nonpharmaceutical interventions for epidemic outbreaks |
Not all interventions are equal for the height of the second peak |
Modeling intervention strategies for containing Covid-19 in Nursing homes with digital contact tracing |
The timing and nature of behavioral responses affect the course of an epidemic |
Mechanistic modeling of the SARS-CoV-2 and immune system interplay unravels design principles for diverse clinicopathological outcomes |
In-host Modelling of COVID-19 in Humans |
Modelling evolutionary epidemiology of COVID-19 |
Localized outbreaks in S-I-R model with diffusion |