
Grothendeick Lp Problem for Gaussian Matrices

Wei-Kuo Chen
Fri, Dec 10, 2021
Pacific Workshop on Probability and Statistical Physics

The Grothendieck Lp problem is defined as an optimization problem that maximizes the quadratic form of a Gaussian matrix over the unit Lp ball. The p=2 case corresponds to the top eigenvalue of the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble, while for p=∞ this problem is known as the ground state energy of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick mean-field spin glass model and its limit can be expressed by the famous Parisi formula. In this talk, I will describe the limit of this optimization problem for general p and discuss some results on the behavior of the near optimizers along with some open problems. This is based on a joint work with Arnab Sen.


Conformal welding in Liouville quantum gravity: recent results and applications

Nina Holden
Fri, Dec 10, 2021
Pacific Workshop on Probability and Statistical Physics

Liouville quantum gravity (LQG) is a natural model for a random fractal surface with origins in conformal field theory and string theory. A powerful tool in the study of LQG is conformal
welding, where multiple LQG surfaces are combined into a single LQG surface. The interfaces between the original LQG surfaces are typically described by variants of the random fractal curves known as Schramm-Loewner evolutions (SLE). We will present a few recent conformal welding results for LQG surfaces and applications to the integrability of SLE and LQG partition functions. Based on joint work with Ang and Sun and with Lehmkuehler.


Cutoff for random walks on random graphs at the entropic time

Jonathan Hermon
Fri, Dec 10, 2021
Pacific Workshop on Probability and Statistical Physics

(Joint work with Perla Sousi.) A sequence of Markov chains is said to exhibit cutoff if it exhibits an abrupt convergence to equilibrium. Loosely speaking, this means that the epsilon mixing time (i.e. the first time the worst-case total-variation distance from equilibrium is at most epsilon) is asymptotically independent of epsilon. An emerging paradigm is that cutoff is related to entropic concentration. In the case of random walks on random graphs G=(V,E), the entropic time can be defined as the time at which the entropy of random walk on some auxiliary graph (often the Benjamini-Schramm limit) is log |V|. Previous works established cutoff at the entropic time in the case of the configuration model. We consider a random graph model in which a random graph G'=(V,E') is obtained from a given graph G=(V,E) with an even number of vertices by picking a random perfect matching of the vertices, and adding an edge between each pair of matched vertices. We prove cutoff at the entropic time, provided G is of bounded degree and its connected components are of size at least 3. Previous works were restricted to the case that the random graph is locally tree-like.


Emergence of diverse collective behaviors from local topological perception

Jack Tisdell
Fri, Dec 10, 2021
PIMS, University of British Columbia
Mathematical Biology Seminar

Modeling "social" interactions within a large population has proven to be a rich subject of study for a variety of scientific communities during the past few decades. Specifically, with the goal of predicting the macroscopic effects resulting from microscopic-scale endogenous as well as exogenous interactions, many emblematic models for the emergence of collective behaviors have been proposed. In this talk we present a dynamical model for generic crowds in which individual agents are aware of their local environment, i.e., neighboring agents and domain boundary features, and may seek static targets. Our model incorporates features common to many other "active matter'' models like collision avoidance, alignment among agents, and homing toward targets. However, it is novel in key respects: the model combines topological and metrical features in a natural manner based upon the local environment of the agent's Voronoi diagram. With only two parameters, it is shown to capture a wide range of collective behaviors that go beyond the more classical velocity consensus and group cohesion. The work presented here is joint with R. Choksi and J.C. Nave at McGill


The effect of free boundary conditions on the Ising model in high dimensions

Jianping Jian
Thu, Dec 9, 2021
Pacific Workshop on Probability and Statistical Physics

We study the critical Ising model with free boundary conditions on finite domains in Zd
with d ≥ 4. Under the assumption, so far only proved completely for high d, that the critical infinite volume two-point function is of order |x-y|-(d-2) for large |x−y|, we prove the same is valid on large finite cubes with free boundary conditions, as long as x, y are not too close to the boundary. This confirms a numerical prediction in the physics literature by showing that the critical susceptibility in a finite domain of linear size L with free boundary conditions is of order L2 as L → ∞. We also prove that the scaling limit of the near-critical (small external field) Ising magnetization field with free boundary conditions is Gaussian with the same covariance as the critical scaling limit, and thus the correlations do not decay exponentially. This is very different from the situation in low d or the expected behavior in high d with bulk boundary conditions.


A probabilistic view of the box-ball system and other discrete integrable systems

Makiko Sasada
Thu, Dec 9, 2021
Pacific Workshop on Probability and Statistical Physics

The box-ball system (BBS) was introduced by Takahashi and Satsuma as a simple discrete
model in which solitons (i.e. solitary waves) could be observed, and it has since been shown that it can be derived from the classical Korteweg-de-Vries equation, which describes waves in shallow water by a proper discretization. The last few years have seen a growing interest in the study of the BBS and related discrete integrable systems started from random initial conditions. Particular aims include characterizing measures that are invariant for the dynamics, exploring the soliton decompositions of random configurations, and establishing (generalized) hydrodynamic limits. In this talk, I will explain some recent progress in this direction.


How round is a Jordan curve?

Yilin Wang
Thu, Dec 9, 2021
Pacific Workshop on Probability and Statistical Physics

The Loewner energy for simple closed curves first arises from the small-parameter large deviations of Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE), a family of random fractal curves modeling interfaces in 2D statistical mechanics. In a certain way, this energy measures the roundness of a Jordan curve, and we show that it is finite if and only if the curve is a Weil-Petersson quasicircle. This intriguing class of curves has more than 20 equivalent definitions arising in very different contexts, including Teichmueller theory, geometric function theory, hyperbolic geometry, spectral theory, and string theory, and has been studied since the eighties. The myriad of perspectives on this class of curves is both luxurious and mysterious. I will overview the links between Loewner energy and SLE, Weil-Petersson quasicircles, and other branches of math it touches on. I will also highlight how ideas from probability theory inspire new results on Weil-Petersson quasicircles and discuss further directions.


Recent progress on random field Ising model

Jian Ding
Thu, Dec 9, 2021
Pacific Workshop on Probability and Statistical Physics

Random field Ising model is a canonical example to study the effect of disorder on long
range order. In 70’s, Imry-Ma predicted that in the presence of weak disorder, the long-range
order persists at low temperatures in three dimensions and above but disappears in two
dimensions. In this talk, I will review mathematical development surrounding this prediction,
and I will focus on recent progress on exponential decay (joint with Jiaming Xia) and on
correlation length in two dimensions (joint with Mateo Wirth). In addition, I will describe a
recent general inequality for the Ising model (joint with Jian Song and Rongfeng Sun) which
has implications for the random field Ising model.


Estimating transport distances via Stein's method

Max Fathi
Thu, Dec 2, 2021
Kantorovich Initiative Seminar

Stein’s method is a set of techniques for bounding distances between probability measures via integration-by-parts formulas. It was introduced by Stein in the 1980s for bouding the rate of convergence in central limit theorems, and has found many applications since then in probability, statistics and beyond. In this talk, I will present classical variants of this method in the context of estimating $L^1$ Wasserstein distances, and discuss some recent developments for $L^1$ Wasserstein distances.


An Algebraic Approach on Fusions of Synchronization Models

Hansol Park
Wed, Dec 8, 2021
PIMS, University of British Columbia
Emergent Research: The PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow Seminar

In this talk, we study an algebraic approach to fusions of synchronization models. The Lohe tensor model is a generalized synchronization model which contains three synchronization models; the Kuramoto model(on the circle), the swarm sphere model(on the sphere), and the Lohe matrix model(on the unitary group). Since the Lohe tensor model contains any synchronization models defined on any rank and size of tensors, we use this model to study fusions of synchronization models. The final goal of the study is to present a fusion of multiple Lohe tensor models for different rank tensors and sizes. For this, we identify an admissible Cauchy problem to the Lohe tensor model with a characteristic symbol consisting of a size vector, a natural frequency tensor, a coupling strength tensor, and an initial admissible configuration. In this way, the collection of all admissible Cauchy problems for the Lohe tensor models is equivalent to the space of characteristic symbols. On the other hand, we introduce a binary operation which we call “fusion operation," as a binary operation between characteristic symbols. It turns out that the fusion operation satisfies associativity and admits an identity element in the space of characteristic symbols that naturally form a monoid. By the fusion operation, the weakly coupled system of multi tensor models can be obtained by applying the fusion operation of multiple characteristic symbols corresponding to the Lohe tensor models. As a concrete example, we consider a weak coupling of the swarm sphere model and the Lohe matrix model and provide a sufficient framework leading to emergent dynamics to this coupled model.

Speaker Biography

Hansol Park was born and raised in the Republic of Korea(South Korea). He got a Ph. D. in mathematics in 2021 from Seoul National University(Advisor: Prof. Seung-Yeal Ha). During his doctoral period, he tried to integrate various types of synchronization models. Currently, he is a PIMS Postdoc at Simon Fraser University under Prof. Razvan C. Fetecau. So far, most of his researches are related to particle systems with interactions. Recently, he is interested in variation methods (minimization problem) and information geometry.

