Algebraic Geometry

Differential Equations and Algebraic Geometry - 3

Adrian Clingher
Wed, Nov 3, 2021
PIMS, University of Alberta
PIMS Network Courses
Differential Equations and Algebraic Geometry

This is a guest lecture in the PIMS Network Wide Graduate Course in Differential Equations in Algebraic Geometry.


Differential Equations and Algebraic Geometry - 2

Hossein Movasati
Sat, Oct 30, 2021
PIMS, University of Alberta
PIMS Network Courses
Differential Equations and Algebraic Geometry

This is a guest lecture in the PIMS Network Wide Graduate Course in Differential Equations in Algebraic Geometry.


Differential Equations and Algebraic Geometry - 1

Hossein Movasati
Wed, Oct 27, 2021
PIMS, University of Alberta
PIMS Network Courses
Differential Equations and Algebraic Geometry

This is a guest lecture in the PIMS Network Wide Graduate Course in Differential Equations in Algebraic Geometry.


Branes, Quivers, and BPS Algebras 4 of 4

Miroslav Rapčák
Thu, Aug 26, 2021
PIMS, University of Saskatchewan
2nd PIMS Summer School on Algebraic Geometry in High Energy Physics

This series of lectures covers a brief introduction into some algebro-geometric techniques used in the construction of BPS algebras. The starting point of our construction is a physical picture of D0-branes bound to D-branes of higher dimension. Using methods of the derived category of coherent sheaves, we are going to derive a framed quiver with potential describing supersymmetric quantum mechanics capturing the low-energy behavior of such D0-branes. For a large class of quivers, we are going to identify the space of BPS states with different melted-crystal configurations. Finally, by employing correspondences, we are going to construct an action of a BPS algebra known as the affine Yangian on the space of BPS states. The action of the affine Yangian factors through the action of various vertex operator algebras, Cherednik algebras, and more. This construction leads to an enormously rich interplay between physics, geometry and representation theory.

  1. Lecture 1
  2. Lecture 2
  3. Lecture 3
  4. Lecture 4

Branes, Quivers, and BPS Algebras 3 of 4

Miroslav Rapčák
Wed, Aug 25, 2021
PIMS, University of Saskatchewan
2nd PIMS Summer School on Algebraic Geometry in High Energy Physics

This series of lectures covers a brief introduction into some algebro-geometric techniques used in the construction of BPS algebras. The starting point of our construction is a physical picture of D0-branes bound to D-branes of higher dimension. Using methods of the derived category of coherent sheaves, we are going to derive a framed quiver with potential describing supersymmetric quantum mechanics capturing the low-energy behavior of such D0-branes. For a large class of quivers, we are going to identify the space of BPS states with different melted-crystal configurations. Finally, by employing correspondences, we are going to construct an action of a BPS algebra known as the affine Yangian on the space of BPS states. The action of the affine Yangian factors through the action of various vertex operator algebras, Cherednik algebras, and more. This construction leads to an enormously rich interplay between physics, geometry and representation theory.

  1. Lecture 1
  2. Lecture 2
  3. Lecture 3
  4. Lecture 4

Branes, Quivers, and BPS Algebras 2 of 4

Miroslav Rapčák
Tue, Aug 24, 2021
PIMS, University of Saskatchewan
2nd PIMS Summer School on Algebraic Geometry in High Energy Physics

This series of lectures covers a brief introduction into some algebro-geometric techniques used in the construction of BPS algebras. The starting point of our construction is a physical picture of D0-branes bound to D-branes of higher dimension. Using methods of the derived category of coherent sheaves, we are going to derive a framed quiver with potential describing supersymmetric quantum mechanics capturing the low-energy behavior of such D0-branes. For a large class of quivers, we are going to identify the space of BPS states with different melted-crystal configurations. Finally, by employing correspondences, we are going to construct an action of a BPS algebra known as the affine Yangian on the space of BPS states. The action of the affine Yangian factors through the action of various vertex operator algebras, Cherednik algebras, and more. This construction leads to an enormously rich interplay between physics, geometry and representation theory.

  1. Lecture 1
  2. Lecture 2
  3. Lecture 3
  4. Lecture 4

Branes, Quivers, and BPS Algebras 1 of 4

Miroslav Rapčák
Mon, Aug 23, 2021
PIMS, University of Saskatchewan
2nd PIMS Summer School on Algebraic Geometry in High Energy Physics

This series of lectures covers a brief introduction into some algebro-geometric techniques used in the construction of BPS algebras. The starting point of our construction is a physical picture of D0-branes bound to D-branes of higher dimension. Using methods of the derived category of coherent sheaves, we are going to derive a framed quiver with potential describing supersymmetric quantum mechanics capturing the low-energy behavior of such D0-branes. For a large class of quivers, we are going to identify the space of BPS states with different melted-crystal configurations. Finally, by employing correspondences, we are going to construct an action of a BPS algebra known as the affine Yangian on the space of BPS states. The action of the affine Yangian factors through the action of various vertex operator algebras, Cherednik algebras, and more. This construction leads to an enormously rich interplay between physics, geometry and representation theory.

  1. Lecture 1
  2. Lecture 2
  3. Lecture 3
  4. Lecture 4

Geometry of N=2 Supersymmetry 4 of 4

Andy Neitzke
Thu, Aug 26, 2021
PIMS, University of Saskatchewan
2nd PIMS Summer School on Algebraic Geometry in High Energy Physics

Coulomb branches of N=2 supersymmetric field theories in four dimensions support a rich geometry. My aim in these lectures will be to explain some aspects of this geometry, and its relation to the physics of the N=2 theories themselves.

I will first describe various constructions of N=2 theories and the corresponding Coulomb branches. In this story the main geometry visible is that of a complex integrable system, fibered over the Coulomb branch; one nice class of examples is associated to the Hitchin integrable system (moduli space of Higgs bundles over a Riemann surface). Fundamental objects in the N=2 theory (local operators, line operators, surface operators) all have geometric counterparts in the integrable system, as I will explain.

Next I will discuss a deformation of the story, which arises in physics from the Nekrasov-Shatashvili Omega-background. In this deformation, the Coulomb branch is replaced by a closely related space; for instance, the base of the Hitchin integrable system is replaced by a space parameterizing opers over the Riemann surface. One can use this deformation to give a concrete picture of the space of opers; in so doing one meets Stokes phenomena which are governed by the BPS indices (Donaldson-Thomas invariants) of the N=2 theory. This turns out to be closely related to the "exact WKB method" in analysis of ODEs. It is also connected to Riemann-Hilbert problems of a sort recently investigated by Bridgeland, as I will describe if time permits.

  1. Lecture 1
  2. Lecture 2
  3. Lecture 3
  4. Lecture 4

Geometry of N=2 Supersymmetry 3 of 4

Andy Neitzke
Wed, Aug 25, 2021
PIMS, University of Saskatchewan
2nd PIMS Summer School on Algebraic Geometry in High Energy Physics

Coulomb branches of N=2 supersymmetric field theories in four dimensions support a rich geometry. My aim in these lectures will be to explain some aspects of this geometry, and its relation to the physics of the N=2 theories themselves.

I will first describe various constructions of N=2 theories and the corresponding Coulomb branches. In this story the main geometry visible is that of a complex integrable system, fibered over the Coulomb branch; one nice class of examples is associated to the Hitchin integrable system (moduli space of Higgs bundles over a Riemann surface). Fundamental objects in the N=2 theory (local operators, line operators, surface operators) all have geometric counterparts in the integrable system, as I will explain.

Next I will discuss a deformation of the story, which arises in physics from the Nekrasov-Shatashvili Omega-background. In this deformation, the Coulomb branch is replaced by a closely related space; for instance, the base of the Hitchin integrable system is replaced by a space parameterizing opers over the Riemann surface. One can use this deformation to give a concrete picture of the space of opers; in so doing one meets Stokes phenomena which are governed by the BPS indices (Donaldson-Thomas invariants) of the N=2 theory. This turns out to be closely related to the "exact WKB method" in analysis of ODEs. It is also connected to Riemann-Hilbert problems of a sort recently investigated by Bridgeland, as I will describe if time permits.

  1. Lecture 1
  2. Lecture 2
  3. Lecture 3
  4. Lecture 4

Geometry of N=2 Supersymmetry 2 of 4

Andy Neitzke
Tue, Aug 24, 2021
PIMS, University of Saskatchewan
2nd PIMS Summer School on Algebraic Geometry in High Energy Physics

Coulomb branches of N=2 supersymmetric field theories in four dimensions support a rich geometry. My aim in these lectures will be to explain some aspects of this geometry, and its relation to the physics of the N=2 theories themselves.

I will first describe various constructions of N=2 theories and the corresponding Coulomb branches. In this story the main geometry visible is that of a complex integrable system, fibered over the Coulomb branch; one nice class of examples is associated to the Hitchin integrable system (moduli space of Higgs bundles over a Riemann surface). Fundamental objects in the N=2 theory (local operators, line operators, surface operators) all have geometric counterparts in the integrable system, as I will explain.

Next I will discuss a deformation of the story, which arises in physics from the Nekrasov-Shatashvili Omega-background. In this deformation, the Coulomb branch is replaced by a closely related space; for instance, the base of the Hitchin integrable system is replaced by a space parameterizing opers over the Riemann surface. One can use this deformation to give a concrete picture of the space of opers; in so doing one meets Stokes phenomena which are governed by the BPS indices (Donaldson-Thomas invariants) of the N=2 theory. This turns out to be closely related to the "exact WKB method" in analysis of ODEs. It is also connected to Riemann-Hilbert problems of a sort recently investigated by Bridgeland, as I will describe if time permits.

  1. Lecture 1
  2. Lecture 2
  3. Lecture 3
  4. Lecture 4
