
Financial Stability 3

Jean-Charles Rochet
Wed, Jul 23, 2014
PIMS, University of British Columbia
The Economics and Mathematics of Systemic Risk and Financial Networks

The lender of last resort: An analysis of the economics and politics of banking crises, and episodes of bail-outs of
failing financial institutions.

  • Rochet Vives (2004) “The Lender of last Resort: was Bagehot right after all?” JEEA, 6, 1116-1147, reprinted in Rochet J.C. (2008) “Why are there so many banking crises?, Princeton University Press, chapter 2

Risk Sharing in Over the Counter Markets 3

Darrel Duffie
Fri, Jul 25, 2014
PIMS, University of British Columbia
The Economics and Mathematics of Systemic Risk and Financial Networks
I will begin with an overview of the purpose and structure of OTC markets, and how they can be a source of systemic risk.
This will be followed by a brief review of search-based theories of trade and information sharing in OTC markets. Then I will turn to theories and evidence regarding the use of collateral, the role of central clearing, and failure management. The failure management topic will finish with a model of the efficient application of legal stays that could be imposed on OTC contracts at the point of bankruptcy or administrative failure resolution. These stays can yield effective payment or settlement priority to OTC contracts. Stays can be efficient, or not efficient, depending on the setting. The affected OTC contracts include derivatives, repurchase agreements, securities lending agreements, and clearing agreements. I assume a basic knowledge of game theory and of measure-theoretic probability theory, particularly counting processes with an intensity.

Channels of Contagion in Financial Systems 3

Rama Cont
Fri, Jul 25, 2014
PIMS, University of British Columbia
The Economics and Mathematics of Systemic Risk and Financial Networks

Understanding the mechanisms underlying systemic risk requires to change the traditional focus of risk modelling and examine the link between the structure of the financial system and its stability, with a focus on contagion mechanisms which may lead to large scale instabilities in the financial system. Some channels of contagion which have played an important role in past crises are: insolvency contagion through counterparty exposures, withdrawal of liquidity in funding channels and price-mediated contagion through fire sales of assets.

We review some recent work on the mechanisms underlying these channels of contagion, with a focus on the nature of the 'network' underlying each contagion mechanism and the implications of these results for the monitoring and regulation of systemic risk. In particular, we will attempt to illustrate the importance of the ineraction between these various channels and how this interaction may undermine regulatory efforts focussed only on a single mechanism.


Channels of Contagion in Financial Systems 2

Rama Cont
Thu, Jul 24, 2014
PIMS, University of British Columbia
The Economics and Mathematics of Systemic Risk and Financial Networks

Understanding the mechanisms underlying systemic risk requires to change the traditional focus of risk modelling and examine the link between the structure of the financial system and its stability, with a focus on contagion mechanisms which may lead to large scale instabilities in the financial system. Some channels of contagion which have played an important role in past crises are: insolvency contagion through counterparty exposures, withdrawal of liquidity in funding channels and price-mediated contagion through fire sales of assets.

We review some recent work on the mechanisms underlying these channels of contagion, with a focus on the nature of the 'network' underlying each contagion mechanism and the implications of these results for the monitoring and regulation of systemic risk. In particular, we will attempt to illustrate the importance of the ineraction between these various channels and how this interaction may undermine regulatory efforts focussed only on a single mechanism.


Channels of Contagion in Financial Systems

Rama Cont
Thu, Jul 24, 2014
PIMS, University of British Columbia
The Economics and Mathematics of Systemic Risk and Financial Networks

Understanding the mechanisms underlying systemic risk requires to change the traditional focus of risk modelling and examine the link between the structure of the financial system and its stability, with a focus on contagion mechanisms which may lead to large scale instabilities in the financial system. Some channels of contagion which have played an important role in past crises are: insolvency contagion through counterparty exposures, withdrawal of liquidity in funding channels and price-mediated contagion through fire sales of assets.

We review some recent work on the mechanisms underlying these channels of contagion, with a focus on the nature of the 'network' underlying each contagion mechanism and the implications of these results for the monitoring and regulation of systemic risk. In particular, we will attempt to illustrate the importance of the ineraction between these various channels and how this interaction may undermine regulatory efforts focussed only on a single mechanism.


Risk Sharing in Over the Counter Markets 2

Darrel Duffie
Wed, Jul 23, 2014
PIMS, University of British Columbia
The Economics and Mathematics of Systemic Risk and Financial Networks

These lecture notes are part of a series on "Risk Sharing in Over-the-Counter Markets"


Undecidability in Number Theory

Bjorn Poonen
Mon, May 26, 2014
PIMS, University of British Columbia
2014 Niven Lecture

Hilbert’s Tenth Problem asked for an algorithm that, given a multivariable polynomial equation with integer coefficients, would decide whether there exists a solution in integers.  Around 1970, Matiyasevich, building on earlier work of Davis, Putnam, and Robinson, showed that no such algorithm exists.  However, the answer to the analogous question with integers replaced by rational numbers is still unknown, and there is not even agreement among experts as to what the answer should be.


High dimensional expanders and Ramanujan complexes

Alexander Lubotzky
Fri, Sep 19, 2014
PIMS, University of British Columbia
PIMS/UBC Distinguished Colloquium

Expander graphs have played, in the last few decades, an important role in computer science, and  in the last decade, also in pure mathematics.  In recent years a theory of "high-dimensional expanders" is starting to emerge - i.e., simplical complexes which generalize various properties of expander graphs. This has some geometric motivations (led by Gromov) and combinatorial ones (started by Linial and Meshulam).  The talk will survey the various directions of research and their applications, as well as potential applications in math and CS.  Some of these lead to questions about buildings and representation theory of p-adic groups.


We will survey the work of a number of people. The works of the speaker in this direction are with various subsets of  { S. Evra, K. Golubev,  T. Kaufman,  D. Kazhdan , R. Meshulam, S. Mozes }


The rank of elliptic curves

Benedict Gross
Fri, Oct 10, 2014
PIMS, University of British Columbia
PIMS/UBC Distinguished Colloquium

After quadratic equations in two variables come cubic equations, or elliptic curves. The set of rational points on an elliptic curve has the structure of a finitely generated abelian group. I will recall the basic theory of elliptic curves, then discuss the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer, which attempts to predict the rank of the group of rational points from the number of solutions (mod p) for all primes p. I will also discuss some recent results on the average rank, due to Manjul Bhargava and his collaborators. (PIMS-UBC Distinguished Colloquium)


Reconstructing carbon dioxide for the last 2000 years: a hierarchical success story

Doug Nychka,
Thu, Oct 16, 2014
PIMS, University of British Columbia
SCAIM Seminar

Knowledge of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in the past are important to provide an understanding of how the Earth's carbon cycle varies over time. This project combines ice core CO2 concentrations, from Law Dome, Antarctica and a physically based forward model to infer CO2 concentrations on an annual basis. Here the forward model connects concentrations at given time to their depth in the ice core sample and an interesting feature of this analysis is a more complete characterization of the uncertainty in "inverting" this relationship. In particular, Monte Carlo based ensembles are particularly useful for assessing the size of the decrease in CO2 around 1600 AD. This reconstruction problem, also known as an inverse problem, is used to illustrate a general statistical approach where observational information is limited and characterizing the uncertainty in the results is important. These methods, known as Bayesian hierarchical models, have become a mainstay of data analysis for complex problems and have wide application in the geosciences. This work is in collaboration with Eugene Wahl (NOAA), David Anderson (NOAA) and Catherine Truding.

