
Gradient estimate of HJB and its applications in Graphon Mean Field Game

Qingshuo Song
Thu, Oct 28, 2021
Workshop on Mean Field Games on Networks

The Graphon Mean Field Game equations consist of a collection of parameterized Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations, and a collection of parameterized Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations coupled through a given graphon. In this talk, we will discuss the sensitivity of the gradient of HJB solutions with respect to the coefficients, which can be used for the solvability of Graphon Mean Field Game equation. It's based on the joint work with Peter Caines, Daniel Ho, Minyi Huang, and Jiamin Jian, see


Graphon games within the framework of Fubini extensions

René Carmona
Thu, Oct 28, 2021
Workshop on Mean Field Games on Networks



Learning to control networked-coupled subsystems with unknown dynamics

Aditya Mahajan
Thu, Oct 28, 2021
Workshop on Mean Field Games on Networks

Large-scale systems comprising of multiple subsystems connected over a network arise in a number of applications including power systems, traffic networks, communication networks, and some economic systems. A common feature of such systems is that the state evolutions and costs are coupled, i.e., the state evolution and local cost of one subsystems depend not only on its own state and control action, but also on the state and control actions of other subsystems in the network.

We consider the problem of designing control strategies for such systems when some of the parameters of the system model are not known. Due to the unknown parameters, the control problem is also a learning problem. Directly using existing reinforcement learning algorithms on such network coupled subsystems would incur $O(n^{1.5} \sqrt{T})$ regret over a horizon $T$, where the $n$ is the number of subsystems. This superlinear dependence on $n$ is prohibitive in large scale networked systems because the regret per subsystem (which is $O(\sqrt{nT})$ grows with the size of the network.

We consider networks where the dynamics coupling may be represented by a symmetric matrix (e.g., the adjacency or Laplacian matrix corresponding to a undirected weighted graph) and the cost coupling matrix have the same eigenvalues as the dynamics coupling. We use spectral decomposition of the coupling matrices to decompose the system into (L + 1) systems which are only coupled through the noise, where L is the rank of the coupling matrix. We show that, when the system model is known, the optimal control input at each subsystem can be computing by solving (L+1) decoupled Riccati equations.

Using this structure of the planning solution, we propose a new Thompson sampling algorithm and show that its regret is bounded by $O(n\sqrt{T})$, which increases linearly in the size of the network. We present numerical simulations to illustrate our results on mean-field control and general low-rank networks.

Joint work with Shuang Gao, Sagar Sudhakara Ashutosh Nayyar, and Ouyang Yi


Weak solutions to the master equation of a potential mean field game

François Delarue
Thu, Oct 28, 2021
Workshop on Mean Field Games on Networks

The purpose of this work is to introduce a notion of weak solution to the master equation of a potential mean field game and to prove that existence and uniqueness hold under quite general assumptions. Remarkably, this is shown to hold true without any monotonicity constraint on the coefficients. The key point is to interpret the master equation in a conservative sense and then to adapt to the infinite dimensional setting earlier arguments for hyperbolic systems deriving from a HJB equation. Here, the master equation is indeed regarded as an infinite dimensional system set on the space of probability measures. To make the analysis easier, we assume that the coefficients are periodic and accordingly that the probability measures are defined on the torus. This allows to represent probability measures through their Fourier coefficients. Most of the analysis then consists in rewriting the master equation and the corresponding HJB equation for the mean field control problem lying above the mean field game as PDEs set on the Fourier coefficients themselves.

Joint work with A. Cecchin (Ecole Polytechnique, France)


Understanding data and agents' interaction patterns in large networks using GNNs

Joao Saude
Wed, Oct 27, 2021
Workshop on Mean Field Games on Networks

Real data collected from different applications that have additional topological structures and connection information are amenable to be represented as a weighted graph.
Considering the node labeling problem, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) is a powerful tool, which can mimic experts' decisions on node labeling.
GNNs combine node features, connection patterns, and graph structure by using a neural network to embed node information and pass it through edges in the graph.
We want to identify the patterns in the input data used by the GNN model to make a decision and examine if the model works as we desire.
However, due to the complex data representation and non-linear transformations, explaining decisions made by GNNs is challenging.
In this work, we propose new graph features' explanation methods to identify the informative components and important node features. Besides, we propose a pipeline to identify the key factors used for node classification. We use four datasets (two synthetic and two real) to validate our methods. Our results demonstrate that our explanation approach can mimic data patterns used for node classification by human interpretation and disentangle different features in the graphs. Furthermore, our explanation methods can be used for understanding data, debugging GNN models, and examine model decisions.


Linear quadratic evacuation mean-field game models with negative definite state cost matrices

Roland Malhamé
Wed, Oct 27, 2021
Workshop on Mean Field Games on Networks

Modeling and understanding crowd evacuation dynamics has been a long-standing problem. Most realistic models involve nonlinear effects to capture individual velocity decrease with crowd density increase. This leads to useful but essentially intractable partial differential equation-based models. We consider here for tractability purposes, a class of linear quadratic large-scale evacuation games where velocity can be improved through crowd avoidance. This is simulated in the agent cost functions through negative costs which accrue when agents drift away from variously defined population mean trajectories, in a multi-exit situation. The presence of negative cost components generically induces a finite escape time phenomenon if the time horizon is not adequately bounded. We formulate two types of models for which we provide sufficient time horizon upper bounds for agent cost convergence and establish existence of limiting mean field game equilibria as well as their ε-Nash property. This is joint work with Noureddine Toumi and Jérôme Le Ny.


Solving dynamic user equilibrium by mean field routing game with explicit congestion dynamics

Theophile Cabannes
Wed, Oct 27, 2021
Workshop on Mean Field Games on Networks

This work introduces a new N-player dynamic routing game that extend current Markovian traffic static assignment model.
It extends the N-player dynamic routing game to the corresponding mean field routing game, which models congestion in its dynamics.
Therefore, this new mean field routing game does not need to model congestion in the player cost function as done in the existing literature.
Both games are implemented in the open source library OpenSpiel.
The mean field game is used to solve the N-player dynamic game which leads to efficient computation of a approximate dynamic user equilibrium of the dynamic routing game.


Networked Mean Field Games with Elements of Robustness and Learning

Tamer Başar
Wed, Oct 27, 2021
Workshop on Mean Field Games on Networks

This talk will be a fairly high-level one, addressing various current issues in mean field games (MFGs), the underlying challenges primarily with regard to robustness, learning, and incentivization, and paths toward their resolution. Among these are: (i) use of multi-agent reinforcement learning for the computation of mean-field equilibrium (MFE) with state samples drawn from an unmixed Markov chain, and studying the performance of the associated (actor-critic) algorithms; (ii) adversarial MFGs on multi-graphs where agents interact with their neighbors, with such interactions propagating from neighborhoods to the entire network, and with an adversary counteracting the consensus formation process among the agents; and (iii) MFGs with a decision hierarchy, where the agent at the top of the hierarchy (leader) aims at designing incentive strategies (as in mechanism design) to induce a high population of agents at the lower level (followers) to act rationally toward a globally optimal solution in spite of their non-cooperative behavior. The talk will also identify several fruitful directions of research in this domain.


2021 PIMS-UBC Math Job Forum for Postdoctoral Fellows & Graduate Students

Moderator: Stephanie van Willigenburg
Fri, Oct 22, 2021

The PIMS-UBC Math Job Forum is an annual Forum to help graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in Mathematics and related areas with their job searches. The session is divided in two parts: short presentations from our panel followed by a discussion.

Learn the secrets of writing an effective research statement, developing an outstanding CV, and giving a winning job talk. We will address questions like: Who do I ask for recommendation letters? What kind of jobs should I apply to? What can I do to maximize my chances of success?


Dan Coombs, Head of Mathematics, UBC

Pamela Harris, Associate Professor, Williams College, and Faculty Fellow of the Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Eugene Li, Chair of Mathematics and Statistics, Langara

Luis Serrano, Quantum AI Research Scientist at Zapata Computing, and ex-Google, ex-Apple


Local dynamics for large sparse networks of interacting diffusions

Daniel Lacker
Tue, Oct 26, 2021
Workshop on Mean Field Games on Networks

This talk is an overview of a recent and ongoing line of work on large sparse networks of interacting diffusion processes. Each process is associated with a vertex in a graph and interacts only with its neighbors. When the graph is complete and the size grows to infinity, the system is well-approximated by its mean field limit, which describes the behavior of one typical process. For general graphs, however, the mean field approximation can fail, most dramatically when the graph is sparse. Nevertheless, if the underlying graph is locally tree-like (as is the case for many canonical sparse random graph models), we show that a single process and its nearest neighbors are characterized by an autonomous evolution which we call the "local dynamics." This can be viewed as a sparse counterpart of the usual McKean-Vlasov equation. The structure of the local dynamics depend heavily on the symmetries of the underlying graph and the conditional independence structure of the solution process. In the time-stationary case, the local dynamics take a particular tractable form. Based on joint works with Kavita Ramanan, Ruoyu Wu, and Jiacheng Zhang.

