Most Viewed Content

5,364 Cryptography: Secrets and Lies, Knowledge and Trust
Avi Wigderson
5,344 Search games and Optimal Kakeya Sets
Yuval Peres
5,336 Mechanical Simulations of Cell Motility
Leah Edelstein-Keshet
5,327 Combinatorial Matrices
Richard A. Brualdi
5,325 Exponential Sums Over Multiplicative Groups in Fields of Prime Order...
Sergei Konyagin
5,317 Multi Variable Operator Theory with Relations
Ken Davidson
5,311 Local relaxation for FA-1f out of equilibrium
Oriane Blondel
5,310 A topological look at the vector (cross) product in three dimensions
Peter Zvengrowski
5,278 "Mathematical Social Sciences;" An Oxymoron?
Donald G. Saari
5,274 String Theory Compactification with/without Torsion
Piljin Yi
5,267 Kirchhoff Scattering Inversion
Chuck Ursenbach
5,260 Wave-equation Migration
Robert J. Ferguson
5,259 Raising the Floor and Lifting The Ceiling: Math For All (Slides)
Sharon Friesen
5,231 On the local Langlands conjectures
Rachel Ollivier
5,219 A Functional Integral Representation for Many Boson Systems
Joel Feldman
5,213 New geometric and functional analytic ideas arising from problems in...
Helmut Hofer
5,206 Density of states for alpha-stable processes
Dorota Kowalska
5,205 Quantum Magic in Secret Communication
Gilles Brassard
5,196 Introduction to the Farrell-Jones Conjecture
Wolfgang Lück
5,195 Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 7
Raibatak (Dodo) Das
5,194 The critical points of lattice trees and lattice animals in high...
Yuri Mejia
5,194 Optimal transportation with capacity constraints
Robert McCann
5,193 The Richness of Thin Films
Mary Pugh
5,189 Financial Stability 1
Jean-Charles Rochet
5,185 Disease Dynamics 2013 (Photos)
