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4,162 Is this a compressed sensing application? - Final Report
Xuping Xie
4,162 Is this a compressed sensing application? - Final Report
Abhishek Agarwal
4,160 Blowup or no blowup? The interplay between theory and computation in...
Thomas Hou
4,158 Projection Methods for Dynamic Models
Kenneth Judd
4,158 Information and Markets (Part III)
William Zame
4,147 Modeling mass vaccination and other interventions: An individual-based...
Dennis Chao
4,142 Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 19
Raibatak (Dodo) Das
4,140 Deducing Rock Properties from Spectral Seismic Data - Intrim Report
Maria-Veronica Ciocanel
4,140 Deducing Rock Properties from Spectral Seismic Data - Intrim Report
Heather Hardeman
4,140 Deducing Rock Properties from Spectral Seismic Data - Intrim Report
Dillon Nasserden
4,140 Deducing Rock Properties from Spectral Seismic Data - Intrim Report
Byungjae Son
4,140 Algebraic Topology- Methods, Computation and Science 6
4,140 Deducing Rock Properties from Spectral Seismic Data - Intrim Report
Shuai Ye
4,130 Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 13
Jun Allard
4,130 Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course Lecture 23
William Holmes
4,128 Sparse - Dense Phenomena
Jaroslav Nesetril
4,123 From Euler to Born and Infeld, Fluids and Electromagnetism
Yann Brenier
4,121 Information and Markets (Part IV)
William Zame
4,110 Modular Jacobians and degenerate p-adic geometry
Jan Vonk
4,110 Wavelets and Directional Complex Framelets with Applications to Image...
Bin Han
4,110 Robustness of Design: A Survey
Doug Wiens
4,109 Scaling limits of random graphs - Lecture 1
Christina Goldschmidt
4,102 Using epidemiological data to understand within-host parasite dynamics...
Miles Davenport
4,099 Modelling Aperiodic Solids: Concepts and Properties of Tilings and...
Franz Gaehler
4,098 Interacting Particle Systems 7
Omer Angel
