Multidimensional Symbolic Dynamics is the extension to Z2 and Zn of
(classical) symbolic dynamics.
We are still interested in shifts of finite type, sofic shifts, and factor
maps (among others).
Entropy of trees & tree automata.
Entropy of tree automata = joint spectral radius.
The zero-error coding problem with states.
Approximating zero-error capacities of codes.
Open problems, etc.
Theoretical problem statement
Lift the Shannon/Parry Markov chain of a strongly connected
finite graph to the timed automata settings.
(aka MME of an irreducible SFT)
Practical problem statement
Generate quickly and as uniformly as possible runs of a timed
◮ quickly: Step by step simulation as with a finite state Markov
Chain → Stochastic Process Over Runs (SPOR)
◮ ≈ uniformly → SPOR of maximal entropy + asymptotic
equipartition property.