Title Date Speaker
Humans Make Things Messy (Video) Feb 16, 2022 Shelby M. Scott
Asymptotic analysis of the concentration... Feb 9, 2022 Frédéric Paquin-Lefebvre
A survey on weak optimal transport (Video) Jan 27, 2022 Nathael Gozlan
Emergence of diverse collective behaviors... Dec 10, 2021 Jack Tisdell
An Algebraic Approach on Fusions of... Dec 8, 2021 Hansol Park
Estimating transport distances via Stein... Dec 2, 2021 Max Fathi
Skeleta for Monomial Quiver Relations (Video) Dec 1, 2021 Jesse Huang
Z_2 harmonic spinors in gauge theory (Video) Nov 18, 2021 Rafe Mazzeo
An Overview of Knots and Gauge Theory (Video) Nov 16, 2021 Edward Witten
Differential Equations and Algebraic... Nov 15, 2021 Andreas Malmendier
