Title Date Speaker
Coincidences between homological densities,... Jun 13, 2019 Benson Farb
Representation stability and asymptotic... Jun 12, 2019 Rita Jimenez-Rolland
$A^1$ enumerative geometry: counts of... Jun 12, 2019 Kirsten Wikelgren
$E_2$ algebras and homology - 1 of 2 (Video) Jun 12, 2019 Soren Galatius
Conjectures, heuristics, and theorems in... Jun 12, 2019 Wei Ho
Point counting and topology - 1 of 2 (Video) Jun 11, 2019 Benson Farb
Quillen's Devissage in Geometry (Video) Jun 11, 2019 Inna Zakharevich
$A^1$ enumerative geometry: counts of... Jun 11, 2019 Kirsten Wikelgren
The Grothendieck ring of varieties, and... Jun 11, 2019 Ravi Vakil
Geometric Aspects of Arithmetic Statistics... Jun 10, 2019 Jordan Ellenberg
