Particle Physics and Quantum Field Theory

Derived Geometry in Twists of Gauge Theories 4 of 4

Tudor Dimofte
Thu, Aug 26, 2021
PIMS, University of Saskatchewan
2nd PIMS Summer School on Algebraic Geometry in High Energy Physics

These lectures will review and develop methods in algebraic geometry (in particular, derived algebraic geometry) to describe topological and holomorphic sectors of quantum field theories. A recurring theme will be the interaction of local and extended operators, and of QFT's in different dimensions. The main examples will come from twists of supersymmetric gauge theories, and will connect to a large body of recent and ongoing work on 3d Coulomb branches, 3d mirror symmetry (and geometric Langlands), logarithmic VOA's and non-semisimple TQFT's, and categorified cluster algebras.

The basic plan for the lectures is:

  • Lecture 1 (2d warmup): categories of boundary conditions, interfaces, and Koszul duality
  • Lectures 2 and 3 (3d): twists of 3d N=2 and N=4 gauge theories; vertex algebras, chiral categories, and braided tensor categories; d mirror symmetry; quantum groups at roots of unity and derived non-semisimple 3d TQFT's (compared and contrasted with Chern-Simons theory)
  • Lecture 4 (4d): line and surface operators in 4d N=2 gauge theory, the coherent Satake category, and relations to Schur indices and 4d N=2 vertex algebras
  1. Lecture 1
  2. Lecture 2
  3. Lecture 3
  4. Lecture 4

Derived Geometry in Twists of Gauge Theories 3 of 4

Tudor Dimofte
Wed, Aug 25, 2021
PIMS, University of Saskatchewan
2nd PIMS Summer School on Algebraic Geometry in High Energy Physics

These lectures will review and develop methods in algebraic geometry (in particular, derived algebraic geometry) to describe topological and holomorphic sectors of quantum field theories. A recurring theme will be the interaction of local and extended operators, and of QFT's in different dimensions. The main examples will come from twists of supersymmetric gauge theories, and will connect to a large body of recent and ongoing work on 3d Coulomb branches, 3d mirror symmetry (and geometric Langlands), logarithmic VOA's and non-semisimple TQFT's, and categorified cluster algebras.

The basic plan for the lectures is:

  • Lecture 1 (2d warmup): categories of boundary conditions, interfaces, and Koszul duality
  • Lectures 2 and 3 (3d): twists of 3d N=2 and N=4 gauge theories; vertex algebras, chiral categories, and braided tensor categories; d mirror symmetry; quantum groups at roots of unity and derived non-semisimple 3d TQFT's (compared and contrasted with Chern-Simons theory)
  • Lecture 4 (4d): line and surface operators in 4d N=2 gauge theory, the coherent Satake category, and relations to Schur indices and 4d N=2 vertex algebras
  1. Lecture 1
  2. Lecture 2
  3. Lecture 3
  4. Lecture 4

Derived Geometry in Twists of Gauge Theories 2 of 4

Tudor Dimofte
Tue, Aug 24, 2021
PIMS, University of Saskatchewan
2nd PIMS Summer School on Algebraic Geometry in High Energy Physics

These lectures will review and develop methods in algebraic geometry (in particular, derived algebraic geometry) to describe topological and holomorphic sectors of quantum field theories. A recurring theme will be the interaction of local and extended operators, and of QFT's in different dimensions. The main examples will come from twists of supersymmetric gauge theories, and will connect to a large body of recent and ongoing work on 3d Coulomb branches, 3d mirror symmetry (and geometric Langlands), logarithmic VOA's and non-semisimple TQFT's, and categorified cluster algebras.

The basic plan for the lectures is:

  • Lecture 1 (2d warmup): categories of boundary conditions, interfaces, and Koszul duality
  • Lectures 2 and 3 (3d): twists of 3d N=2 and N=4 gauge theories; vertex algebras, chiral categories, and braided tensor categories; d mirror symmetry; quantum groups at roots of unity and derived non-semisimple 3d TQFT's (compared and contrasted with Chern-Simons theory)
  • Lecture 4 (4d): line and surface operators in 4d N=2 gauge theory, the coherent Satake category, and relations to Schur indices and 4d N=2 vertex algebras
  1. Lecture 1
  2. Lecture 2
  3. Lecture 3
  4. Lecture 4

Derived Geometry in Twists of Gauge Theories 1 of 4

Tudor Dimofte
Mon, Aug 23, 2021
PIMS, University of Saskatchewan
2nd PIMS Summer School on Algebraic Geometry in High Energy Physics

These lectures will review and develop methods in algebraic geometry (in particular, derived algebraic geometry) to describe topological and holomorphic sectors of quantum field theories. A recurring theme will be the interaction of local and extended operators, and of QFT's in different dimensions. The main examples will come from twists of supersymmetric gauge theories, and will connect to a large body of recent and ongoing work on 3d Coulomb branches, 3d mirror symmetry (and geometric Langlands), logarithmic VOA's and non-semisimple TQFT's, and categorified cluster algebras.

The basic plan for the lectures is:

  • Lecture 1 (2d warmup): categories of boundary conditions, interfaces, and Koszul duality
  • Lectures 2 and 3 (3d): twists of 3d N=2 and N=4 gauge theories; vertex algebras, chiral categories, and braided tensor categories; d mirror symmetry; quantum groups at roots of unity and derived non-semisimple 3d TQFT's (compared and contrasted with Chern-Simons theory)
  • Lecture 4 (4d): line and surface operators in 4d N=2 gauge theory, the coherent Satake category, and relations to Schur indices and 4d N=2 vertex algebras
  1. Lecture 1
  2. Lecture 2
  3. Lecture 3
  4. Lecture 4

Elliptic Fibrations and Singularities to Anomalies and Spectra 4 of 4

Monica Jinwoo Kang
Thu, Aug 26, 2021
PIMS, University of Saskatchewan
2nd PIMS Summer School on Algebraic Geometry in High Energy Physics

Throughout my lectures I will explain the geometry of elliptic fibration which can gave rise to understanding the spectra and anomalies in lower-dimensional theories from the Calabi-Yau compactifications of F-theory. I will first explain what elliptic fibration is and explain Kodaira types, which gives rise an ADE classification. Utilizing Weierstrass model of elliptic fibrations, I will discuss Tate’s algorithm and Mordell-Weil group. By considering codimension one and two singularities and studying the geometry of crepant resolutions, we can define G-models that are geometrically-engineered models from F-theory. I will discuss the dictionary between the gauge theory and the elliptic fibrations and how to incorporate this to learn about topological invariants of the compactified Calabi-Yau that is one of the ingredient to understand spectra in the compactified theories. I will explain the more refined connection to understand the Coulomb branch of the 5d N=1 theories and 6d (1,0) theories and their anomalies from this perspective.

  1. Lecture 1
  2. Lecture 2
  3. Lecture 3
  4. Lecture 4

Elliptic Fibrations and Singularities to Anomalies and Spectra 3 of 4

Monica Jinwoo Kang
Wed, Aug 25, 2021
PIMS, University of Saskatchewan
2nd PIMS Summer School on Algebraic Geometry in High Energy Physics

Throughout my lectures I will explain the geometry of elliptic fibration which can gåve rise to understanding the spectra and anomalies in lower-dimensional theories from the Calabi-Yau compactifications of F-theory. I will first explain what elliptic fibration is and explain Kodaira types, which gives rise an ADE classification. Utilizing Weierstrass model of elliptic fibrations, I will discuss Tate’s algorithm and Mordell-Weil group. By considering codimension one and two singularities and studying the geometry of crepant resolutions, we can define G-models that are geometrically-engineered models from F-theory. I will discuss the dictionary between the gauge theory and the elliptic fibrations and how to incorporate this to learn about topological invariants of the compactified Calabi-Yau that is one of the ingredient to understand spectra in the compactified theories. I will explain the more refined connection to understand the Coulomb branch of the 5d N=1 theories and 6d (1,0) theories and their anomalies from this perspective.

  1. Lecture 1
  2. Lecture 2
  3. Lecture 3
  4. Lecture 4

Elliptic Fibrations and Singularities to Anomalies and Spectra 2 of 4

Monica Jinwoo Kang
Tue, Aug 24, 2021
PIMS, University of Saskatchewan
2nd PIMS Summer School on Algebraic Geometry in High Energy Physics

Throughout my lectures I will explain the geometry of elliptic fibration which can give rise to understanding the spectra and anomalies in lower-dimensional theories from the Calabi-Yau compactifications of F-theory. I will first explain what elliptic fibration is and explain Kodaira types, which gives rise an ADE classification. Utilizing Weierstrass model of elliptic fibrations, I will discuss Tate’s algorithm and Mordell-Weil group. By considering codimension one and two singularities and studying the geometry of crepant resolutions, we can define G-models that are geometrically-engineered models from F-theory. I will discuss the dictionary between the gauge theory and the elliptic fibrations and how to incorporate this to learn about topological invariants of the compactified Calabi-Yau that is one of the ingredient to understand spectra in the compactified theories. I will explain the more refined connection to understand the Coulomb branch of the 5d N=1 theories and 6d (1,0) theories and their anomalies from this perspective.

  1. Lecture 1
  2. Lecture 2
  3. Lecture 3
  4. Lecture 4

Elliptic Fibrations and Singularities to Anomalies and Spectra 1 of 4

Monica Jinwoo Kang
Mon, Aug 23, 2021
PIMS, University of Saskatchewan
2nd PIMS Summer School on Algebraic Geometry in High Energy Physics

Throughout my lectures I will explain the geometry of elliptic fibration which can give rise to understanding the spectra and anomalies in lower-dimensional theories from the Calabi-Yau compactifications of F-theory. I will first explain what elliptic fibration is and explain Kodaira types, which gives rise an ADE classification. Utilizing Weierstrass model of elliptic fibrations, I will discuss Tate’s algorithm and Mordell-Weil group. By considering codimension one and two singularities and studying the geometry of crepant resolutions, we can define G-models that are geometrically-engineered models from F-theory. I will discuss the dictionary between the gauge theory and the elliptic fibrations and how to incorporate this to learn about topological invariants of the compactified Calabi-Yau that is one of the ingredient to understand spectra in the compactified theories. I will explain the more refined connection to understand the Coulomb branch of the 5d N=1 theories and 6d (1,0) theories and their anomalies from this perspective.

  1. Lecture 1
  2. Lecture 2
  3. Lecture 3
  4. Lecture 4

The geometry of the spinning string

Peter Kristel
Wed, Mar 17, 2021
PIMS, University of Manitoba
Emergent Research: The PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow Seminar

The development of quantum electrodynamics is one of the major achievements of theoretical physics and mathematics of the 20th century, called the "Jewel of physics" by Richard Feynman. This talk is not about that. Instead, I explain two of its basic ingredients - Feynman diagrams, and Spinor bundles - and then describe how these can be adapted to "electron-like" strings. This will lead us naturally to the Spinor bundle on loop space, which I will describe in some detail. An element of loop space, i.e. a smooth function from the circle into some fixed manifold, is supposed to represent a string at a fixed moment in time. I will then explain the notion of a fusion product (on this bundle), and argue that this is a manifestation of the principle of locality, which is ubiquitous in physics. If time permits, I will discuss some ongoing work, in collaboration with Matthias Ludewig, Darvin Mertsch, and Konrad Waldorf, where we describe how this fusive spinor bundle on loop space fits beautifully in the higher categorical framework of 2-vector bundles.


Combinatorial structures in perturbative quantum field theory

Karen Yeats
Fri, Jan 22, 2021
PIMS, University of Saskachewan
quanTA CRG Seminar

I will give an overview of a few places where combinatorial structures have an interesting role to play in quantum field theory and which I have been involved in to varying degrees, from the Connes-Kreimer Hopf algebra and other renormalization Hopf algebras, to the combinatorics of Dyson-Schwinger equations and the graph theory of Feynman integrals.

For other events in this series see the quanTA events website.

