
Crystallography of hyperbolic lattices: from children's drawings to Fuchsian groups

Igor Boettcher
Wed, Mar 17, 2021
PIMS, University of Saskachewan
quanTA CRG Seminar

yperbolic Lattices are tessellations of the hyperbolic plane
using, for instance, heptagons or octagons. They are relevant for quantum
error correcting codes and experimental simulations of quantum physics in
curved space. Underneath their perplexing beauty lies a hidden and,
perhaps, unexpected periodicity that allows us to identify the unit cell
and Bravais lattice for a given hyperbolic lattice. This paves the way for
applying powerful concepts from solid state physics and, potentially,
finding a generalization of Bloch's theorem to hyperbolic lattices. In my
talk, I will explain some of the mathematics underlying this hyperbolic

For other events in this series see the quanTA events website


From hopping particles to Macdonald and Schubert polynomials

Lauren K. Williams
Thu, Mar 11, 2021
PIMS Network Wide Colloquium

he asymmetric exclusion process (ASEP) is a model of particles hopping on a one-dimensional lattice. While it was initially introduced by Macdonald-Gibbs-Pipkin to provide a model for translation in protein synthesis, the stationary distribution of the ASEP and its variants has surprising connections to combinatorics. I will explain how the study of the ASEP on a ring leads to new formulas for Macdonald polynomials, a remarkable family of multivariate polynomials which generalize Schur polynomials. In a different direction, the inhomogeneous ASEP on a ring is closely connected to Schubert polynomials, which represent classes of Schubert varieties in the flag variety. This talk is based on joint work with Corteel-Mandelshtam, and joint work with Donghyun Kim.


The geometry of the spinning string

Peter Kristel
Wed, Mar 17, 2021
PIMS, University of Manitoba
Emergent Research: The PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow Seminar

The development of quantum electrodynamics is one of the major achievements of theoretical physics and mathematics of the 20th century, called the "Jewel of physics" by Richard Feynman. This talk is not about that. Instead, I explain two of its basic ingredients - Feynman diagrams, and Spinor bundles - and then describe how these can be adapted to "electron-like" strings. This will lead us naturally to the Spinor bundle on loop space, which I will describe in some detail. An element of loop space, i.e. a smooth function from the circle into some fixed manifold, is supposed to represent a string at a fixed moment in time. I will then explain the notion of a fusion product (on this bundle), and argue that this is a manifestation of the principle of locality, which is ubiquitous in physics. If time permits, I will discuss some ongoing work, in collaboration with Matthias Ludewig, Darvin Mertsch, and Konrad Waldorf, where we describe how this fusive spinor bundle on loop space fits beautifully in the higher categorical framework of 2-vector bundles.


Size-Ramsey numbers of powers of hypergraph trees and long subdivisions

Liana Yepremyan
Thu, Mar 11, 2021
PIMS, University of Victoria
PIMS-UVic Discrete Math Seminar

The $s$-colour size-Ramsey number of a hypergraph $H$ is the minimum number of edges in a hypergraph $G$ whose every $s$-edge-colouring contains a monochromatic copy of $H$. We show that the $s$-colour size-Ramsey number of the $t$-power of the $r$-uniform tight path on $n$ vertices is linear in $n$, for every fixed $r, s, t$, thus answering a question of Dudek, La Fleur, Mubayi, and R\"odl (2017). In fact, we prove a stronger result that allows us to deduce that powers of bounded degree hypergraph trees and of `long subdivisions' of bounded degree hypergraphs have size-Ramsey numbers that are linear in the number of vertices. This extends recent results about the linearity of size-Ramsey numbers of powers of bounded degree trees and of long subdivisions of bounded degree graphs.

This is joint work with Shoham Letzter and Alexey Pokrovskiy.


Mathematics, Colonization and Empire

Tom Archibald, SFU
Thu, Mar 4, 2021
University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada
PIMS, University of Victoria
PIMS-UVic Math Colloquium

Mathematics has been an important tool in various colonizing enterprises; and in the last 2 centuries the colonizing enterprise has often involved teaching mathematics to the new subjects of the imperial or colonial regime. In this rather informal discussion we will look at mathematics and mathematicians as instruments in this process, using examples from various time periods and places.


Fusion rings and their categorifications

Andrew Schopieray
Wed, Feb 24, 2021
PIMS, University of Alberta
Emergent Research: The PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow Seminar

Fusion rings are a special class of associative unital rings with nonnegative integer structure constants and a notion of duality. For example, the group ring of a finite group is a fusion ring. We study fusion rings mainly because they arise as Grothendieck rings of categories associated to Hopf algebras, semisimple Lie algebras, vertex operator algebras, etc. In turn, these categories have application to topological quantum field theory, invariants of knots and links, and quantum computation, to name a few. In this talk we will discuss the brief history of the classification of categorifiable fusion rings and how number-theoretic properties of fusion rings dictate the existence of, or properties of, their categorifications.


Stochastic Optimal Transport, Control Theory, and PDEs

Aaron Palmer
Thu, Feb 25, 2021
PIMS, University of British Columbia
Kantorovich Initiative Seminar

The optimal transport problem provides a fundamental and quantitative way to measure the distance between probability distributions. Recently, it has been successfully used to analyze the evolutionary dynamics in physics and biology. Motivated by questions of pricing in financial mathematics and control of distributed agents, stochastic variants of optimal transport have been developed. Over the past few years, my postdoc supervisors at the University of British Columbia (Nassif Ghoussoub and Young-Heon Kim) and I have developed a robust method to analyze these problems using convex duality, stochastic optimal control theory, and partial differential equation analysis.

This talk will focus on these variants of optimal transport, their applications, and our methods of analysis. Particular attention will be paid to the connections with mean field games and to a new direction of research that incorporates the practical limitation of partial information.


Large orbit closures of translation surfaces are strata or loci of double covers V

Paul Apisa
Alex Wright
Thu, Feb 18, 2021

Any translation surface can be presented as a collection of polygons in the plane with sides identified. By acting linearly on the polygons, we obtain an action of GL(2,R) on moduli spaces of translation surfaces. Recent work of Eskin, Mirzakhani, and Mohammadi showed that GL(2,R) orbit closures are locally described by linear equations on the edges of the polygons. However, which linear manifolds arise this way is mysterious.
In this lecture series, we will describe new joint work that shows that when an orbit closure is sufficiently large it must be a whole moduli space, called a stratum in this context, or a locus defined by rotation by π symmetry.
We define "sufficiently large" in terms of rank, which is the most important numerical invariant of an orbit closure, and is an integer between 1 and the genus g. Our result applies when the rank is at least 1+g/2, and so handles roughly half of the possible values of rank.
The five lectures will introduce novel and broadly applicable techniques, organized as follows:
An introduction to orbit closures, their rank, their boundary in the WYSIWYG partial compactification, and cylinder deformations.
Reconstructing orbit closures from their boundaries (this talk will explicate a preprint of the same name).
Recognizing loci of covers using cylinders (this talk will follow a preprint titled “Generalizations of the Eierlegende-Wollmilchsau”).
An overview of the proof of the main theorem; marked points (following the preprint “Marked Points on Translation Surfaces”); and a dichotomy for cylinder degenerations.
Completion of the proof of the main theorem.


A Snapshot of Early 20th Century Women Mathematicians

Kieka Mynhardt
Thu, Feb 4, 2021

Over the millennia, from Theano (born c. 546 B.C.), the wife of the Greek mathematician Pythagoras and herself a mathematician, to Maryam Mirzakhani (May 1977 – July 2017), who in 2014 became the first woman to win the Fields medal, the most prestigious award in mathematics, there have been many brilliant female mathematicians working in all areas of math. I will mention a few who were active in the late 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries, and discuss the work and impact of one of them in greater depth.​


Large orbit closures of translation surfaces are strata or loci of double covers III

Paul Apisa
Alex Wright
Thu, Feb 4, 2021

Any translation surface can be presented as a collection of polygons in the plane with sides identified. By acting linearly on the polygons, we obtain an action of GL(2,R) on moduli spaces of translation surfaces. Recent work of Eskin, Mirzakhani, and Mohammadi showed that GL(2,R) orbit closures are locally described by linear equations on the edges of the polygons. However, which linear manifolds arise this way is mysterious.

In this lecture series, we will describe new joint work that shows that when an orbit closure is sufficiently large it must be a whole moduli space, called a stratum in this context, or a locus defined by rotation by π symmetry.

We define "sufficiently large" in terms of rank, which is the most important numerical invariant of an orbit closure, and is an integer between 1 and the genus g. Our result applies when the rank is at least 1+g/2, and so handles roughly half of the possible values of rank.

The five lectures will introduce novel and broadly applicable techniques, organized as follows:

An introduction to orbit closures, their rank, their boundary in the WYSIWYG partial compactification, and cylinder deformations.
Reconstructing orbit closures from their boundaries (this talk will explicate a preprint of the same name).
Recognizing loci of covers using cylinders (this talk will follow a preprint titled “Generalizations of the Eierlegende-Wollmilchsau”).
An overview of the proof of the main theorem; marked points (following the preprint “Marked Points on Translation Surfaces”); and a dichotomy for cylinder degenerations.
Completion of the proof of the main theorem.

