Title Date Speaker
Euler's divergent series and primes in... Mar 8, 2023 Anne-Maria Ernvall-Hytönen
Central Limit Theorems in Analytic Number... Mar 8, 2023 Fatma Çiçek, University of Northern British Columbia
Localized Patterns in Population Models with... Mar 1, 2023 Fanze Kong
A new explicit bound for the Riemann zeta... Mar 1, 2023 Ghaith Hiary
L-Functions of Elliptic Curves Modulo... Mar 1, 2023 Félix Baril Boudreau, University of Lethbridge
Fluctuations in the distribution of... Feb 27, 2023 Florent Jouve
Adversarial training through the lens of... Feb 23, 2023 Nicolas Garcia Trillos
Total Variation Flow on metric measure... Feb 22, 2023 Cintia Pacchiano (UAlberta)
The principal Chebotarev density theorem (... Feb 13, 2023 Kelly O'Connor
An invitation to the algebraic geometry over... Feb 9, 2023 Cristhian Garay
