Title Date Speaker
From 1918 to 2020: Analyzing the past and... Jul 8, 2020 David Earn, Jonathan Dushoff
Quantitative weak mixing for random... Jul 2, 2020 Rodrigo Treviño
Unique ergodicity of horocycle flows on... Jun 30, 2020 Jon Chaika
Geometric Langlands for hypergeometric... Jun 26, 2020 Masoud Kamgarpour
On generalized hyperpolygons (Video) Jun 26, 2020 Laura Schaposnik
Finding mirrors for Fano quiver flag zero... Jun 25, 2020 to Jun 26, 2020 Elana Kalashnikov
Exact Lagrangians in conical symplectic... Jun 25, 2020 Filip Zivanovic
Birational geometry of quiver varieties (... Jun 25, 2020 Gwyn Bellamy
Euler numbers of Hilbert schemes of points... Jun 25, 2020 Hiraku Nakajima
Mathematical model, analysis and simulations... Jun 24, 2020 Meir Shillor
