Title Date Speaker
A hidden variable model for universal... Jun 11, 2021 Cihan Okay
Entanglement of Free Fermions on Graphs (... Jun 11, 2021 Luc Vinet
Topological superconductivity in... Jun 11, 2021 Kaori Tanaka
Anomalies in (2+1)D fermionic topological... Jun 9, 2021 Maissam Barkeshli
Fractionalization and anomaly in symmetry-... Jun 9, 2021 Meng Cheng
Classification of topological orders (Video) Jun 9, 2021 Theo Johnson-Freyd
Hyperbolic band theory (Video) Jun 9, 2021 Joseph Maciejko
The impact of social, economic,... Jun 2, 2021 Jude Kong
The extremal length systole of the Bolza... May 27, 2021 Didac Martinez Granado
The Manhattan Curve and Rough Similarity... May 20, 2021 Ryokichi Tanaka
