
The Distribution of J-invariants for CM Elliptic Curves defined over Zp

Andrew Fiori
Thu, Jan 28, 2016
PIMS, University of Calgary
PIMS CRG in Explicit Methods for Abelian Varieties

Let K be a quadratic imaginary field, and p be a prime which is inert in K. It is known that the mod p reductions of the j-invariants of elliptic curves defined over the algebraic closure of Qp which admit CM by an order of K are equidistributed among the supersingular values in F{p2}. By contrast, if we replace this algebraically closed field by Qp, the j-invariants for many natural families of orders do not share this same distribution and are simply not uniformly distributed among all the supersingular values in Fp.

In this talk I will explain why this occurs, and some of the computations which led me to consider this question.


Bi-cross-validation for factor analysis

Art Owen
Tue, Jan 19, 2016
PIMS, University of British Columbia
Constance van Eeden Invited Speaker, UBC Statistics Department

Factor analysis is a core technique in applied statistics with implications for biology, education, finance, psychology and engineering. It represents a large matrix of data through a small number k of latent variables or factors. Despite more than 100 years of use, it remains challenging to choose k from the data. Ad hoc and subjective methods are popular, but subject to confirmation bias and they do not scale to automatic uses. There are many recent tools in random matrix theory (RMT) that apply to the factor analysis setting, so long as the noise has constant variance. Real data usually involves heteroscedasticity foiling those techniques. There are also tools in the econometrics literature, but those apply mostly to the strong factor setting unlike RMT which handles weaker factors. The best published method is parallel analysis, but that is only justified by simulations. We propose a bi-cross-validation approach holding out some rows and some columns of the data matrix, predicting the held out data via a factor analysis on the held in data. We also use simulations to justify the method, though our simulations are designed using recent findings from RMT. The new approach outperforms previous methods that we found, as measured by recovery of a true underlying factor matrix.


This is joint work with Jingshu Wang of Stanford University.


Biosketch: Art Owen is a professor of statistics at Stanford University. He is best known for developing empirical likelihood and randomized quasi-Monte Carlo. Empirical likelihood is an inferential method that uses a data driven likelihood without requiring the user to specify a parametric family of distributions. It yields very powerful tests and is used in econometrics. Randomized quasi-Monte Carlo sampling, is a quadrature method that can attain nearly O(n**-3) mean squared errors on smooth enough functions. It is useful in valuation of options and in computer graphics. His present research interests focus on large scale data matrices. Professor Owen's teaching is focused on doctoral applied courses including linear modeling, categorical data, and stochastic simulation (Monte Carlo).


Abelian Varieties Multi-Site Seminar Series: Drew Sutherland

Drew Sutherland
Tue, Jan 12, 2016
PIMS, University of Washington
PIMS CRG in Explicit Methods for Abelian Varieties

Let A be an abelian variety of dimension g over a number field K. The Sato-Tate group ST(A) is a compact subgroup of the unitary symplectic group USp(2g) that can be defined in terms of the l-adic Galois representation associated to A. Under the generalized Sato-Tate conjecture, the Haar measure of ST(A) governs the distribution of various arithmetic statistics associated to A, including the distribution of normalized Frobenius traces at primes of good reduction. The Sato-Tate groups that can and do arise for g=1 and g=2 have been completely determined, but the case g=3 remains open. I will give a brief overview of the classification for g=2 and then discuss the current state of progress for g=3.


OM representation of prime ideals and applications in function fields

Jens Bauch
Thu, Dec 10, 2015
PIMS, Simon Fraser University
PIMS CRG in Explicit Methods for Abelian Varieties

Let $A$ be a Dedekind domain, $K$ the fraction field of $A$, and $f\in A[x]$ a monic irreducible separable polynomial. Denote by $\theta\in K^{\mathrm{sep}}$ a root of $f$ and let $F=K(\theta)$ be the finite separable extension of $K$ generated by $\theta$. We consider $\mathcal{O}$ the integral closure of $A$ in $L$. For a given non-zero prime ideal $\mathfrak{p}$ of $A$ the Montes algorithm determines a parametrization (OM representation) for every prime ideal $\mathfrak{P}$ of $\mathcal{O}$ lying over $\mathfrak{p}$. For a field $k$ and $f\in k[t,x]$ this yields a new representation of places of the function field $F/k$ determined by $f$. In this talk we summarize some applications which improve the arithmetic in the divisor class group of $F$ using this new representation.


The long road to 0.075: a statistician’s perspective of the process for setting ozone standards

Jim Zidek
Thu, Nov 26, 2015
PIMS, University of British Columbia
UBC Statistics Distinguished Speaker

The presentation will take us along the road to the ozone standard for the United States, announced in Mar 2008 by the US Environmental Protection Agency, and then the new proposal in 2014. That agency is responsible for monitoring that nation’s air quality standards under the Clean Air Act of 1970. I will describe how I, a Canadian statistician, came to serve on the US Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) for Ozone that recommended the standard and my perspectives on the process of developing it. I will introduce the rich cast of players involved including the Committee, the EPA staff, “blackhats,” “whitehats,” “gunslingers,” politicians and an unrevealed character waiting in the wings who appeared onstage only as the 2008 standards had been formulated. And we will encounter a couple of tricky statistical problems that arose along with approaches, developed by the speaker and his coresearchers, which could be used to address them. The first was about how a computational model based on things like meteorology could be combined with statistical models to infer a certain unmeasurable but hugely important ozone level, the “policy related background level” generated by things like lightning, below which the ozone standard could not go. The second was about estimating the actual human exposure to ozone that may differ considerably from measurements taken at fixed site monitoring locations. Above all, the talk will be a narrative about the interaction between science and public policy - in an environment that harbors a lot of stakeholders with varying but legitimate perspectives, a lot of uncertainty in spite of the great body of knowledge about ozone and above all, a lot of potential risk to human health and welfare.


An arithmetic intersection formula for denominators of Igusa class polynomials

Bianca Viray
Thu, Nov 12, 2015
PIMS, University of Washington
PIMS CRG in Explicit Methods for Abelian Varieties

Igusa class polynomials are the genus 2 analogue of Hilbert class polynomials; their roots are invariants of genus 2 curves that have complex multiplication by a fixed order. The coefficients of Igusa class polynomials are rational, but, unlike in genus 1, are not integral. An exact formula, or tight upper bound, for these denominators is needed to compute Igusa class polynomials and has applications to cryptography. In this talk, we explain how to obtain a formula for the arithmetic intersection number G1.CM(K) and how this results in a bound for denominators of Igusa class polynomials. We also explain how the formula for G1.CM(K) leads us to a generalization of Gross and Zagier's formula for differences of CM j-invariants. This is joint work with Kristin Lauter.


Local-global principles for quadratic forms

Raman Parimala
Fri, Oct 30, 2015
PIMS, University of British Columbia
PIMS/UBC Distinguished Colloquium

The classical theorem of Hasse-Minkowski asserts that a quadratic form over a number field represents zero nontrivially provided it represents zero nontrivially over its completions at all its places. We discuss analogous local global principles over function fields of p-adic curves. Such local-global principles in the general setting for homogeneous spaces have implications to the understanding of the arithmetic of these fields.


Landing a Faculty Position

Phillip Loewen
Fri, Oct 23, 2015
PIMS, University of British Columbia
PIMS-Math Job Forum

The PIMS-Math Job Forum is an annual Forum to help graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in the Mathematics Department with their job searches. The session is divided in two parts: short presentations from our panel followed by a discussion.

Learn the secrets of writing an effective research statement, developing an outstanding CV, and giving a winning job talk. We will address questions like: Who do I ask for recommendation letters? What kind of jobs should I apply to? What can I do to maximize my chances of success?


Finding Your Place at a liberal arts college

Kathryn Nyman
Fri, Oct 23, 2015
PIMS, University of British Columbia
PIMS-Math Job Forum

The PIMS-Math Job Forum is an annual Forum to help graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in the Mathematics Department with their job searches. The session is divided in two parts: short presentations from our panel followed by a discussion.

Learn the secrets of writing an effective research statement, developing an outstanding CV, and giving a winning job talk. We will address questions like: Who do I ask for recommendation letters? What kind of jobs should I apply to? What can I do to maximize my chances of success?


My Life in "industry"

Richard Liang
Fri, Oct 23, 2015
PIMS, University of British Columbia
PIMS-Math Job Forum

The PIMS-Math Job Forum is an annual Forum to help graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in the Mathematics Department with their job searches. The session is divided in two parts: short presentations from our panel followed by a discussion.

Learn the secrets of writing an effective research statement, developing an outstanding CV, and giving a winning job talk. We will address questions like: Who do I ask for recommendation letters? What kind of jobs should I apply to? What can I do to maximize my chances of success?

