
Iwahori-Hecke algebras are Gorenstein (part I)

Peter Schneider
Wed, Oct 17, 2012 to Thu, Oct 18, 2012
PIMS, University of British Columbia
PIMS Speaker series

N.B. Due to problems with our camera, there is some audio distortion on this file and a small portion of the video has been removed.

This lecture is the first of a two part series (part II).

In the local Langlands program the (smooth) representation theory
of p-adic reductive groups G in characteristic zero plays a key role. For any
compact open subgroup K of G there is a so called Hecke algebra H(G,K). The
representation theory of G is equivalent to the module theories over all these
algebras H(G,K). Very important examples of such subgroups K are the Iwahori
subgroup and the pro-p Iwahori subgroup. By a theorem of Bernstein the Hecke
algebras of these subgroups (and many others) have finite global dimension.

In recent years the same representation theory of G but over
an algebraically closed field of characteristic p has become more and more important. But little is known yet. Again one can define analogous Hecke algebras. Their relation to the representation theory of G is still very mysterious. Moreover
they are no longer of finite global dimension. In joint work with R. Ollivier
we prove that over any field the algebra H(G,K), for K the (pro-p) Iwahori
subgroup, is Gorenstein.


Alan Turing and the Patterns of Life

Przemysław Prusinkiewicz
Tue, Oct 9, 2012 to Wed, Oct 10, 2012
PIMS, University of Calgary
Alan Turing Year

In 1952, Turing published his only paper spanning chemistry and biology: "The chemical basis of morphogenesis". In it, he proposed a hypothetical mechanism for the emergence of complex patterns in chemical reactions, called reaction-diffusion. He also predicted the use of computational models as a tool for understanding patterning. Sixty years later, reaction-diffusion is a key concept in the study of patterns and forms in nature. In particular, it provides a link between molecular genetics and developmental biology. The presentation will review the concept of reaction-diffusion, the tumultuous path towards its acceptance, and its current place in biology.


Quadratic forms and finite groups

Eva Bayer
Fri, Sep 28, 2012
PIMS, University of British Columbia
PIMS/UBC Distinguished Colloquium

The study of quadratic forms is a classical and important topic of algebra and number theory. A natural example is the trace form of a finite Galois extension. This form has the additional property of being invariant under the Galois group,leading to the notion of "self-dual nornal basis", introduced by Lenstra. The aim of this talk is to give a survey of this area, and to present some recent joint results with Parimala and Serre.


24th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry Proceedings

Greg Aloupis
David Bremner
Wed, Aug 8, 2012
Charlottetown, PEI
24th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry

This volume contains the official proceedings of the 24th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG’12), held in Charlottetown on August 8-10, 2012. These papers are also available electronically at and at

We thank the staff at Holland College, and in particular Tina Lesyk, Marsha Doiron and Tracey Campbell, for preparing the conference site.

We are grateful to the Program Committee for agreeing to a rigorous review process. They, and other reviewers, thoroughly examined all submissions and provided excellent feedback. Out of 75 papers submitted, 49 are contained in these proceedings. We thank the authors of all submitted papers, all those who have registered, and in particular Günter Ziegler, Pankaj Agarwal and Joseph Mitchell for presenting plenary lectures.

We also thank Sébastien Collette, who prepared these proceedings, as well as Perouz Taslakian and Narbeh Bedrossian who designed the conference logo.
Last but not least, we are grateful for sponsorship from AARMS, the Mprime Network, PIMS and the Fields Institute. Their financial support has helped us to cover many costs as well as provide significant funding to over 50 students and postdocs, including waivers of their registration fees.


2012 IGTC Summit: Prof. Steve Krone (Part II)

Prof. Steve Krone
Sun, Oct 14, 2012
Naramata Centre

Spontaneous pattern formation in spatial populations with cyclic dynamics

There are many examples in nature where a system goes through a succession of states that are cyclically related. Examples include ecological succession in a forest and SIRS models of epidemics. When such populations are spatially arranged (as are *all* populations to some degree), these cyclic dynamics can sometimes lead to the spontaneous formation of spatial patterns such as spiral waves. We will explore this phenomenon via interacting particle system models and related differential equations.


2012 IGTC Summit: Prof. Steve Krone (Part I)

Prof. Steve Krone
Sat, Oct 13, 2012
Naramata Centre

Individual-based stochastic spatial models and population biology

These talks will provide an introduction to individual-based stochastic spatial models (sometimes called interacting particle systems or stochastic cellular automata). We will proceed from very simple basic models to more elaborate ones, illustrating the ideas with examples of spatial biological population dynamics. We will compare these models and results with analogous differential equations (ODE and PDE) and see how they are connected. Biological topics will include spatial population growth and spread, epidemics, evolution of pathogens, and antibiotic resistance plasmids. Throughout, we will point out situations in which spatial structure can dramatically influence the ecology and evolution of populations.


On the Sylvester-Gallai Theorem

Ben Green
Wed, Sep 26, 2012
PIMS, University of British Columbia
PIMS/UBC Distinguished Colloquium

The Sylvester-Gallai Theorem states that, given any set P of n points in the plane not all on one line, there is at least one line through precisely two points of P. Such a line is called an ordinary line. How many ordinary lines must there be? The Sylvester-Gallai Theorem says that there must be at least one but, in recent joint work with T. Tao, we have shown that there must be at least n/2 if n is even and at least 3n/4 - C if n is odd, provided that n is sufficiently large. These results are sharp

Photos of this event are also available.


Mathematics of Doodling

Ravi Vakil
Tue, Oct 2, 2012 to Wed, Oct 3, 2012
PIMS, University of Calgary
Louise and Richard K. Guy Lecture Series

The Richard & Louise Guy Lecture Series is an annual lecture event bringing world-renowned mathematicians to Calgary to share the joy of mathematics with a public audience. The lecture series celebrates the joy of discovery and wonder in mathematics for everyone. Indeed, the lecture series was a 90th birthday present from Louise to Richard in recognition of his love of mathematics and his desire to share that love with the world.

This year's lecture is "The Mathematics of Doodling" delivered by Dr. Ravi Vakil (Stanford University):

"Doodling has many mathematical aspects: patterns, shapes, numbers,and more. Not surprisingly, there is often some sophisticated and fun mathematics buried inside common doodles. I’ll begin by doodling, and see where it takes us. It looks like play, but it reflects what mathematics is really about: finding patterns in nature, explaining them, and extending them. By the end, we’ll have seen important notions in geometry, topology, physics, and elsewhere; some fundamental ideas guiding the development of mathematics over the course of the last century; and ongoing work continuing today."


Multisector matching with cognitive and social skills: a stylized model for education, work and marriage

Robert McCann
Tue, Sep 25, 2012
PIMS, University of British Columbia
PIMS/UBC Distinguished Lecture Series

Economists are interested in studying who matches with whom (and why) in the educational, labour, and marriage sectors. With Aloysius Siow, Xianwen Shi, and Ronald Wolthoff, we propose a toy model for this process, which is based on the assumption that production in any sector requires completion of two complementary tasks. Individuals are assumed to have both social and cognitive skills, which can be modified through education, and which determine what they choose to specialize in and with whom they choose to partner.

Our model predicts variable, endogenous, many-to-one matching. Given a fixed initial distribution of characteristics, the steady state equilibrium of this model is the solution to an (infinite dimensional) linear program, for which we develop a duality theory which exhibits a phase transition depending on the number of students who can be mentored. If this number is two or more, then a continuous distributions of skills leads to formation of a pyramid in the education market with a few gurus having unbounded wage gradients. One preprint is on the arXiv; a sequel is in progress.

