2nd PIMS Summer School on Algebraic Geometry in High Energy Physics
The second in a series, this four-day virtual summer school aims to provide early-career researchers with new perspectives on algebraic geometry in high-energy physics. The summer school features four mini-courses by emerging and established researchers working at the interface of these two fields. The topics range from derived geometry, to twisted TQFTs, to N=2 supersymmetry, to BPS algebras, to elliptic fibrations. We plan for lively question and discussion periods following the talks, and hope that the school not only provides a learning opportunity but also a platform for building new research ties between geometers and physicists.
- Derived Geometry in Twists of Gauge Theories - Tudor Dimofte (UC Davis/Edinburgh)
- Elliptic Fibrations and Singularities to Anomalies and Spectra - Monica Jinwoo Kang (Caltech / KAIST)
- Geometry of N=2 Supersymmetry - Andy Neitzke (Yale)
- Branes, Quivers, and BPS Algebras - Miroslav Rapčák (UC Berkeley)
- Thomas Creutzig (University of Alberta)
- Steven Rayan (University of Saskatchewan)